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Azurite Crystal Skulls

The Forbidden Stone of Mastery: AZURITE

Edgar Cayce, one of the most prolific and prophetic seers of all time, was led by Spirit to seek out Azurite in order to have “Visionary Experiences” that guided him fully into his life’s work. According to Light Grid: “The vibratory essence of what he [Edgar Cayce] termed the 'Singing Stones' allowed him to gain greater insight of his life purpose & regain understanding, as he was experiencing a great life crisis, a dark night of the soul… He was guided to specific locations of rich deposits of Copper/Azurite in Arizona & then to Azurite Mines in Nogales Mexico. He experienced amazing Visions... manifestations, teleportations & life Purpose Clarity... 200 feet below the Earth in Azurite Crystal Deposits... What was it that allowed this clarity, according to the readings, it was a rare, and hidden quality of one of the most powerful vibratory mineral gems on the earth...” AZURITE!

According to readings from Edgar Cayce, a psychically-inclined person could hold azurite in his or her hands for five or ten minutes and potentially raise their psychic vibrations to such an extent that miraculous things could happen. The readings also suggested that azurite, when exposed or charged by sunlight, and held in the hand or against the skin, could enhance an individual's ability to more closely follow their vocational path.

Edgar Cayce referred to Azurite as “Lapis Linguis”, and strongly recommended Azurite for psychically 'advanced' souls for further alignment to purpose and greater soul development.  The rare Azurite minerals are said to be capable of enhancing astral travel and teleportation. Azurite can be so potent that in some cases the Cayce readings cautioned that it may be too strong for some people, and suggested encasing them in a light coating of glass to reduce their intensity. However, the advanced soul could hold it against the skin for specific use, and activating azurite in sunlight could open the chakras, thyroid and pineal. 

The Cayce readings make it clear that knowledge of how Azurite crystals are to be used was a highly developed science in Atlantis and ancient Egypt, and a closely guarded secret since the times of antiquity. In these ancient cultures and advanced mystical societies, Azurite’s power and capabilities were so revered that it was restricted to be used only by initiated masters and savants capable of handling its intense capacity... and was forbidden to the layman: The Forbidden Stone of Mastery!

Azurite is called the "Stone of Heaven" as it can open celestial doorways and connect you with the Divine mind. Azurite enhances intuition and psychic abilities, develops greater psychic awareness and increases psychic accuracy. An Azurite Crystal Skull can activate the third eye, throat and crown chakras; it can facilitate meditation and entering altered states, and also improves memory, concentration, confidence and creativity.

Ancient History

Azurite is a rare stone that has been revered for thousands of years by ancient civilizations all over the world, from the Ancient Egyptians, to the Mayans, Greeks, Romans and Chinese.

In ancient Egypt, Azurite was sacred as it was believed to aid spiritual communication and was valued by high priests to raise their awareness to a God-conscious state. Egyptian temple priests used a pigment made from Azurite to paint the protective eye of Horus on their foreheads, believing it increased their powers.

The Mayans used Azurite to stimulate and inspire the psychic and mystical self, and to facilitate the transfer of information, knowledge and wisdom via thought. Called Caeruleum by the ancient Greeks, Azurite was used in healing ceremonies. Azurite was also revered by the Romans for its healing powers and visionary insights.

In ancient Chinese lore it was called the “Stone of Heaven” because it was believed to be a celestial gateway that could open the door to spiritual heaven. Native Americans used this sacred stone to contact their spirit guides, supporting them to fully feel their presence and understand their messages.

Legends claim that Azurite was one of the most powerful healing stones in Atlantis – its psychic powers were so potent that the secrets to its use were known only to the highest priests and priestesses, who kept it so shrouded in mystery that many of its secrets are now thought to be lost.

Today, Azurite is a highly sought-after crystal in the world of gemstones - its stunning blue color evolved over millennia through reactions between copper, hydrogen, carbonate, and oxygen. Azurite features deep contrasting shades of blue, which comes from its fusion with Malachite, a closely related mineral that contains nearly the same chemistry.

Blue Azurite is often found in a stunning combination with green This stone connects the loving energy of the heart with the mind. Azurite’s powerful energies can be beneficial in all facets of one’s life. (see these many particular benefits)

RARE!  Half-Kilo Azurite Crystal Skull

#AZU-L-537 : Azurite Crystal Skull   
Approx. 1.2 Lb  (535 g)
L: 3.3" W: 2.5" H: 2.9"

This striking 1.2-pound orange-size Azurite crystal skull measures 3.3 inches from front to back. It has veins of royal blue Azurite all over, with green Malachite veins throughout the lower half, plus light blue Chrysocolla at the back, and a touch of Turquoise on the crown, within a brown stone matrix. (This combination of minerals connects the loving energy of the heart with the mind.) This Azurite crystal skull is hand-carved and rocks slightly from side to side. It has several small deep vugs and crystal caves showing the sparkling deep blue Azurite crystals. There are very unique deep vugs in the eyes that look like pupils. It is quite smoothly polished, with a large rough notch on the right eye.

Price: $595(S&H $16.95)

(These are photos of the actual crystal skull you will receive)

Azurite is called the "Stone of Heaven" as it can open celestial doorways and connect you with the Divine mind. Azurite enhances intuition and psychic abilities, develops greater psychic awareness and increases psychic accuracy. An Azurite Crystal Skull can activate the third eye, throat and crown chakras; it can facilitate meditation and entering altered states, and also improves memory, concentration, confidence and creativity.

more about the beneficial properties of Azurite


RARE!  3.3-Inch Azurite Crystal Skull

#AZU-L-587 : Azurite Crystal Skull   
Approx. 1.3 Lb  (590 g)
L: 3.3" W: 2.6" H: 3.2"

This 3.3-inch orange-size Azurite crystal skull weighs 1.3 pounds. It is covered in veins of royal blue Azurite, with stunning veins of green Malachite, touches of light blue Chrysocolla on the sides, within a brown stone matrix. This Azurite crystal skull is hand-carved and quite smoothly polished, with several deep veins and vugs of dark blue Azurite crystals around the skull, including a thin diagonal vein that creates a ridge at the top of the nose, and a very deep cave at the back with Azurite and Malachite crystals.

Price: $650(S&H $17.95)

(These are photos of the actual crystal skull you will receive)

Azurite is called the "Stone of Heaven" as it can open celestial doorways and connect you with the Divine mind. Azurite enhances intuition and psychic abilities, develops greater psychic awareness and increases psychic accuracy. An Azurite Crystal Skull can activate the third eye, throat and crown chakras; it can facilitate meditation and entering altered states, and also improves memory, concentration, confidence and creativity.

more about the beneficial properties of Azurite



RARE!  6-Inch Azurite Crystal Skull

#AZU-L-2187 : Azurite Crystal Skull   
Approx. 4.8 Lb  (2.2 Kg)
L: 6" W: 4.1" H: 4.6"

This large 6-inch melon-size Azurite crystal skull weighs nearly 5 pounds. It has deep veins of royal blue Azurite, green Malachite, light blue Chrysocolla, and a touch of Turquoise on the crown, within a brown stone matrix. This crystal skull is hand-carved in anatomical detail, with the jaw and cheekbones hollowed out, and some notches on the right cheekbone. It has several stunning deep veins and vugs of dark blue Azurite crystals around the skull, as well as vugs of rare emerald green Malachite crystals at the back and underneath, creating some rough edges. This is a spectacular Azurite crystal skull!

Price: $2200(S&H $44.95)

(These are photos of the actual crystal skull you will receive)

Azurite is called the "Stone of Heaven" as it can open celestial doorways and connect you with the Divine mind. Azurite enhances intuition and psychic abilities, develops greater psychic awareness and increases psychic accuracy. An Azurite Crystal Skull can activate the third eye, throat and crown chakras; it can facilitate meditation and entering altered states, and also improves memory, concentration, confidence and creativity.

more about the beneficial properties of Azurite


RARE!  Life-Size Azurite Crystal Skull

#AZU-L-2582 : Azurite Crystal Skull   
Approx. 5.7 Lb  (2.6 Kg)
L: 6.5" W: 4" H: 5.2"

This large 6.5-inch melon-size Azurite crystal skull weighs nearly 6 pounds. It has deep veins and large vugs of royal blue Azurite crystals, as well as vugs with green Malachite, and light blue Chrysocolla, with touches of Turquoise on the crown, within a brown stone matrix. It also has rough areas of copper on the crown, near a large blue Azurite vug on the right side. This crystal skull is hand-carved in extraordinary anatomical detail, with the jaw and cheekbones hollowed out, and even includes the nasal passages (this allows you to breathe into the crystal skull, to program intentions and become of "one mind"). The natural vugs create some rough and uneven areas, including in the chin.

Pric: $2600(S&H $49.95)

(These are photos of the actual crystal skull you will receive)

Azurite is called the "Stone of Heaven" as it can open celestial doorways and connect you with the Divine mind. Azurite enhances intuition and psychic abilities, develops greater psychic awareness and increases psychic accuracy. An Azurite Crystal Skull can activate the third eye, throat and crown chakras; it can facilitate meditation and entering altered states, and also improves memory, concentration, confidence and creativity.

more about the beneficial properties of Azurite


7-Inch Azurite Crystal Skull

#AZU-L-3783 : Azurite Crystal Skull   
Approx. 8.3 Lb  (3.78 Kg)
L: 7" W: 5" H: 5.7"

This LIFE-SIZE 7-inch Azurite crystal skull weighs over 8 pounds. It has deep vugs of royal blue Azurite crystals all over the skull, especially at the back where they are very large and intentially left rough to access the raw power of the Azurite when you touch these areas. It has some small veins of green Malachite, light blue Chrysocolla, and a touch of Turquoise on the crown, within a brown stone matrix. (This combination of minerals connects the loving energy of the heart with the mind.) This crystal skull is hand-carved in anatomical detail, with the jaw and cheekbones hollowed out, with a rough fissure on the right jaw (which upon close inspection looks like it has been glued by the carver and is somewhat fragile, therefore we are offering this skull at a large discount). It also has a vug of blue Azurite crystals that creates a notch under the right eye. The natural vugs create some rough and uneven areas around the skull.

Price: $3800(S&H $64.95)
*50% OFF Sale Price $1900


(These are photos of the actual crystal skull you will receive)

Azurite is called the "Stone of Heaven" as it can open celestial doorways and connect you with the Divine mind. Azurite enhances intuition and psychic abilities, develops greater psychic awareness and increases psychic accuracy. An Azurite Crystal Skull can activate the third eye, throat and crown chakras; it can facilitate meditation and entering altered states, and also improves memory, concentration, confidence and creativity.

more about the beneficial properties of Azurite



I just had to write about my last purchase as I am so thrilled once again.  I have several wonderful Amar, ET and Sha Na Ra charged skulls from you in different crystal and mineral forms but this newest, a large Azurite beauty is just astounding, both to look at in person and the energies are non stop when you hold it....I mean non hands and arms tingling intensely with super charging contact. I didn't pick out the ones with the overall even look of the Azurite mix but this one who picked me out actually, is somewhat blotchy in spots but still loaded with the blues and greens in stand out amounts around her. Her head is somewhat cream to white in purity and the back of her head has a large dark area with sparkles which call me into outer space. I write all this to let you know ALL of her is fabulous with her special attributes.  We are to have a long a prosperous friendship and me, a good education working more with this special skull and the Azurite.

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More Benefits of Azurite

Azurite’s deep blue energy stimulates the Third Eye Chakra in awakening the psychic and intuitive self, and in opening the mind to spiritual guidance – it also enhances the intellect. It aligns the chakras and attunes the physical body to the ethereal, dissolving blockages throughout the system. Azurite inspires the search for truth in one’s personal reality, assisting one to let go of old programmed belief systems, and expanding one’s awareness to a deeper understanding. It provides insight into all areas of life, and can help to realize one’s own inner source of Light to create Heaven on Earth.

Azurite’s powerful energies
can be beneficial in all facets of one’s life:

For Memory and Studying
Azurite strongly supports the intellect and aids clarity of thought by stimulating the intellectual areas of the brain. It is an excellent stone for anyone who is studying as it facilitates recalling and retaining information. It also helps one to understand a subject clearly by expanding the mind, and may help one to perceive a new approach to what one is learning. It helps maintain focus and concentration, and enhances memory. 

For Business and Creativity
Azurite enhances confidence, helping you to accomplish whatever you wish to achieve, and to be more effective at getting it done. This may also springboard you to the next level in whatever you are doing. It is an excellent crystal for examinations, interviews, presentations, or negotiations, as it promotes calm, recall, insight and creative thinking. In business, Azurite can assist you to understand other people’s motivations, and to recognize the truth. Azurite also fortifies long-term career plans, especially in large or very structured organizations (it is said to be particularly beneficial for careers in all governmental departments, museums, libraries and universities). Having Azurite in your office or studio channels its healing properties, allowing you to experience a constant flow of its powerful energy that stimulates creativity and enhances intuition. Before you begin work on a project, sit quietly with Azurite for twenty minutes to benefit from its inspiring energy. 

For Spiritual Insight and Psychic Development
Azurite enhances spiritual connection, stimulates the mind and attunes it to spiritual guidance. It assists in developing clairvoyance and psychic visions, and aids channeling. It facilitates connecting with spirit guides and understanding the messages that come through. Azurite helps psychics, mediums, channels, or other Light workers to improve the accuracy of their interpretations and to maintain objectivity. It is known to promote mystical experiences, and may reveal a new understanding of yourself and how your spirituality affects your life. Azurite resonates with the higher chakras, assisting your consciousness to rise to higher levels. It strengthens and supports the crown, third eye and throat chakras: in the crown chakra, Azurite connects you with the Divine mind; it cleanses and activates the third eye chakra, enhancing creativity and inner wisdom; it also clears the throat chakra, stimulating stronger communication. Azurite facilitates entering altered states of consciousness, and provides protection for astral traveling and out-of-body journeying. Azurite enhances dreams, dreamwork and dream recall, as well as past life recall.

For Meditation
Azurite is a stone of inner vision, making it an excellent stone to use in meditation. It is a calming stone that helps you to relax and enter deep meditative states, stilling your mind and letting go of mundane thoughts so you can easily enter the void of “no-mind”. It lets one travel deep within the inner being to receive spiritual guidance or to explore past or alternate lives in order to recover information and knowledge from those lifetimes. It also supports memory and recall, helping you to retain awareness of spiritual insights and information that comes through to you from your guides or other beings in the higher realms. Azurite clears the higher chakras to create better connections to the Divine mind. 

For Healing and Stress
Azurite cleanses and strengthens the emotional body, releasing stress and worry, and overcoming grief and sadness. Physically, it is said to assist healing of broken bones when it is in combination with either Malachite or Chrysocolla. It also supports the health of the spine. Azurite is good for older people who live alone to help maintain their independence, mental alertness and physical health. It is a good stone for Alzheimer’s, dementia and other degenerative brain-related disorders, as well as aging. 

For Communication and Relationships
Azurite lends the courage to overcome negative patterns of behavior stemming from insecurity and fear. It can help those who are deceptive or who lie habitually to be more clear and truthful to themselves and to others. It calms those who talk too much out of nervousness, and encourages those who hold back their self-expression to verbalize their thoughts and feelings. Azurite lessens tensions between different generations when sharing a home, including relations involved in step-parenting, and can help overcome domestic bullying by one’s children, partner, parents, or friends who believe they know best. If you're having issues with communication, the combination of Azurite and Malachite is excellent for balancing the heart and throat chakras. 

History and Care
Azurite was ground and used as a pigment in blue paint as early as ancient Egypt, and was the most important blue pigment used in Europe during the Middle Ages and Renaissance. However, its blue sapphire color has a tendency to become lighter or turn green when exposed to ultraviolet rays or excessive moisture, which makes it important to keep it in a dry place away from sunlight. Store azurite in darkness, away from heat and moisture, and where air circulation is limited. 


“They” arrived last night. I tend to say she but when I look at Azurite I see he... so they...arrived yesterday.
Such different energy from the others & indeed gorgeous! Instantly felt a communication from them & was led to rub the round of the skull several times to build up an energy on my hand... I felt a deep grounding taking place holding it in either hand. They are now positioned with the other two in a triad. I am looking forward to working with Them accessing the psychic properties of the stone they are made of. 
It’s interesting because another similar sized skull that is on a shelf below it is starting to be more active & I brought it over to be with the last MH meditation a few days ago. 

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These crystal skulls were specially activated in a ceremony with Amar, the rare Tibetan crystal skull that has been used in Tibet for healing and divination. They have also been activated in the presence of an authentic Mayan crystal skull that has been used in ceremonies for healing, fertility and prosperity.

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