More than just a crystal skull newsletter
I'm always looking forward to reading your monthly newsletter! I must say that this one opened my eyes where I didn't want to blink so I wouldn't miss a word!!! (read more testimonials)
The CRYSTAL SKULL GUARDIAN (See Sample Newsletter) is the free newsletter
offering you the best way to stay informed on everything that is happening in the world of crystal skulls. Once a month, you will receive new information, discoveries and insights about crystal skulls, as well as new crystal skulls available for sale. Just fill in this form and receive as our gift your ULTIMATE CRYSTAL SKULL GUIDE e-book with the Top 10 Things You Need To Know about crystal skulls - plus a special bonus free crystal skull meditation.
Thank you for this beautifully written sacred info . I have clarity now re skulls that I've been looking for.(read more testimonials)
Thank you it is a beautiful book, one to be read and reread. I am so looking forward to receiving my crystal skulls and the cards.Kindest Regards.
(read more testimonials)
I must say that you ladies and gents are really assisting me with my "waking up" process. I do not know who is working with you in the other realms, nor do I need to know. I am just sincerely grateful to all involved for such assistance and wish to say, "keep up the exceptional work". I pray that the Blessings I have been receiving only pale in comparison to the Blessings you will be receiving for being such Divine Beings. The overwhelming Peace and Love that I feel due to all of your efforts to get to me these very real and useful pieces of my puzzle, in order to be re-united with my Star Family, words just cannot and could never accurately convey in our Earthly understanding. Thank you. Namaste,! (read more testimonials)
Just love my skull which arrived yesterday. I knew he was about to arrive. I have called him Loric and just love the feeling of love and calm which he is emanating. Thank you so much. Also loved the book, so many thanks for that as well. (read more testimonials)
Visiting your crystalskulls- site regularly continues to be a great inspiration. Information that also goes beyond words, through the skulls eyes: simply Being, Aware and Present. (read more testimonials) |
Love your skulls and news letters! I'm excited to add these skulls to my collection! Thank you! (read more testimonials)
