what makes our Crystal Skulls special
High Quality Activated Crystal Skulls

The Crystal Skull Sanctuary - home of CrystalSkulls.com
A specially dedicated room in which the Tibetan Crystal Skull AMAR sits on an altar in constant communion with all the crystal skulls.

The Tibetan Crystal Skull Amar welcomes all crystal skulls.
We have been collecting crystals throughout this lifetime and have worked professionally in crystal healing and intuitive arts for over 20 years. We have a room devoted entirely to crystal skulls which allows them to commune with each other in peace and harmony. Near this Crystal Skull Sanctuary is a grand room with a large circular marble table inlaid with semi-precious stones upon which we do activations and ceremonies overlooking a magnificent lake.

The Tibetan Crystal Skull, Amar, surrounded by pocket crystal skulls on a special marble table inlaid with genuine semi-precious stones: Lapis, Malachite, Aquamarine, Carnelian, Aventurine, Amethyst, Jade & Agate.
I have several unique skulls in my collection, but this skull I recently purchased from you is noticeably more powerful and mysterious than even my biggest skull. It won't let me put it down. Whatever you guys do, you do it right. Thank you!(read more testimonials)
Why buy from us?
At www.CrystalSkulls.com we seek out the highest quality crystal skulls we can find from around the world. We find the highest quality stones, and we seek the highest quality carvings. We handle each and every crystal skull individually, from the smallest crystal skulls to those weighing over 20 pounds – and everything in between. When we receive new crystal skulls, we unpack them with great care and welcome them with love and admiration - we then energize them with the Tibetan Crystal Skull AMAR after clearing them with light and sound vibration.

Crystal Skull Sound Activation (with Drum)
What makes our crystal skulls different?
At crystalskulls.com, we usually get crystal skulls from the source that has a direct connection to the carver. Whenever we receive new crystal skulls, we place them on a magnificent round marble table that is inlaid with semi-precious stones: aquamarine, malachite, carnelian, amethyst, lapis lazuli, jade, agate, etc. Each crystal skull becomes infused and energized with the properties and vibrations of each of these stones. The new crystal skulls are arranged in circular matrix with Amar in the center, with dozens of crystal skulls of all sizes, energizing each other so they come to you optimally activated.

The Tibetan Crystal Skull, Amar, in the center of the table (on the right), and the Mayan Blue Jade Skull Cana Ixim in the center foreground (with the unique Mayan glyphs carved on top).
If certain crystal skulls are meant to work together, they are immediately hand-selected and matched in sets to optimize their energy and purpose - for example, the powerful 12 sets or 7 chakra sets. These sets are energized together in the presence of Amar, and are kept together to increase their energetic vibration and synchronistic power matrix.

Crystal Skulls being welcomed and activated with Amar.
Then we light candles and work with sound to cleanse and energize the crystal skulls – all of our crystal skulls spend time in close proximity to the Tibetan Crystal Skull, Amar. We set the highest universal intentions that each and every skull will bring peace, prosperity, health, abundance, joy, love and wellbeing to all whom they encounter.

Crystal Skulls enjoying a candlelight activation ceremony with Amar, and the Mayan jade skull Cana Ixim.
All of your skulls have such incredible energy and insights, they are truly a joy to receive! Love and Light,(read more testimonials)
At times of the full moon, new moon, and at equinoxes, solstices and other sacred times throughout the year, the crystal skulls are energized with the rare Tibetan crystal skull, Amar, as well as with a Mayan blue jade crystal skull that the Mayans call Cana Ixim, which was used in ceremonies for healing, abundance and prosperity.

Solstice Crystal Skulls Activation
Each crystal skull is handled individually with a great deal of love, care and attention.

Crystal skulls enjoy being with each other - the more the merrier! They energize each other, and become more powerful in numbers. At CrystalSkulls.com, it is like a crystal skull gathering every day!
All the crystal skulls are kept in a special “sanctuary” room in clear open cases where they can continually commune with Amar’s energy, as well as with the energy of the Mayan Blue Jade Skull Cana Ixim which was used in ceremonies for healing and abundance. It is like a perpetual crystal skull gathering where the crystal skulls all activate and energize each other on a constant basis.

We make sure that all of our crystal skulls are highly activated
so youreceive the most energy and benefits from them.
Thank you so much for taking the care to charge and package my skull! It arrived fully charged and ready to use. I am still always amazed when I order a new skull and it arrives as to the beauty and craftsmanship. I have recently taken to Reiki. This new skull is amplifying my learning and results.
(read more testimonials)

Crystal Skulls being energized with AMAR
Handling and Shipping of your Crystal Skulls
When we receive an order, each crystal skull is specifically selected intuitively for that particular person – this is true even for the smallest crystal skulls. The skulls that have been ordered are once again placed on the large marble table inlaid with semi-precious stones overlooking the mystical lake. Amar is placed in the center of this table to further energize and activate the crystal skulls before they are sent to their new guardian. We often perform special ceremonies and activations with the cycles of the moon, and on other special, sacred and auspicious dates.

Final activation before shipping out orders.
We take a great deal of care packing the crystal skulls to make sure they arrive safely at their destination to fulfill their destiny. Then we bring them to the postal service, where they make their way all over the world. When people receive crystal skulls from us, we often hear how they can feel the power and energy of our crystal skulls the moment they open the package. This is because we take great care to fully energize the crystal skulls at the highest vibration and to the optimal frequency that will be of greatest benefit to you.

Final activation strengthens the connection to each new guardian.
I must say that Amar was the ancient one that spoke to me at a very deep level. Amar charged several of my skull friends and one in particular was so transformed by the experience that I was shocked when I looked at her. (read more testimonials)
Our mission, our pledge, and our commitment.
We believe that crystal skulls can help change people’s lives for the better – because we know that crystal skulls have changed our lives for the better. Crystal skulls are emerging at this pivotal time to support the Earth, and to help raise the consciousness of humanity. We are honored to play our part by sending crystal skulls to people all over the world, making sure that these crystal skulls hold the highest possible vibrational energy and activation so they can be of greatest service to those for whom they are destined.

We treat each crystal skull with love and reverence –
from the smallest pocket-size skulls,
to the largest life-size ascension crystal skulls.
We are honored to be stewards of the crystal skulls, and to be able to work with the powerful energy of Amar. It gives us great pleasure and delight to provide people with the perfect skull for them, to offer them personalized service, and to receive the gratification of hundreds of testimonials acknowledging the power and the beauty of the crystal skulls that we offer.

The crystal skull matrix changes constantly as new crystal skulls arrive to be activated before going to their new guardians.
We take great care in packing and shipping our crystal skulls, because we want people to enjoy them right away, so we make every effort to ship out crystal skulls as soon as possible. However, we also make sure that the crystal skulls are fully energized and activated, so sometimes we are guided to wait until after a full moon or other ceremony before shipping them out.

Special ceremonies optimize your crystal skulls

I received the skull today, and I must say he is absolutely wonderful and beautiful!! I was speechless when I unwrapped him from the packaging....Very loving and happy energy! Same as with the labradorite skull I purchased from you in November, these skulls emit such a high vibration that they literally tickle in your hands!
Your skulls are the all around best in my opinion along with fast shipping and extremely good packaging as well......I know that I will be ordering from you again and again. Thank you very very much! . (read more testimonials)

Even after orders are sent off, Amar continues to connect with all its seedlings all over the world.
about us
We have been collecting crystals throughout this lifetime and have worked professionally in crystal healing and intuitive arts for over 20 years. Crystal skulls have profoundly changed our lives for the better since the beginning of 2006 (initially coming to us through synchronicities to help us heal from the sudden loss of a loved one). This website began from our research into this extraordinary phenomenon of crystal skulls and has grown as we continue to learn new information about these crystalline beings.

The rare 22-pound Tibetan Crystal Skull, Amar
When crystals are carved into crystal skulls, they become a powerful tool for profound healing and expanding consciousness. They each have their own unique “personality” and a consciousness of their own. Crystal skulls actually become more like companions and guides – although they are intriguing to look at, they are far more than a simple crystal carving.

MD of CrystalSkulls.com
Honored to be of service to you, to humanity, and to the crystal skulls.
We also specialize in ultra-clear near-flawless quartz crystal skulls, which is becoming extremely rare to find. The clearer the quartz, the more it purifies the mind, raising consciousness in preparation for ascension in the times to come. These ultra-clear crystal skulls hold and store light, and seem to glow from within. They have a unique camera-like effect, where you can literally see through the eyes of the crystal skull. They are powerful amplifiers and projectors of thought, allowing for the highest levels of channeling, inspiration, creativity, attraction and manifestation.

Ascension Crystal Skull having a direct connection with the Tibetan Crystal Skull Amar - these are the most highly energized crystal skulls we offer. This photograph has not been retouched in any way and did not have any artificial light or flash - this effect occurred in natural sunlight just before sunset.
A quick feedback on the crystal skull (indie)...I actually received it the same day as your email (yesterday)...talk about timing!!!
I am very satisfied with the product as well as the speed of the dispatch. I have since ordered the mp3 meditations and activations...and I am very much looking forward to "work" with the skull...
What drew me to this skull is the fact that it has been activated by Amar.
Once again thanks for the service and no doubt I will be back for further services.
(read more testimonials)

Crystal Skull Matrix: We make sure your crystal skull will be energetically optimizedto benefit you.
This collection is PACKED with very clear and powerful energy. My new collection of 32 new skulls arrived on 12-20-12. Timing could not be more prefect. Among them a 12-12-12 pirate skull, a 7 skull chakra set, and a quartz wand. Every skull I received has its own energy signature, and there aura, once again, was very bright and colorful. It was like gazing into a beautiful rainbow of serenity!
In preparation of my 12-21-12 ceremony, I fallowed my intuition and arranged these skulls (along with my 13 set I already ordered earlier) with the 12 in a circle, about 6' in diameter. I pointed the 'North' skull to true north. Within, just 'beneath' the 'north' skull, I arranged the chakra set, my 2 gift skulls (one from my previous order) along with another. Including the first one to the right of the north skull, I completed a new matrix of 12 skulls. I did the same on the skull to the left of the north skull. Beneath the chakra setup I also included my wand, pointing north, the pyrite was below that atop a photo of Amar with 12 skulls and the '13th' skull of my 13 set was in the center atop another photo of Amar with 12 skulls. After a circle of protection was cast and 24 hrs later, I sat in the circle (on 12-21-12) with these very complex and powerfully energetic guys. As I crossed my legs and got comfortable, I placed my hands out to feel the energy; my left hand was over the matrix on the left side and my right hand over the right matrix. An amazing sensation came over me, like a spiritual waterfall, I felt my right hand getting warmer and my left hand cooler (this again was a first for me). Amazingly this was just the preliminaries.
As I began my meditation, using a variety of guided meditations, including some I have received previously, my visions became unusually clear, my concentration was more sharply focused than before. I opened my eyes and picked up the wand, I waved the wand over the skulls that aided most closely to my intentions (truth be told, I included every one of them.) as I hovered over the two inner matrixes I again noticed the temperature difference, thinking it was my ceiling fan I used my remote to turn it off. There seemed to be a breeze coming out of both matrixes at this point.. anyways (and here's the funny part) as I continued, I came over the pyrite. It was like something out of the twilight zone! My wand literally floated!!! I could not believe my eyes so I asked another member of my circle to test this himself and it happened to him as well! These unexplained phenomenon set me straight in coming to the reality of these skulls. I invited every one of my circle members to try this out and here's the kicker - In addition, Everyone receive a personalized message including myself and it is my belief that they came from Amar himself, thru the pyrite skull! Truly amazing.
Since I received this collection, the metaphysical, synchronization of this set is truly out of this world, just holding select skulls have a profound effect. Everyone who I've shared them with were lost for words. I will cherish this life changing experience and this collection for the rest of my life. I cannot thank everyone at crystalskulls.com enough for their tireless efforts and very kind words in this very involved order, nothing was missing or misplaced and the packaging was very nice, the skulls arrived without a glitch!
(read more testimonials)
This skull is amazing! He is so loving, beautiful, and potent! I have been setting my intent with this newly made skull, and intending that it teach me what I need to know to ascend, move into a higher frequency, open more DNA strands, move into 5D, help myself, mankind and the planet move forward.
BTW, I have ordered some skulls from China off ebay, some from another well known source and from individuals...one that I got had such disturbing feel to it I needed to remove it from the tribe. I was hoping it could absorb energy from the others, but after a week, it was so unpleasant it had to go. Maybe I could have done something, but I did not want to. So, the energies are there, and tangible.(read more testimonials)

Tibetan Crystal Skull Amar re-energizing in his Amethyst Crystal Cave
I just received my Crystal Skulls and they are beautiful! I can't wait to work with them. Thank you for the exceptional service as well, and I will definitely be ordering from crystalskulls .com in the future. (read more testimonials)

Click here for tools to create your own sacred crystal skulls space
Click Here for more info on crystal skull
ceremonies and rituals
I received my crystal skulls yesterday, and I'm very pleased. I like them alot, good energy and very nice gift, thanx alot :) I will definetly purchase more from your site later on. Thanx again! (read more testimonials)
I confirm that the rubis zoisite skull is well arrived here in France in time, in it's new house. I can feel its powerfull and sweet energy.
I knew the skull was arriving before the factor has ring at my door because my heart began to beat with passion ... and without thinking, I felt it was time to open my house door. The factor said "oh I was about to ring, but you are here ! here is your packet".
There is such a presence in this beautifull skull !
(read more testimonials)
Everyone who sees them (my crystal skulls) are flabbergasted and We are very Glad and Happy to have found you in the first place. Comparing other Skull shops, you are my FAVORITE SHOP, and You are very Nice by your self too..(read more testimonials)
