SPECIAL Crystal Skull SETS
What makes our crystal skulls special?
The power of crystal skulls is amplified exponentially when they work together in these crystal skull sets. A circle of 12 crystal skulls of the same size, shape and stone creates a powerful matrix that can be a portal to higher frequencies and dimensions of consciousness. Together the group of 12 creates a powerful energy that you can use around yourself or around your favorite crystal skull to harness the power of 12 + 1 according to ancient crystal skull legends. They can also be extremely beneficial when placed in a circle around your bed or healing table.
Twelve skulls of the same size and stone create a synergistic matrix to focus and charge energy. The effect is one of increased power, balance and harmony that creates a sacred space and a vortex for energizing and manifesting. Placing anything within this circle amplifies and intensifies the focus, energy and power of your intention: you can put yourself in the center to enhance meditation, healing and protection; place a word, photo or intention in the center to amplify the law of attraction; or place any crystal skull in the center of the 12 crystal skulls to energize it and intensify its power and properties.
Our 12 crystal skull sets have garnered amazing responses as they amplify the power of your favorite crystal skulls. Think of it as a re-charging station for your crystal skulls by placing them in the center of the circle (or to recharge yourself by surrounding yourself with a circle of 12 harmonious crystal skulls).
See also Chakra Crystal Skull Sets
12 Fluorite Crystal Skull Set

#CS-12-F : Fluorite 12 Crystal Skulls Set
Each crystal skull is approx. .4 oz / (10 g)
L: 1" W: .6" H: .7"
These 1-inch Purple Fluorite crystal skull sets each have a variety purple fluorite, from light purple with clear bands, to lilac or grape purple, to dark purple that glows magenta when you hold it up to the light. They have a very nice carving style and are smoothly polished, with some ridges, white areas, or minor rough edges.
Fluorite is a powerful mental healer known as the "Genius Stone". Fluorite can connect the individual mind with the Universal mind, enhancing intuitive abilities. It is excellent for calming the mind, and promotes peaceful sleep.
Fluorite is a wonderful stone for amplifying energies - it is effective for auric cleansing and assists in reaching a deeper state of meditation. It encourages stability and reaching goals.
Read more about the power of 12 crystal skulls here.
Regular Price: $240for 12 crystal skulls (S&H $19.95)
SPECIAL 30% OFF Price for Set $168
(Each is carved with similar features as pictured)

Fluorite is a powerful stone for the mind, often called the “Genius Stone”. It supports creativity, clear thinking and mental healing, and promotes concentration, discernment of truth and decision-making. When carved into a crystal skull, Fluorite can enhance the connection with the higher mind, higher consciousness, and the Higher Self.
more about the beneficial properties of Fluorite
12 Howlite Crystal Skull Set

#CS-12-HL : Howlite 12 Crystal Skulls Set
Each crystal skull is approx. .4 oz / (10 g)
L: 1" W: .6" H: .7"
Howlite is a calming stone; it calms an overactive mind and can aid insomnia. It is very useful for reducing stress and promoting patience. It also helps to eliminate anger, resentment and pain. Placing these 1-inch Howlite crystal skulls around you in a circle or around your bed can be very powerful to support peace and tranquility.
Read more about the power of 12 crystal skulls here.
Regular Price: $240for 12 crystal skulls (S&H $19.95)
SPECIAL 40% OFF Price for Set $144
(Each is carved with similar features as pictured)
Howlite is a stone of memory, knowledge, and progress. It encourages reasoning, observation and discernment. Howlite is helpful for overcoming procrastination, and for formulating and achieving ambitions. Meditating with howlite can assist with journeying outside the body and gaining insight from past lives.
more about the beneficial properties of Howlite
12 Rainbow Tiger Eye Crystal Skull Set

#CS-12-TE-R :
Rainbow Tiger Eye 12 Crystal Skulls Set
Each crystal skull is approx. .4 oz / (10 g)
L: 1" W: .6" H: .7"
This set of 12 crystal skulls features a variety of 1-inch Tiger Eye skulls, including Red Tiger Eye, Blue Tiger Eye (also called Hawk's Eye), and Golden Tiger Eye with Quartz, some with Tiger Iron. These 1-inch Tiger Eye crystal skulls are highly polished to bring out the natural sheen, making them very mesmerizing.
Tiger Eye is ideal to keep you safe, to help you attract good luck and prosperity, and to support you to think and see clearly in all situations. Sitting within a circle of Rainbow Tiger Eye crystal skulls surrounds you with these energies of protection and prosperity, and with the energetic frequencies of the Blue, Crimson and Golden rays.
Read more about the power of 12 crystal skulls here.
Regular Price: $240for 12 crystal skulls (S&H $19.95)
SPECIAL 30% OFF Price for Set $168
(Each is carved with similar features as pictured)

Tiger Eye brings money, luck, confidence, courage, willpower, and psychic protection. It supports strength, confidence and focus to accomplish goals and manifest desires. It attracts helpful people and material things. Tiger Eye stimulates wealth and abundance, and enhances stability and clarity to maintain wealth. Tiger Eye also increases patience and determination.
more about the beneficial properties of Tiger Eye
12 Rose Quartz Crystal Skulls Set

#CS-12-RQ : Rose Quartz 12 Crystal Skulls Set
Each crystal skull is approx. .4 oz / (10 g)
L: 1" W: .6" H: .7"
Rose Quartz is the stone of love, so you can use this 12 Rose Quartz crystal skulls set to surround your crystal skulls with loving energy, and surround yourself with the energy of self-love, peace and healing. This is an excellent stone to support the heart, both emotionally and physically. These 1-inch Rose Quartz crystal skulls are highly polished to bring out the natural soft pink glow of the Rose Quartz. A circle of 12 Rose Quartz crystal skulls fills their environment with energies of peace, serenity and love.
Read more about the power of 12 crystal skulls here.
Regular Price: $240for 12 crystal skulls (S&H $19.95)
SPECIAL 30% OFF Price for Set $168
(Each is carved with similar features as pictured)

Rose Quartz is the stone of love. It emanates loving energy throughout its environment, creating peace and calm in the people and places that surround it. Rose Quartz can support and heal the heart, both physically and emotionally. It attracts love, enhances self-love, and promotes thoughts of loving-kindness.
more about the beneficial properties of Rose Quartz
12 Star Rose Quartz Crystal Skulls Set

#CS-12-SRQ :
Star Rose Quartz 12 Crystal Skulls Set
Each crystal skull is approx. .4 oz / (10 g)
L: 1" W: .6" H: .7"
Surround yourself with the Light of Love, with a circle of 12 Star Rose Quartz crystal skulls. with rays of Light that appear in very bright light. They have areas of gemmy pink and white, and glow with pink light.
Star Rose Quartz, or asterated rose quartz, helps one to focus on unconditional love and radiate divine love into the world. It supports one to give and receive love in all forms, always and in all ways. It also enhances one’s ability to see oneself and others in the highest light, and to be protected in the divine light of love.
Read more about the powerof 12 crystal skulls here.
Regular Price: $264for 12 crystal skulls (S&H $19.95)
*SPECIAL 25% OFF Price for Set $198
(Each is carved with similar features as pictured)

Star Rose Quartz, or asterated rose quartz, helps one to focus on unconditional love and radiate divine love into the world. It supports one to give and receive love in all forms, always and in all ways. It also enhances one’s ability to see oneself and others in the highest light, and to be protected in the divine light of love.
more about the beneficial properties of Star Rose Quartz
12 Dark Blue Sodalite Crystal Skulls Set

#CS-12-BS-D :
Dark Blue Sodalite
12 Crystal Skulls Set
Each crystal skull is approx. .4 oz / (10 g)
L: 1" W: .6" H: .7"
Use this 12 Sodalite crystal skulls set to surround your crystal skulls (or you) for opening to receiving truth, unite logic with intuition. This is an excellent stone to calm the mind, encourage rational thought and emotional balance. Blue Sodalite enhances self-trust and self-acceptance. These 1-inch Sodalite crystal skulls are deep royal blue with areas of white calcite and/or quartz.
Read more about the power of 12 crystal skulls here.
Regular Price: $240for 12 crystal skulls (S&H $19.95)
SPECIAL 40% OFF Price for Set $144
(Each is carved with similar features as pictured)

Blue Sodalite supports you in expressing yourself and your truth clearly and directly. Opens you to receiving truth, understanding truth and recognizing truth. Unites logic with intuition, deepens meditation. Brings harmony, especially with groups. Calms the mind, encourages rational thought, emotional balance and calm (calms panic attacks). Blue Sodalite enhances self-trust and self-acceptance.
12 Tiger Iron Crystal Skull Set

#CS-12-TI : Tiger Iron 12 Crystal Skulls Set
Each crystal skull is approx. .4 oz / (10 g)
L: 1" W: .6" H: .7"
Tiger Iron, sometimes called "Muggle Stone", combines the healing properties of Hematite, Jasper and Tiger Eye. It is considered a stable healing stone, which rarely needs cleansing. These 1-inch Tiger Iron crystal skulls are highly polished to accentuate the unique patterns within each skull, consisting primarily of golden Tiger Eye with a touch of Jasper and/or silver Hematite.
Read more about the power of 12 crystal skulls here.
Regular Price: $240for 12 crystal skulls (S&H $19.95)
SPECIAL 30% OFF Price for Set $168
(Each is carved with similar features as pictured)
Tiger Iron supports and protects empathic people who get drained by taking on other people's feelings and emotions. Tiger Iron is empowering for overcoming fear and insecurity. It improves stamina, vitality and motivation, and helps with exhaustion, burnout and stress. It promotes self-confidence and self-assurance. Tiger Iron enhances power, passion, and creativity. It is also very protective, especially from danger.
more about the beneficial properties of Tiger Iron
12 Tiger Eye Crystal Skull Set

#CS-12-TE : Tiger Eye 12 Crystal Skulls Set
Each crystal skull is approx. .4 oz / (10 g)
L: 1" W: .6" H: .7"
Tiger Eye is ideal to keep you safe, to help you attract good luck and prosperity, and to support you to think and see clearly in all situations. These 1-inch Tiger Eye crystal skulls are highly polished to bring out the natural golden sheen, making them very mesmerizing.
Read more about the power of 12 crystal skulls here.
Regular Price: $240for 12 crystal skulls (S&H $19.95)
SPECIAL 40% OFF Price for Set $144
(Each is carved with similar features as pictured)
Tiger Eye brings money, luck, confidence, courage, willpower, and psychic protection. It supports strength, confidence and focus to accomplish goals and manifest desires. It attracts helpful people and material things. Tiger Eye stimulates wealth and abundance, and enhances stability and clarity to maintain wealth. Tiger Eye also increases patience and determination.
more about the beneficial properties of Tiger Eye
12 Rhodonite Crystal Skull Set

#CS-12--15-RH :
Rhodonite 12 Crystal Skulls Set
Each crystal skull is approx. .5 oz / (15 g)
L: 1" W: .6" H: .8"
This set of 12 Rhodonite crystal skulls consists of 1-inch skulls in shades of pink with varying patterns of dramatic black veins. Sitting in a circle of these 12 Rhodonite crystal skulls during meditation allows one to fully experience the beneficial energies of Rhodonite, including profound healing of the heart, releasing the past, enhancing self-love and self-confidence, promoting calm and relaxation.
Read more about the power of 12 crystal skulls here.
Regular Price: $240for 12 crystal skulls (S&H $19.95)
SPECIAL 30% OFF Price for Set $168
(Each is carved with similar features as pictured)

Rhodonite is known for attracting love, for enhancing the energy of love and self-love, as well as the outward expression of love and passion. It also facilitates healing relationships by promoting acceptance, patience, forgiveness, compassion and unconditional love. It can clear away emotional wounds and scars from the past to mend a broken heart. Rhodonite can help one discover one's talents, gifts, abilities, soul purpose and destiny. It brings strength and vitality to the body and spirit so they can support higher vibrations needed for personal evolution. Rhodonite is a stone of inner growth that grounds energy, and aids in achieving one’s highest potential.
more about the beneficial properties of Rhodonite
12 Jade Crystal Skull Set

#CS-12-J : Jade 12 Crystal Skulls Set
Each crystal skull is approx. .4 oz / (10 g)
L: 1" W: .6" H: .7"
Jade is a master healing stone that is also revered in Asia as a gem for bringing wealth and good fortune. These 1-inch light green Jade crystal skulls are nicely carved and polished. They are a soft mint green color with some white and small dark areas. A circle of 12 Jade crystal skulls creates a field of peace, calm, healing and prosperity.
Jade is considered a very lucky stone that has been prized and revered for centuries throughout Asia as the most precious of all stones. The Chinese believe that jade increases energy and prolongs life. It is a wonderful all-purpose healer.
Jade alleviates depression and instills feelings of serenity and tranquility. It reduces stress and is powerful for relaxation; it also improves sleep. Jade promotes courage and wisdom, and also relieves grief, trauma, and loneliness. Jade soothes the mind, releasing negative thoughts. It is also a protective stone that wards against negative energies. Jade can help attain goals and dreams, and encourages you to become who you really are.
Read more about the power of 12 crystal skulls here.
Regular Price: $240for 12 crystal skulls (S&H $19.95)
SPECIAL 30% OFF Price for Set $168
(Each is carved with similar features as pictured)

Jade is a powerful gem for relaxation and reducing stress. It produces a serene or tranquil mood. Jade promotes fidelity, dreams, realization of potential, peace, accord, resourcefulness, and accomplishment. It is an all-purpose healer that is emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually soothing. It brings wisdom, long life and good luck
more about the beneficial properties of Jade
12 Blue Tiger Eye Crystal Skull Set

#CS-12-BTE : Blue Tiger Eye 12 Crystal Skulls Set
Each crystal skull is approx. .4 oz / (10 g)
L: 1" W: .6" H: .7"
Blue tiger eye is also known as "Hawk's Eye" for its dramatic deep blue coloring and iridescent striping effects that seem to move and shimmer as you move the skull in the light (like a cat's eye). These 1-inch Blue Tiger Eye crystal skulls are highly polished to bring out the natural deep blue and gold sheen, and each one has unique patterns.
Read more about the power of 12 crystal skulls here.
Regular Price: $300for 12 crystal skulls (S&H $19.95)
SPECIAL 30% OFF Price for Set $210
(Each is carved with similar features as pictured)
12 Larvikite Crystal Skull Set

#CS-12-LVK-50 :
Large Larvikite 12 Crystal Skulls Set
Each crystal skull is approx. 1.7 oz / (50 g)
L: 1.5" W: 1.1" H: 1.25"
This is a larger-size 12 crystal skulls set of lovely 1.5-inch Larvikite crystal skulls that resemble Labradorite, with beautiful silvery blue/white flash in a light or dark gray stone with some black highlights. Larvikite is sometimes called "Black Moonstone" or "Blue Norwegian Moonstone" because of its light blue labradorescent flash. A circle of 12 Larvikite crystal skulls creates a powerful field for meditation, grounding and protection, and for psychic visioning/remote viewing.
Larvikite is an extraordinary visionary stone - it is mesmerizing to gaze at, while also promoting clear insight or clairvoyance. Larvikite enhances psychic abilities, visions, and the ability to see the past, present and future clearly. Found within crystallized magma, Larvikite is deeply connected to the Earth’s ancient energies, and can help access past lives.
Larvikite is a cleansing and purifying stone, releasing toxins and negative energies from the physical and etheric bodies. It improves youthfulness and vitality, harmonizes the metabolism, and aids brain functions.
Larvikite repels negative energies and offers protection in your daily activities, even when sleeping or travelling. It is a great stone for meditation that helps to focus and still the mind, releasing unnecessary thoughts and sharpening concentration. It inspires creative ideas, activates the imagination, and may help with learning disabilities.
Larvikite is a powerful stone for abundance and wealth. Its energies support your endeavors, businesses, and projects until you reach completion and attain your financial goals.
Read more about the power of 12 crystal skulls here.
Regular Price: $336for 12 x 1.5" crystal skulls (S&H $24.95)
Price for 12 Set of larger 1.5-inch skulls $225
(Each is carved with similar features as pictured)
12 Golden Healer 1.3-inch Crystal Skulls Set

#CS-12-GH-30g :
1.3-inch Golden Healer 12 Crystal Skulls Set
Each crystal skull is approx. 1 oz / (30 g)
L: 1.3" W: .8" H: 1"
This set of 12 crystal skulls features a variety of 1.3-inch Golden Healer crystal skulls, with varying shades and degrees of yellow iron, enhancing personal power, and radiating the frequencies of the Golden Ray. Some of the Golden Healer crystal skulls in these sets also feature luminescent Moon Quartz and/or black dendrites. They have some uneven features, natural ridges and rough edges caused by the Golden Healer Moon Quartz matrix.
These small Golden Healer crystal skulls were specially made for us in Brazil in response to repeated requests for them. These sets of Golden Healer crystal skulls would be ideal for Lightworkers and healers, and would be especially powerful in a circle around a healing room, a massage table, a bed, or an office space to create a vortex of golden healing energies and divine protection.
Read more about the power of 12 crystal skulls here.
Regular Price: $420for 12 crystal skulls (S&H $19.95)
SPECIAL 40% OFF* Price for Set $250
(Each is carved with similar features as pictured)

Golden Healer Quartz holds the highest vibrational frequencies of the Golden Ray - a master healing crystal for any condition. It raises vibration and frequency, and can access other worlds and dimensions. Powerful for self-healing, distance healing and for Lightworkers, it channels the healing energy of the masters and Christ Consciousness. Golden Healer Quartz connects directly with Source and with the “One”, like basking in the Light of the Great Central Sun. It bathes and nourishes the body, mind, heart and spirit with Golden Healing Light and Universal Life Force, raising the vibration of every cell to that of joy and wellbeing, relieving SAD and depression. Golden Healer Quartz attracts prosperity, abundance and success, and increases creativity and self-confidence. It cleanses the soul, the auric field, and the cellular memory, releasing old patterns and conditions, and promoting healing on all levels. It enhances all psychic abilities, and can facilitate the discovery of one’s spiritual purpose.
more about the beneficial properties of Golden Healer
12 Lapis Crystal Skull Set

#CS-12-BL : Lapis 12 Crystal Skulls Set
Each crystal skull is approx. .4 oz / (10 g)
L: 1" W: .6" H: .7"
Lapis Lazuli is said to impart ancient knowledge and wisdom. Lapis is considered a semi-precious stone often used to make jewelry since ancient Egyptian times. Lapis has always been favored by royals, perhaps because of its colors of royal blue and gold with white. Meditating within a circle of these 1-inch Lapis crystal skulls can attune one to higher frequencies and higher realms.
Read more about the power of 12 crystal skulls here.
Regular Price: $420for 12 crystal skulls (S&H $19.95)
SPECIAL 30% OFF Price for Set $294
(Each is carved with similar features as pictured)
Lapis Lazuli is a stone of protection that guards against psychic attacks. It quickly releases stress and anxiety, bringing deep peace and harmony. Lapis encourages self-awareness, allows self-expression and reveals inner truth. It enhances insight, intellect, peacefulness and self-acceptance. Lapis enhances the interconnectedness of the higher bodies with the physical body, improving communication with the outer world. It is said to impart ancient knowledge and wisdom. It bonds relationships, brings happiness in love, and aids in expressing feelings and emotions. It may alleviate insomnia and vertigo, and overcome depression and fatigue.
more about the beneficial properties of Lapis
Trinity Shasta
12 Shungite Crystal Skulls Set
Twelve skulls of the same size and stone create a synergistic matrix to focus and charge energy. The effect is one of increased power, balance and harmony that creates a sacred space and a vortex for energizing and manifesting. Placing anything within this circle amplifies and intensifies the focus, energy and power of your intention: you can put yourself in the center to enhance meditation, healing and protection; place a word, photo or intention in the center to amplify the law of attraction; or place any crystal skull in the center of the 12 crystal skulls to energize it and intensify its power and properties.

#CS-12-SH-TS :
Trinity Shasta 12 Shungite Crystal Skulls Set
Each crystal skull is approx. .4 oz / (10 g)
L: 1" W: .6" H: .8"
These 1-inch Shungite crystal skulls were energized in ceremony in the presence of the world-renowned MITCHELL-HEDGES Ancient Crystal Skull (the Skull of Love), along with the Ancient Lemurian Crystal Skull RAINBOW, and the rare Tibetan Crystal Skull AMAR, at the foot of Shasta Trinity National Forest crowned by majestic Mt. Shasta.
These small Shungite crystal skulls are deep black, and are quite smoothly polished with a satin finish. They are carved with some uneven features, and can be a bit wobbly.
These Shungite crystal skulls are excellent as a rubbing stone in healing and meditation. You can place these in a circle around your bed, your healing table, your office, your computer or electronic devices, to create a very powerful matrix of energetic healing and protection.
Read more about the power of 12 crystal skulls here.
Regular Price: $360for 12 crystal skulls (S&H $19.95)
Price for Set of Twelve $288
(Each is hand-carved with similar features as pictured)

Shungite is often called "The Stone of Life" because of its healing properties, and it is said to be the only mineral found on Earth that contains Fullerenes, which scientists call "the quintessence of health". Fullerenes are said to be super conductors, exhibiting wave and particle duality, aiding in cellular regeneration. Fullerenes help increase the resistance of the body's cells, possess anti-inflammatory properties and neutralize toxins in the body. Shungite is said to absorb and eliminate anything that is unhealthy to human life. It can protect from electromagnetic radiation (EMF & 5G), and has been shown to absorb negative energy and radiation.
more about the beneficial properties of Shungite
WOW the set of 12 skulls has arrived alrready... it only took a few days !!! Thank you so much for sending them out right away... I am certain they will love to go to the temples of Mexico with me now... They are wonderful. Thank you.
(read more testimonials)
13 Crystal Skulls Sets
The fundamental elements of the 13 crystal skulls legend is that at a pivotal time in humanity's history, the 13 crystal skulls will be reunited to awaken a new era - transforming from an old paradigm into a new world. These legends have been handed down from generation to generation for thousands of years, which attests to their enduring power.
When crystal skulls are put together, you can feel the intensity of the power in the room. When they are placed in a circle of 12, this matrix creates a powerful resonant field at an extremely high vibrational frequency. When a 13th crystal skull is added, it augments eveything exponentially.
You can experience the power of 13 crystal skulls in your own space. Choose from these different stones:
Quartz 13 Crystal Skulls Set:
Includes 12 Quartz 1-inch Crystal Skulls
Center 1.5-inch Quartz Crystal Skull

#CS-13-Q : Quartz 13 Crystal Skulls Set
Set of 12 - Each crystal skull is:
Approx. .4 oz (10 g) L: 1" W: .5" H: .7"
& Centerpiece Quartz Crystal Skull
Approx. 1.5 oz (40 g) L: 1.5" W: 1" H: 1.1"
This 13 Quartz Crystal Skull set features 12 pocket-size 1-inch Quartz Crystal Skulls, plus a 1.5-inch centerpiece Quatrtz Crystal Skull. These quartz crystal skulls are hand-finished and may have some uneven features.
Quartz is a powerful all-purpose crystal that can amplify the energies of anything within the circle. You can place your intentions under the centerpiece crystal skull to magnify the Law of Attraction for manifestation. You can also sit within the circle of 12 Quartz crystal skulls, holding the 13th crystal skull in your hands to enhance meditation, amplify healing energies, promote deep relaxation, magnify your intentions, increase your psychic abilities and intuitive guidance, and surround yourself with the Divine Light of Love and protection.
more about 13 Crystal Skulls
Regular Price: $285 for 12+1 crystal skulls
*30% savings for set
SPECIAL OFFER: $199for Set of 13 (+ Shipping $24.95)
(Each is carved with similar features as pictured)

Clear Quartz is a powerful all-purpose stone that amplifies thought, energy and intention. When carved into a crystal skull, Clear Quartz can raise a person’s vibration and consciousness. Clear Quartz also acts like a radio receiver to enhance intuition and clear guidance, opening the crown chakra to connect with divine guides.
more about the beneficial properties of Quartz
Rose Quartz 13 Crystal Skulls Set
12 Rose Quartz 1-inch Crystal Skulls
Center 2-inch Rose Quartz Crystal Skull

#CS-13-RQ : Rose Quartz 13 Crystal Skulls Set
Set of 12 - Each crystal skull is:
Approx. .4 oz (10 g) L: 1" W: .6" H: .7"
& Centerpiece Rose Quartz Crystal Skull
Approx. 3.2 oz (90 g) L: 2" W: 1.2" H: 1.5"
This 13 Rose Quartz Crystal Skull set features 12 pocket-size 1-inch Rose Quartz crystal skulls, plus a 2-inch centerpiece Rose Quatrtz crystal skull. These Rose Quartz crystal skulls have solid pink color with some white highlights.
Rose Quartz is the stone of love. This is an excellent stone to support the heart, both emotionally and physically. This 13 Rose Quartz crystal skull set can fill your space with energies of peace, serenity and love.
more about 13 Crystal Skulls
Regular Price: $285 for 12+1 crystal skulls
*25% savings for set
SPECIAL OFFER: $222for Set of 13 (+ Shipping $24.95)
(Each is carved with similar features as pictured)

Rose Quartz is the stone of love. It emanates loving energy throughout its environment, creating peace and calm in the people and places that surround it. Rose Quartz can support and heal the heart, both physically and emotionally. It attracts love, enhances self-love, and promotes thoughts of loving-kindness.
more about the beneficial properties of Rose Quartz
13 Larvikite Crystal Skull Set

#CS-13-LVK :
Larvikite 13 Crystal Skull Set
Set of 12 - Each crystal skull is:
Approx. .5oz (13 g) L: 1" W: .6" H: .8"
& Centerpiece Larvikite Crystal Skull
Approx. 3.5 oz (100 g) L: 2" W: 1.3" H: 1.5"
This 13 Larvikite Crystal Skulls set features 12 pocket-size 1-inch Larvikite crystal skulls, plus a 2-inch golfball-size centerpiece Larvikite crystal skull.
Larvikite is an extraordinary visionary stone - it is mesmerizing to gaze at, while also promoting clear insight or clairvoyance. These lovely 1-inch Larvikite crystal skulls resemble Labradorite, with beautiful silvery blue/white flash in a dark gray stone with some black highlights. Larvikite is sometimes called "Black Moonstone" or "Blue Norwegian Moonstone" because of its light blue labradorescent flash. A circle of 12 Larvikite crystal skulls creates a powerful field for meditation, grounding and protection, and for psychic visioning/remote viewing, enhanced by a 13th golfball-size Larvikite crystal skull in the center.
Larvikite enhances psychic abilities, visions, and the ability to see the past, present and future clearly. Found within crystallized magma, Larvikite is deeply connected to the Earth’s ancient energies, and can help access past lives.
Larvikite is a cleansing and purifying stone, releasing toxins and negative energies from the physical and etheric bodies. It improves youthfulness and vitality, harmonizes the metabolism, and aids brain functions.
Larvikite repels negative energies and offers protection in your daily activities, even when sleeping or travelling. It is a great stone for meditation that helps to focus and still the mind, releasing unnecessary thoughts and sharpening concentration. It inspires creative ideas, activates the imagination, and may help with learning disabilities.
Larvikite is a powerful stone for abundance and wealth. Its energies support your endeavors, businesses, and projects until you reach completion and attain your financial goals.
more about 13 Crystal Skulls
Regular Price: $295 for (12 x 1")+(1 x 2") crystal skulls
*33% savings for 13 set
SPECIAL OFFER: $197for Set of 13 (+ Shipping $24.95)
(Each is carved with similar features as pictured) |
Trinity Shasta
13 Shungite Crystal Skulls Set
12 Shungite 1-inch Crystal Skulls
a 3-inch Center Shungite Crystal Skull
Legends of 13 crystal skulls uniting to awaken a new consciousness have been handed down from generation to generation around the world.
When crystal skulls are put together, you can feel the intensity of the power in the room. When they are placed in a circle of 12, this matrix creates a powerful resonant field at an extremely high vibrational frequency. When a 13th crystal skull is added, it augments eveything exponentially.

#CS-13-SH-TS :
Trinity Shasta 13 Shungite Crystal Skulls Set
Set of 12 - Each crystal skull is:
Approx. .4 oz (10 g) L: 1" W: .6" H: .8"
plus Centerpiece Shungite Crystal Skull
Approx. .65 Lb (300 g) L: 3" W: 2" H: 2.4"
This set of 13 Shungite crystal skulls consists of 12 one-inch Shungite crystal skulls, plus a 3-inch Shungite crystal skull in the center. These Shungite crystal skulls were energized in ceremony in the presence of the world-renowned MITCHELL-HEDGES Ancient Crystal Skull (the Skull of Love), along with the Ancient Lemurian Crystal Skull RAINBOW, and the rare Tibetan Crystal Skull AMAR, at the foot of Shasta Trinity National Forest crowned by majestic Mt. Shasta.
The small Shungite crystal skulls are deep black, and are quite smoothly polished with a satin finish. They are carved with some uneven features, and can be a bit wobbly.
You can place these in a circle around your bed, your healing table, your office, your computer or electronic devices, to create a very powerful matrix of energetic healing and protection.
The 3-inch solid-stone genuine Shungite crystal skull in the center is black with some flecks of golden pyrite that attract abundance and prosperity, and resonate at the frequency of the Golden Ray. It is quite smoothly polished with a satin finish, and is excellent as a rubbing stone in healing and meditation.
Regular Price: $635 for 12+1 Shungite crystal skulls
*22% savings for set
SPECIAL OFFER: $495for Set of 13 (+ Shipping $29.95)
(Each is hand-carved with similar features as pictured)

Shungite is often called "The Stone of Life" because of its healing properties, and it is said to be the only mineral found on Earth that contains Fullerenes, which scientists call "the quintessence of health". Fullerenes are said to be super conductors, exhibiting wave and particle duality, aiding in cellular regeneration. Fullerenes help increase the resistance of the body's cells, possess anti-inflammatory properties and neutralize toxins in the body. Shungite is said to absorb and eliminate anything that is unhealthy to human life. It can protect from electromagnetic radiation (EMF & 5G), and has been shown to absorb negative energy and radiation.
more about the beneficial properties of Shungite

5G Shungite Crystal Skull Kit
This 5G Shungite Crystal Skull Kit consists of five 1-inch Shungite Crystal Skulls that are bound to increase the bioshield against EMF and harmonize surroundings. You can place 4 of the Shungite crystal skulls in the 4 corners of your home or office as an electromagnetic shield, and carry the 5th Shungite crystal skull with you for protection at all times, or place the 5th one directly near your computer or device. This may not protect against all EMF, but science has shown that it offers a degree of energetic protection.
When crystal skulls are arranged in a particular grid matrix, it amplifies the power of intention. You can program that crystal skull grid to establish a field of protection around you, and around your home or workspace, that repels negative energies. Crystal skulls can also serve as a talisman of protection, particularly when they form a grid or matrix that creates a protective field of energy (a type of forcefield).
more about EMF-Protection
Regular Price $125.00 for 5 Shungite Skulls(S&H $9.95)
20% OFF Special Price for Set of 5: $99
Kit includes 5 genuine shungite crystal skulls, each about 1 inch, with instructions for harmonizing your space, in a velvet carrying pouch
Energized by the Tibetan Crystal Skull AMAR & Mayan Jade Skull Cana Ixim
Shungite is often called "The Stone of Life" because of its healing properties, and it is said to be the only mineral found on Earth that contains Fullerenes, which scientists call "the quintessence of health". Fullerenes are said to be super conductors, exhibiting wave and particle duality, aiding in cellular regeneration. Fullerenes help increase the resistance of the body's cells, possess anti-inflammatory properties and neutralize toxins in the body. Shungite is said to absorb and eliminate anything that is unhealthy to human life. It can protect from electromagnetic radiation (EMF & 5G), and has been shown to absorb negative energy and radiation.
more about the beneficial properties of Shungite
12 Set Multi-Stone Crystal Skull Collection

#CS-12-MS :
12 Set Multi-Stone Crystal Skull Collection
Each crystal skull is approx. .4 oz (12 g)
measures approx: 1" L x .7" W x .8" H "
Create your instant crystal skull collection and harness the power of 12 crystal skulls. Each set consists of 12 different 1-inch crystal skulls in the following stones:
African Bloodstone - courage; strength; power; confidence; healing; purifying; activates kundalini; vitality for mind and body; life force
Amethyst - opens crown & third eye; guidance; intuition; protection; communion with guides and higher consciousness; detoxifying
Crazy Lace Agate - peace; patience; calming; intuition; knowing; protection; angelic communion; supports the throat; self-expression
Dragon Blood Jasper - enhances lifeforce; self-confidence; strength; endurance; vitality; can enhance the auric field, creating a shield of protection against negative energies.
Howlite - memory; knowledge; progress; discernment; overcoming procrastination; achieving ambitions; past lives; astral travel
Jade - all-purpose healer; relaxation; stress; serenity; fidelity; realization of potential; accomplishment; good luck; wisdom; long life
Lapis Lazuli - insight; intuition; wisdom; protection; psychic attacks; stress & anxiety; harmony; expression; depression; fatigue
Opalite - psychic abilities; visions; meditation; communication; success; strength; persistence; sexuality; transitions; healing
Rhodonite - attracts love; soul-purpose; destiny; passion; power; confidence; vitality; healing; anxiety; compassion; forgiveness
Rose Quartz - attracts love; enhances self-love; promotes loving thoughts; peace and calm; heals heart physically and emotionally
Sodalite -self-trust; self-acceptance; self-expression; unites logic & intuition; deepens meditation; calms the mind; harmony; balance
Tiger Eye - brings money; luck; confidence; courage; willpower; patience; determination; psychic protection; attracts helpful people
Regular Price: $240for 12 crystal skulls (S&H $19.95)
Price for Set of 12 $168
(Each crystal skull is unique and carved with similar features as pictured)

Read more about the power of 12 crystal skulls here. |
I wanted to let you know that I received my set of 12 amethyst skulls and they are INCREDIBLE!!! I could feel the energy long before I opened the package. They're so beautifully carved and their energies are so suited to one another.
I am always impressed when I receive my skulls from you! I'm a Reiki practitioner and I've worked with crystals and stones for more than half my life, I know energy. And from the very first skull I ordered from you, I have been astonished by the energy and magic held in each one.
My spiritual progress has skyrocketed as well. It's a great service you're doing, not only for caretakers of the skulls but for the Earth herself. Keep up the great work! Sending lots of love and light your way.!!(read more testimonials)
Year-Round 12 Crystal Skull Pendant Set
Wearing crystal skulls lets you enjoy their beneficial energies of healing, protection and attraction at all times. Crystal skulls in different stones provide different energetic properties and a broad spectrum of vibrational energies.
SET#1: Infinity Silver Collar (+24" chain)
SET#2: with
2 silver snake chains 18" & 24"

This gorgeous pendant set features 12 crystal skull pendants in different stones – one for every month, every mood, and to go with any outfit. You can also wear a particular crystal skull to support you with its energetic properties listed below.
12 different necklaces in one!

SET#1: Year-Round 12 Crystal Skull Pendant Set -
with INFINITY silver plated collar
(and bonus 24" silver-plated snake chain)
This set features an elegant silver plated collar in an “infinity” shape that makes it easy to quickly interchange crystal skulls to suit your mood, your outfit, or your energetic needs. Also includes a bonus 24" silver-plated snake chain for variety.
Comes with 12 crystal skulls, each with a sterling silver bail (as shown in photograph from left to right):
Garnet, Black Tourmaline, Carnelian, Tiger Eye, Fluorite, Rose Quartz, Lapis Lazuli, Blue Lace Agate, Charoite, Amethyst, Opalite, Clear Quartz
SET#1 with INFINITY silver plated collar
Regular Price $250(S&H $15.95)
Special Price for Set of 12: $200
Packaged in a Presentation Box - makes an impressive gift:

Also available as SET#2
with 2 silver plated snake chains
so you can wear 2 crystal skulls at the same time!

SET#2: Year-Round 12 Crystal Skull Pendant Set -
with 2 silver plated Snake chains
(1 chain 18" long; 1 chain 24" long)
This set features 2 silver-plated snake chains (18" & 24") to accommodate different necklines, and to give you the option of wearing 2 crystal skulls at the same time.
Comes with 12 crystal skulls, each with a sterling silver bail (as shown in photograph from left to right):
Garnet, Black Tourmaline, Carnelian, Tiger Eye, Fluorite, Rose Quartz, Lapis Lazuli, Blue Lace Agate, Charoite, Amethyst, Opalite, Clear Quartz
SET#2: with 2 silver plated Snake chains
Regular Price $250(S&H $15.95)
Special Price for Set of 12: $200
Packaged in a Presentation Box - makes an impressive gift:

Garnet - ignites passion; romance; heals relationships; self-confidence; creativity; vitality; life force; calms anxiety; protection
Black Tourmaline - protection from negativity, radiation and psychic attack; grounding; balancing; purifying; health and wellbeing
Carnelian -self-esteem; attain goals; focus; creativity; problem-solving; peace; courage; success; positive life choices; grants wishes
Tiger Eye - brings money; luck; confidence; courage; willpower; patience; determination; psychic protection; attracts helpful people
Fluorite - genius stone; supports creativity; clear thinking; concentration; discernment; truth; decision-making; higher consciousness
Rose Quartz - attracts love; enhances self-love; promotes loving thoughts; peace and calm; heals heart physically and emotionally
Lapis Lazuli - insight; intuition; wisdom; protection; psychic attacks; stress & anxiety; harmony; expression; depression; fatigue
Blue Lace Agate - peace; patience; calming; intuition; knowing; protection; angelic communion; supports the throat; self-expression
Charoite - power; transformation; transmutes negativity; intuition; opens third eye; inspiration; creativity; spiritual growth; healing
Amethyst - opens crown & third eye; guidance; intuition; protection; communion with guides and higher consciousness; detoxifying
Opalite - psychic abilities; visions; meditation; communication; success; strength; persistence; sexuality; transitions; healing
Quartz - all-purpose healer; amplifies thought, energy, intention; raises vibration & consciousness; intuition; guidance; opens crown
These sets of 12 crystal skulls create a powerful matrix that enhance the energy of anything that is placed within the circle. They can be an excellent tool for working with the Law of Attraction by placing your desired intention in the center and allowing the crystal skulls to resonate, amplify and attract that frequency to you. They can also create a circle of healing, prayer or intention by putting the name or photo of someone in the center.
Read more about the meaning of 12 crystal skulls here
Enjoy wearing the power of crystal skulls and having the energy of crystal skulls with you wherever you go. Choose from these specially curated 4 Crystal Skull Pendant Sets or experience the power of wearing 12 crystal skulls at once!

4 Multi-Stone Set
Crystal Skull Pendant Collection #1

#J-CS-4-MS-1-SARQA :
Multi-Stone Crystal Skull Pendant Set of 4
Each Approx. 10 g
L: .75 " W: .5 " H: .75
Having crystal skull pendants in different stones allows you to be supported by their specific energies as you need them. The stones in this crystal skull pendant set support the upper 3 Chakras of the Heart, Throat and Third Eye. This set promotes self-love, self-expression, self-healing, and connecting with one's Higher Self. It consists of 4 crystal skulls carved in these different stones:
Sodalite -self-trust; self-acceptance; self-expression; unites logic & intuition; deepens meditation; calms the mind; harmony; balance
Aventurine - supports healing; well-being; peace; calms anger; dissolves negativity; decisiveness; perseverance; prosperity
Rose Quartz - attracts love; enhances self-love; promotes loving thoughts; peace and calm; heals heart physically and emotionally
Amethyst - opens crown & third eye; guidance; intuition; protection; communion with guides and higher consciousness; detoxifying
Each crystal skull has a hole drilled from side to side to wear as a pendant, or hang as a talisman in your car, altar, above your bed, or use as a bead to make your own crystal skull jewelry, etc.
Regular Price: $80for 4 crystal skull pendants (S&H $9.95)
SPECIAL 30% OFF Set of 4 Sale Price $56
(Each is carved with similar features as pictured) |
4 Multi-Stone Set
Crystal Skull Pendant Collection #2

Multi-Stone Crystal Skull Pendant Set of 4
Each Approx. 10 g
L: .75 " W: .5 " H: .75
Having crystal skull pendants in different stones allows you to be supported by their specific energies as you need them. The stones in this crystal skull pendant set support the lower 3 Chakras of the Root Chakra, Sacral Chakra, and Solar Plexus, promoting grounding, protection, life-force, and personal power. This set consists of 4 crystal skulls carved in these different stones:
Red Jasper -protection; courage; strength; survival; justice; health; healing; calm; balance; energizing; stabilizing; motivating; aligns chakras; promotes beauty; inspires joy
Mookaite (shades of yellow/red)- all-over energizer; Life Force; strength; vitality; boosts immune system; slows aging; self-confidence; self-worth; increases will; personal power; control your destiny; realize full potential; intuition; discernment; direction.
Hematite - protection; deflects negativity; courage; strength; vitality; self-esteem; confidence; willpower; compulsions; calms stress
Tiger Eye - brings money; luck; confidence; courage; willpower; patience; determination; psychic protection; attracts helpful people
Each crystal skull has a hole drilled from side to side to wear as a pendant, or hang as a talisman in your car, altar, above your bed, or use as a bead to make your own crystal skull jewelry, etc.
Regular Price: $80for 4 crystal skull pendants (S&H $9.95)
SPECIAL 30% OFF Set of 4 Sale Price $56
(Each is carved with similar features as pictured) |
4 Multi-Stone Set
Crystal Skull Pendant Collection #3

Multi-Stone Crystal Skull Pendant Set of 4
Each Approx. 10 g
L: .75 " W: .5 " H: .75
Having crystal skull pendants in different stones allows you to be supported by their specific energies as you need them. The stones in this crystal skull pendant set support the lower and upper Chakras of the Root Chakra, Heart Chakra, Third Eye, and Crown Chakra. This set promotes protection, love, peace, and higher consciousness. It consists of 4 crystal skulls carved in these different stones:
Black Obsidian - purification; transformation; fulfillment; manifestation; psychic ability; power; protection; shields from negativity
Rose Quartz - attracts love; enhances self-love; promotes loving thoughts; peace and calm; heals heart physically and emotionally
Chevron Amethyst - relaxation; peace of mind; inner strength; courage; self-discovery; release stress; diminish addictive tendencies
Quartz - all-purpose healer; amplifies thought, energy, intention; raises vibration & consciousness; intuition; guidance; opens crown
Each crystal skull has a hole drilled from side to side to wear as a pendant, or hang as a talisman in your car, altar, above your bed, or use as a bead to make your own crystal skull jewelry, etc.
Regular Price: $80for 4 crystal skull pendants (S&H $9.95)
SPECIAL 30% OFF Set of 4 Sale Price $56
(Each is carved with similar features as pictured) |
12 Set Multi-Stone
Crystal Skull Pendant Collection

#J-CS-12-MS :
12 Set Multi-Stone Crystal Skull
Pendant Collection
Each Approx. 10 g
L: .75 " W: .5 " H: .75"
Having crystal skull pendants in different stones allows you to be supported by their specific energies as you need them. This wonderful set of 12 Crystal Skulls in a variety of stones allows you to benefit from a full spectrum of energies with an instant crystal skull collection as well as harnessing the legendary power of 12 crystal skulls.
Each set supports and aligns all of the Chakras and consists of these stones (left to right as pictured):
Snowflake Obsidian - purification; transformation; fulfillment; manifestation; psychic ability; power; protection; shields from negativity
Hematite - protection; deflects negativity; courage; strength; vitality; self-esteem; confidence; willpower; compulsions; calms stress
Red Jasper -protection; courage; strength; survival; justice; health; healing; calm; balance; energizing; stabilizing; motivating; aligns chakras; promotes beauty; inspires joy
Goldstone - master healer; confidence; attain goals; calming; balancing; uplifting; vitality; courage; protection; grounding; conduit
Tiger Eye - brings money; luck; confidence; courage; willpower; patience; determination; psychic protection; attracts helpful people
Mookaite (colors vary in shades of white /grey /brown /yellow/red)- all-over energizer; Life Force; strength; vitality; boosts immune system; slows aging; self-confidence; self-worth; increases will; personal power; control your destiny; realize full potential; intuition; discernment; direction.
Aventurine - supports healing; well-being; peace; calms anger; dissolves negativity; decisiveness; perseverance; prosperity
Sodalite -self-trust; self-acceptance; self-expression; unites logic & intuition; deepens meditation; calms the mind; harmony; balance
Purple Goldstone - master healer; confidence; attain goals; calming; balancing; uplifting; vitality; courage; protection; grounding; conduit
Chevron Amethyst - relaxation; peace of mind; inner strength; courage; self-discovery; release stress; diminish addictive tendencies
Rose Quartz - attracts love; enhances self-love; promotes loving thoughts; peace and calm; heals heart physically and emotionally
Quartz - all-purpose healer; amplifies thought, energy, intention; raises vibration & consciousness; intuition; guidance; opens crown
Regular Price: $240for 12 crystal skull pendants (S&H $17.95)
SPECIAL 30% OFF Set of 12 Sale Price $168
Each crystal skull has a hole drilled from side to side to wear as a pendant, or hang as a talisman in your car, altar, above your bed, or use as a bead to make your own crystal skull jewelry, etc.
(Each is carved with similar features as pictured)
Read more about the power of 12 crystal skulls here. |
I wanted to comment on the set of (13) rainbow skulls I received this week. They are absolutely beautiful. The lemon size skull is so full of rainbows and vibrates with Amar's energy. I meditated next to the matrix after I Welcomed them all properly and placed them in my stargate and Amar vividly came to me (he peeked in) to see me. He was curious to see who I was. Amar's energy is wonderful and I love the set I received. I look forward to following the mediation I purchased from you. Many thanks!!!
(read more testimonials)
Chakra Crystal Skull Sets
Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning "wheel" or "circle". Chakras are the energy centers of the body that are often depicted as 7 spheres along the spinal column and cranium. There are 7 main energy centers that resonate with the different color frequencies of the rainbow, and they affect the health of the organs around them, and vice versa.
The condition and wellbeing of the 7 main chakras affect many physical, emotional and spiritual issues. As a small example:
If the 1st/Root chakra at the base of the spine is closed or not functioning properly, if can affect the organs of elimination, the connection to the Earth, passion for life, and even the desire to live. If the 2nd chakra/Hara is not functioning optimally, it can diminish sexual desire and creativity, and affect reproductive health. If the 3rd chakra/Solar Plexus is closed, it can affect the digestive organs, and also diminish self-confidence and impede expression of personal power. If the 4th/Heart chakra is closed, it can cause stress to the physical heart, and also impede the ability to give and receive love. If the 5th/Throat chakra is closed, it can affect swallowing, exacerbate physical ailments of the throat or vocal chords, and it can also constrict or impede self-expression. If the 6th chakra/Third Eye is closed, it can cause headaches, vision issues, and affect how you see the world, along with impeding psychic abilities. If the 7th chakra/Crown is closed, it can affect hair growth, blood flow to the brain, mental clarity, and connection with your divine guidance.
Everything in the Universe is energy, and energy is meant to flow in constant motion in order to maintain harmony and balance. We are all energy beings (as are crystal skulls); we receive energy and we radiate energy. When our energy is flowing smoothly, we can experience health and wellbeing on all levels, but when there are blockages to our energy, it can dam the flow of wellbeing and prosperity in all areas of our lives. This is why it is important to maintain vitality in the chakras to optimal frequencies, keeping the energy openly flowing and free of blockages.
A major component of crystal healing is working with the different colors and frequencies of various crystals to open the chakras and raise their energetic frequency and vibration. This in turn raises the frequency of the cells in the body and in the organs, and restores the free flow of vital energy. Working with different crystals on the chakras also aligns and attunes one to be a pure channel and conduit for spiritual energy and divine guidance. This is why the 7 Chakra Pocket Crystal Skull Set was created (as well as the 7 Chakra Crystal Skull Pendant Set) where the seven different colored stones of these crystal skulls attune the frequencies of your chakras to manifest and maintain a state of balance and wellbeing in all of your energy centers. These chakra crystal skulls can be placed directly on the the body during healing and meditation to activate, cleanse and energize the chakras and meridians. They are powerful tools for healing and promoting wellbeing on all levels: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.
7 Chakra Pocket Crystal Skull Set

CS-7-P: 7 Chakra Pocket Crystal Skull Set
each approx. .4 oz (10 g)
L: 1" W: .7" H: .7"
The seven different stones of these crystal skulls attune the frequencies of your chakras to manifest and maintain a state of balance and wellbeing in all of your energy centers.
Regular Price: $145for 7 crystal skulls (S&H $11.95)
SPECIAL 25% OFF Price for Set $108
Set consists of:
1st Chakra : Dragon Blood Jasper - enhances lifeforce, courage, self-confidence, strength, endurance, and vitality; strengths of love, forgiveness, and compassion
2nd Chakra: African Bloodstone - abundance: good fortune: purification: offers exceptional healing powers on all levels: body, mind, heart and spirit
3rd Chakra: Tiger Eye - brings money; luck; confidence; courage; willpower; patience; determination; psychic protection; attracts helpful people
4th Chakra: Rose Quartz - attracts love; enhances self-love; promotes loving thoughts; peace and calm; heals heart physically and emotionally
5th Chakra: Sodalite - self-trust; self-acceptance; self-expression; unites logic & intuition; deepens meditation; calms the mind; harmony; balance
6th Chakra: Amazonite - healing; protection; dispels negative energy and fear of judgment; truth; integrity; confidence; communication; calming
7th Chakra: Amethyst - opens crown & third eye; guidance; intuition; protection; communion with guides and higher consciousness; detoxifying
7 Chakra Crystal Skull Pendant Set

Set of 7 crystal skull pendants -
One for each chakra, or for every day of the week!
Set consists of:
1st Chakra: Garnet - ignites passion; romance; heals relationships; self-confidence; creativity; vitality; life force; calms anxiety; protection
2nd Chakra: Tiger Eye - brings money; luck; courage; confidence; willpower; patience; determination; psychic protection; attracts helpful people
3rd Chakra: Green Bloodstone - healing; life force; vitality; kundalini; courage; strength;confidence; power; aids the blood; purifies organs; facilitates pregnancy
4th Chakra: Rose Quartz - attracts love; enhances self-love; promotes loving thoughts; peace and calm; heals heart physically and emotionally
5th Chakra: Blue Lace Agate - peace; patience; calming; intuition; knowing; protection; angelic communion; supports the throat; self-expression
6th Chakra: Amethyst - opens crown & third eye; guidance; intuition; protection; communion with guides and higher consciousness; detoxifying
7th Chakra: Quartz - all-purpose healer; amplifies thought, energy, intention; raises vibration & consciousness; intuition; guidance; opens crown
You can wear a crystal skull pendant to go with every mood and everything in your wardrobe, and to support your physical, spiritual and emotional needs.
Regular Price: $ 140for 7 crystal skull pendants (S&H $9.95)
Save $ 29 Sale Price $ 111
Buy Now
Each pendant has a sterling silver bail, and the set includes two free silver-plated chains (18" and 24").
*as these sets are already discounted,
they count as only 1 item towards any "Buy 3" promotion
These crystal skulls were specially activated in a ceremony with AMAR, the rare Tibetan crystal skull that has been used in Tibet for healing and divination. They have also been activated in the presence of the Mayan Blue Jade crystal skull CANA IXIM that has been used in ceremonies for healing, harvest and prosperity. |
For additional information you may call 1 800 663-6463
or email directly md@crystalskulls.com
