Michele Nocerino
Carries on the legacy of her father: F.R. 'Nick'Nocerino
See Sha Na Ra Energized Crystal Skulls for sale
Michele Nocerino is the caretaker of Sha Na Ra and continues the life's work of her father F. R. 'Nick' Nocerino.
My father was a parapsychologist, teacher and researcher; many people feel that he was the foremost crystal skull expert of his time. He spent a great deal of his life studying crystal skulls, seeking to understand how they were used and what the information that he received from them meant. He blessed me with a profound metaphysical heritage and enriched my life with valuable knowledge and insights. I am dedicated to furthering my father’s legacy in the fields of parapsychology and crystal skulls, and it is a privilege to be able to share the energy of Sha Na Ra with people everywhere.
After my father first encountered a mystical crystal skull in France during WWII, he went on to study and document hundreds of crystal skulls, becoming the founder of the "Society of Crystal Skulls, International". People from all over the world sought out my father's expertise in this field, and he studied most of the known ancient crystal skulls, including the elusive "Ami", the mysterious "Mayan Skull" that has since disappeared, and many others.
Of all the crystal skulls my father worked with, Sha Na Ra was the only ancient skull that he was guardian to. He located it using his gift of psychic archeology and named the skull Sha Na Ra after one of his nine spirit guides. Sha Na Ra carries the energy of its relationship to the people who honored and created it, as well as the connection to how it was used, and how it will be used. My father believed that ancient crystal skulls were a doorway to a greater understanding of ourselves and our place in the universe in all its dimensions. It is with this understanding that I am honored to be of service with Sha Na Ra.
Michele is a naturally gifted intuitive healer who has inherited powerful and profound psychic gifts through several generations of her lineage. She has spent her entire life surrounded by crystals and crystal skulls of all kinds, and is inherently gifted in working with crystals, stones, color, cards and with various forms of healing. She has done such work for over thirty-five years, and believes that it is through these channels that one may access super-conscious resources, promoting joy, health and resilience. Making Sha Na Ra accessible to the public only furthers and supports her purpose in serving the wellbeing of others.
Michele warmly invites you to join her in taking a closer look into parapsychology and the mystery of ancient crystal skulls. She offers you the rare opportunity to personally experience the presence and healing energy of Sha Na Ra, which is one of the only ancient crystal skulls that people can actually touch and experience on a private and intimate basis.
You can email Michele directly to set up a
private appointment or an event with Sha Na Ra:
michele@shanara.com or directly at mjmagical8@aol.com
or call (925) 577-3957.
By the Ancient Crystal Skull SHA NA RA
The crystal skull Sha Na Ra, named for a Shaman Guide, is made of clear quartz. It has the unusual distinction of having been discovered in an actual archeological dig in Mexico - providing further credibility to its status as a truly ancient crystal skull.
F.R. "Nick" Nocerino, a professor of parapsychology and pioneer in crystal skull research, used his paranormal powers to locate SHA NA RA in Mexico in 1995. “Nick” Nocerino founded the Crystal Skulls Society International in 1945, and is considered to be the grandfather of crystal skull research. He worked extensively with SHA NA RA, which has also been with most of the known ancient crystal skulls in the world.

Sha Na Ra is one of the few crystal skulls that has been scientifically examined and proven to be truly ancient. It is one of the most important crystal skulls in the world today.
Michele Nocerino, daughter of the late F.R. 'Nick' Nocerino, is a powerful and gifted healer who is now the guardian of SHA NA RA. We are very grateful to Michele for lovingly energizing a special group of crystal skulls for us to offer through our sister website: www.AncientCrystalSkulls.com

See them here:
SHA NA RA Energized Crystal Skulls
and learn more about the
Ancient Crystal Skull SHA NA RA
I bought a small Lapis Lazlui skull energized by Sha Na Ra. My first purchase from crystal skulls.com. I have a few medium size skulls which put out a little energy but nothing close to this little skull. It was a pulsing expanding energy. The longer I held it the more energy I received. Later I realized the sensation I was experiencing is much like the Utube video of Sha Na Ra where you see the purple skull images shooting up from the skull. Amazing a skull this small has this much energy. Crystal skulls.com does it right! (read more testimonials) |
F.R. "Nick" Nocerino Archives
F.R. "Nick" Nocerino, founder of the Crystal Skulls Society International, is one of the few people on Earth who has studied and examined most of the known ancient crystal skulls in the world. Using psychic archeology, he located his own crystal skull, Sha Na Ra, which has been scientifically tested, and recognized as being truly ancient.
A lifetime of devoted research made F.R. 'Nick' Nocerino one of the world's foremost experts on crystal skulls. He was a true pioneer who became the leading authority on the subject as the popularity of crystal skulls started to emerge in the mid 1980's. His methodical explorations were credited with unraveling many of the mysteries surrounding crystal skulls.
Since his passing, his research material has been safely protected in a private library. His daughter, Michele Nocerino (who is carrying on the work and guardianship of Sha Na Ra), is now beginning to release some of what may be the most valuable information yet archived on the topic of crystal skulls - and many other fascinating subjects...
Nocerino DVD Collection
Rare Crystal Skull Double DVD
by the pioneer researcher of Crystal Skulls
F.R. "Nick" Nocerino

Volume 1:
Crystal Skulls: Dreams, Doorways, Dimensions
The Ancient crystal skulls hold a mystery
F.R.'Nick' Nocerino presents the keys to unlocking the secrets of the skulls. For more than 55 years, Nick has been actively researching the skulls and teaching in the metaphysical field.
Volume 2:
Skull Trek: The Journey of the Crystal Skulls
Over 20 skulls are presented in close-up photography
Featured are Sha-Na-Ra, ET, the Jesuit, the Rainbow, the Mystic Agate and Max, the Texas skull. Presented by the foremost crystal skull expert, Mr. F.R. 'Nick' Nocerino, this video is a must for your library. Included are elementary research phases such as x-ray, psychometry, light beam testing, and scrying session.
Nocerino & Crystal Skulls Double DVD
$35(S&H $7.95)
I DID enjoy watching the DVD of Nick and the skulls. I can tell I'm still processing the information - and will probably watch it again.
Specifically I can tell you that it gave me specific information that i didn't have before, and gave me ideas of how I can work with my crystal skull.
I actually starting seeing pictures inside him the day after I watched it, so I feel like I've jumped up a notch on my journey.
I want to watch again and pause and zoom up close and just feel the energy from each of the different skulls as he's working with them. I know I've just tapped into the tip of the iceberg, and I again thank you for all you do to help me, and all of us seekers, on our journeys. (read more testimonials)
Nocerino Guided Crystal Meditation CD

Journey into the Crystal Skulls
A rare honor and privilege to be guided into meditation with your crystals or crystal skulls, listening to the voice of master teacher and researcher F.R. "Nick" Nocerino.
(CS-N-CD-1) Nocerino Guided Crystal Meditation
$20(S&H $7.95)
