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Advisor Crystal Skulls • Crystal Skull Pendulums • Communicating with Crystal Skulls • Empowerment with Crystal Skulls • Crystal Skull Transmitter • Dowsing

crystal skulls

All crystal skulls are energized with the
22-pound Tibetan Crystal Skull AMAR and Mayan Blue Jade Skull CANA IXIM

crystal skull

Ultimate Crystal Skull Guide
FREE e-book

Mayan Crystal Skull


Crystal skull Pendulums

Crystal  Skull Pendulums

Crystal skulls are amplifiers and receivers, like a radio or antenna. The secret is how to tune in so that you can receive the information you desire. Advisor Crystal Skulls are crystal skull pendulums that allow you to receive precise messages directly from the crystal skull and your higher guidance.

This is a powerful tool for communicating with crystal skulls in a way that you can clearly see and feel - we provide illustrated instructions that will let you begin to get accurate answers to all your questions within minutes. An Advisor Crystal Skull pendulum is a simple and easy way for your crystal skull to literally talk to you and guide you.

It works like a charm and is an invaluable tool--I am amazed pendulums weren't even on my horizon until now!
As always, everything from your business is of the highest, simply outstanding quality and brims with good energy, carefully packed and delivers the best customer service one could ever wish for.
(read more testimonials)

An Advisor Crystal Skull is a pendulum, which employs the art of "divining" or "dowsing" to obtain accurate information. For hundreds of years, dowsing has been successfully used for locating water sources, gold and other minerals - in fact, many of the oil fields in the world have been located using dowsing. For centuries, people have been using "pendulum dowsing" to access divine guidance and intuition, and to gain knowledge and clarity. Famous advocates of dowsing include Albert Einstein and Leonardo De Vinci.

All the answers are right at your fingertips right away
with an Advisor Crystal Skull Pendulum!

The Advisor Crystal Skull pendulum effectively answers any question in seconds. Get clarity from your crystal skull about health, love, career, travel, money, family, and any problem or issue. It comes with a small carrying pouch so you can get answers from your Advisor Crystal Skull pendulum anytime, anywhere, about anything.

Simple illustrated instructions will have you believe in the power of these crystal skull advisors within minutes. When you need to make the right choices, your Advisor Crystal Skull pendulum can be your best trusted friend. Try it for yourself - you will be amazed!

The advisor pendulum is amazing! It practically saved my hide, i was going to work and I felt an ominous feeling of "don't go that way" so I took the scenic root after consulting my new advisor pendulum. Upon arrival I learned that there was a wreck on my usual route the resulted in two deaths. The advisor pendulums are literal life savers in my opinion! I'm shaken but glad I decided to get one! Many thanks
(read more testimonials)

We have been working with pendulums for over 20 years, and have designed these powerful crystal skull pendulums exclusively for CrystalSkulls.com so you can benefit from their extraordinary power and guidance. Some people say that one can use a pendant or even a paperclip as a pendulum - you could also use a fingernail as a screwdriver, but if accurate results are important to you, then it is always best to choose the right tool.

PS. All crystal skull pendulums are energized for you with the rare Tibetan Crystal SKull AMAR and Mayan Blue Jade skull CANA IXIM

Advisor Crystal Skull pendulums
come with simple illustrated instructions
and a carrying pouch

Advisor Crystal Skull Pendulums

Advisor Crystal Skulls are crystal skulls that speak to you directly! These crystal skull pendulums were created exclusively for us to offer you a powerful and proven tool that allows you to receive instant guidance from your crystal skull.

Now the power of crystal skulls, long known to be amplifiers and receivers, can work for you similarly to the way radios pick up and transmit information, so that you can receive guidance and immediate answers to any question. Comes with simple illustrated instructions so you can get answers right away.

These powerful crystal skull tools will truly amaze you as they guide and protect you! They come with a small carrying pouch, so you can carry it with you to advise you any time, anywhere, about anything.

Try it for yourself - you will be amazed!

Himalayan Quartz Advisor Crystal Skull Pendulum

Himalayan Quartz Bead with
Himalayan Quartz Advisor Crystal Skull Pendulum

This Himalayan Quartz Crystal Skull pendulum is made with a hand carved clear Himalayan Quartz crystal skull at the bottom, with a clear Himalayan Quartz round bead at the top - the bead and the crystal skull both came from Tibetan Malas (strings of Tibetan prayer beads). Each crystal skull is hand carved with round eyes and unique features that are not always uniform, often with inclusions typical of Himalayan Quartz. This is a very powerful, light and responsive pendulum.

Price: $44(S&H - $7.95)

Just received my new Himalayan crystal pendulum! Firstly I love the instruction sheet. From the moment I programmed this little skull I started getting answers immediately! I am impressed that I don't have to wait for the skull to face forward, she just starts answering no matter which way she faces! She is light and very responsive. Also so beautifully carved, wonderful to look at. Nicely constructed, she will be with me for a long time.

She seems to be more sensitive and quicker at answering than my other pendulums. She is very good at letting me know the energy gender of my skulls. And whether the names chosen for them are the names they want.  So, because I am so happy with THIS Himalayan pendulum, I have already bought another one to give as a birthday gift...!

Thanks for making activated/energized crystal skulls available to us, there is NO comparing a non-activated/energized skull with one that has the energy of an activated skull. They are little beings, ready for service to humanity. Thank you SO much.(read more testimonials)


Amazing quality and craftsmanship!  As a newly certified crystal healer, I have found that pendulums are invaluable tools for vibrational medicine. Out of all the pendulums I have used during my training this pendulum out shines them all.

I highly recommend this pendulum for crystal healers who choose to use a pendulum as part of their healing practice. All of my clients have loved not only the look of this pendulum, but the energies that it radiates. Anyone from beginner to professional will find this pendulum a welcomed companion.
(read more testimonials)


Another fascinating aspect is the accuracy of this pendulum. I've found that this pendulum is very accurate for me - even more so than the others in my collection (which I personally find very impressive).
Read full review on the Hymalayan Quartz Advisor Crystal Skull Pendulum


Selenite Advisor Crystal Skull Pendulum

Advisor Crystal Skulls are crystal skulls that speak to you directly! These crystal skull pendulums were created exclusively for us to offer you a powerful and proven tool that allows you to receive instant guidance from your crystal skull.

Now the power of crystal skulls, long known to be amplifiers and receivers, can work for you similarly to the way radios pick up and transmit information, so that you can receive guidance and immediate answers to any question. Comes with simple illustrated instructions so you can get answers right away.

These powerful crystal skull tools will truly amaze you as they guide and protect you! They come with a small carrying pouch, so you can carry it with you to advise you any time, anywhere, about anything.

Selenite Crystal Skull Pendulum

This Selenite Crystal Skull pendulum features a hand-carved 1-inch Selenite crystal skull, with a large round Selenite bead at the top  (about 10 inches from top to bottom).  The Selenite Crystal Skull is hand-carved, with bands of white light that dance across the skull and the round Selenite bead. This pendulum holds a very high vibration of Light that connects to Divine guidance and the highest celestial realms.

Price: $55(S&H $ 7.95)

Selenite has a very high vibration of LIGHT that connects to higher Divine realms, including spirit guides and angels. It activates the third eye and crown chakra, enhancing intuition, psychic awareness, and telepathy, and promotes “clear seeing” or clairvoyance on all levels. It accesses the Akashic record, connecting with past lives and sacred knowledge of the past, present and future. Selenite assists with remembering dreams and meditations. It dispels negativity, and is very powerful for protection, including from EMF. It brings light and healing to every cell in the body and removes energy blocks. It enhances mental clarity and decision making, promotes truth and honesty, lifts the spirit and brings Divine joy. A stone of love, it also brings harmony and inner peace. Selenite holds such a high vibration of light that is powerful for enhancing the properties of other stones and for clearing and charging them. It is ideal to use in crystal skull grids to amplify and magnify their power.

more about the beneficial properties of Selenite



Nuummite & Nuummite
Advisor Crystal Skull Pendulum

Nuummite & Nuummite Crystal Skull Pendulum

Real Nuummite crystal skull pendulum with genuine round Nuummite bead at the top (the oldest stone on earth) Nuummite is a stone of personal magic, increasing frequency of synchronicities and "good luck" as well as for Self-Mastery, Confidence & Self-Acceptance.

Price: $99(S&H $8.95)

Genuine Greenland Nuummite is a powerful stone for transformation. It assists one to come into full power, and to recognize one's gifts and talents. It is a stone of personal magic, increasing the frequency of synchronicities and "good luck" in life. It is also a stone for grounding and manifesting wealth and prosperity on the Earthly plane. Nuummite can be used to open, activate and integrate all of the chakras; it is especially beneficial for opening and clearing the heart chakra, as well as the third eye and solar plexus. It helps one develop self-mastery, confidence and self-acceptance, supporting one to love all aspects of oneself.

more about the beneficial properties of Nuummite


Double Crystal skull Pendulums

Double your crystal skull reception with a skull at the top and another skull at the bottom

Two heads are better than one!

Advisor Crystal Skulls speak to you directly! The power of the crystal skull, long known to be amplifiers and receivers, can work for you similarly to the way radios pick-up and transmit information, so that you can receive guidance and immediate answers to any question.

Comes with a small carrying pouch, so you can carry it with you to advise you any time, anywhere, about anything. Also comes with simple illustrated instructions so you can begin to get answers right away. Try it for yourself - you will be amazed at how quickly it works to give you clear and accurate responses!

Chinese Turquoise
Double Crystal Skull Advisor Pendulum

Chinese Turquoise Double Crystal Skull Pendulum
with 2 Chinese Turquoise Crystal Skulls

Double your crystal skull reception with a small Chinese turquoise crystal skull at the top and a larger Chinese turquoise crystal skull as your receptor hanging from an 8" chain.

Advisor Crystal Skulls are crystal skulls that speak to you directly! Created exclusively for us to offer you a powerful and proven tool that allows you to receive instant guidance from your crystal skull.

Comes with simple illustrated instructions
and a black velvet carrying pouch

Click Here for more on Advisor Crystal Skulls

Price: $44(S&H - $7.95)


 I received the skulls, and therefore the Advisor Crystal Skull Pendulum only today. Of course, I couldn't wait to try it out. I have been interested in pendulums for decades, I have several of them, but somehow, I could never find the right one, and was hoping it would happen some day. You can imagine I had great expectations when I ordered the Advisor Crystal Skull Pendulum. Let me tell you as wasn't disappointed. First, the instructions are absolutely great. I have read several books, but they seemed unnecessarily complicated, and I never found the results satisfying. Your instructions are really great, they have all that you need to know.

I immediately felt a strong connection for this skull pendulum, and received a name for it (not Bob though). Using it was like it was an extension of my hand, I felt completely connected to it. The "yes", "no", "maybe" movements came right away, without me having to swing the pendulum. It was magical. I asked some questions with obvious answers as advised, and some questions about the near future, and received clear answers. I'll let you know about the answers, but I have a feeling they are going to be accurate.
(read more testimonials)


The Advisor skulls are beautiful. I purchased 4 and my favorite is of course the tourquoise one. Next is the Amber. The Malachite and Pyrite are absolutely amazing and all 4 respond well and have been attuned as per your enclosed instructions.
(read more testimonials)

Thank you ever so much for this invaluable tool!!!.
(read more testimonials)

As soon as I received it, I could feel the strength it held. It is not an aggressive feeling but rather, it has a strong presence about it. I took it from the pouch it was in and I was able to use the Nuummite Advisor Pendulum right away! I truly love it.
(read more testimonials)

Thank you for this wounderfull pendulum. Great energy. I'm really gld to have it.
(read more testimonials)


I received my Advisor skull today and am very happy with it and my LED lightbox.
(read more testimonials)


Everything very good.quality product and great shipping.thanks again.(read more testimonials)


I must admit that I approached the dowsing with a small douse of skeptism but to my surprise it works.  I worked with as per the instructions and started out with fairly obvious yes or no questions.  I found that I had to be careful of the phrasing such as does one and one equal two which the advisor gave a maybe answer to opposed to does one plus one equal two which it answered with a positive yes.
I found that it was accurate and when the answer was dubious it gave a maybe or neutral answer such as "Would my upcoming flight in March be safe?"  But when I asked if I would have fun it was definite "yes".  So I must admit I am impressed and amazed.  I will tell any and all that these crystal advisor skulls work.

(read more testimonials)


I love my crystal skull pendulum! I'm a clairvoyant reader and healer of twenty-five years and just had to have that pendulum! We are still in the "getting to know you" phase. Right now it is at home on my dresser with a number of other crystals and the crystal skull postcard. I look forward to receiving the pyrite skull pendant for my husband. Oh, and I just ordered two more skulls. Yikes, it's difficult to stop. By the way, that Elestial skull you have is utterly gorgeous. I just about cried when I saw it! I know it will find its perfect guardian and companion. Same with the big rough meteorite skull. You have such gorgeous skulls.
(read more testimonials)

13 Crystal Skulls

crystal skull pendulums

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Secrets of crystal skulls revealed, including ancient crystal skulls, 13 crystal skulls, mayan crystal skull. Featuring Advisor Crystal Skull Pendulums for pendulum dowsing with crystal skulls.

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