(pronounced Ah-mahr)

Tibet is known as one of the most ancient and wise cultures of our world. Since his Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama was exiled from Tibet in 1959 after the Chinese invasion, there continues to be an eradication of Tibetan civilization and heritage that goes on to this day, including the alleged destruction of over 99% of its temples, monasteries and convents - over 6,000 are now in ruins.
This persecution has resulted in numerous attempts by Tibetans to flee the land-locked country through the high mountain peaks of the Himalayas - a treacherous life-threatening route full of perils from the forces of nature and risks of punishment from Communist China. This is the dangerous journey that a Tibetan High Lama endured when he hand-carried the 22-pound revered crystal skull Amar from Tibet to Nepal in order to protect it from the Chinese.
Tibetan Buddhist Monks used this crystal skull for healing and divination. Healers and oracles were centered in the monasteries, and were responsible for identifying the afflictions of their surrounding community. Tibetan Quartz is also believed to facilitate access to the Akashic Record.

Said to have ancient origins, Amar is one the largest known old crystal skulls, at 22 lbs, and is made of Clear Quartz (with a slight Smoky tint). Amar embodies the energies of love and compassion, just as the Dalai Lama does.
Amar is presently cared for in a peaceful spiritual sanctuary in North America. You have the opportunity to benefit from Amar's power, wisdom and healing energy through all of the crystal skulls available at www.CrystalSkulls.com (A portion of the proceeds from sales support Tibet and the Dalai Lama's continued efforts to save the Tibetan culture.)
Weight: 22.17 lbs / 10.06 kgs |
Stone: Clear Quartz |
Origin: Tibet |
"Tibetan Crystal Skull"
Rescued from Tibet by High Llama hand carrying it across the Himalayas |
Official Website for Amar |
Photo Credit |
Special Offer |
See more photos of ancient crystal skull Amar from Tibet
DID YOU KNOW?: Definitions of "AMAR" around the world
AMAR in Hebrew means: to say, to speak, to utter
Amar in Hindi is a common Indian name meaning "immortal" or "deathless"
AMAR in Aramaic means: to say, to speak, to command, to tell, to relate
AMAR in Spanish means: to love

"I just saw AMAR on History Channel 2 on a special Crystal Skulls episode. Apparently it first aired last year but I must have missed it then. I have had a picture of AMAR on my bedside table for several years, since I first received my set of twelve. I have a clear quartz golfball size named Happy, and another clear rainbow quartz with a Tourmaline thread named Beau. I also have a unique and amazing Nuumite Multi named Flash, all of which have been energized by AMAR.
I love them all so much, and hope to be able to adopt more soon. Thank you for all you do for us "caretakers".
(read more testimonials)
VIDEO of Crystal Skull AMAR
