Crystal Skull Meditation Techniques • Crystal Skull Healing Meditation • Crystal Skull Chakra Meditation • Crystal Skull Meditation Music • Crystal Skull Empowerment

crystal skulls

All crystal skulls are energized with the
22-pound Tibetan Crystal Skull AMAR and Mayan Blue Jade Skull CANA IXIM

crystal skull

Ultimate Crystal Skull Guide
FREE e-book

Mayan Crystal Skull


Crystal Skull Empowerment

You can access higher states of consciousness, healing, guidance and information with your crystal skulls through guided crystal skull meditations and visualizations.

Each guided crystal skull meditation ranges from under 5 minutes to 10 minutes or longer, thereafter allowing you time to enjoy your newly empowered experience.

You can benefit from a variety of crystal skull meditations created exclusively for

The meditation I purchased is the most emotionally, spiritually, and morally powerful meditation i have experienced. Much Thanks to all that made it happen.I look forward to more meditations
(read more testimonials)

I’m loving all my new skulls! They have helped me already getting to know them, and the energy in my home has improved just having them here. The meditations have made a huge difference in my getting to know them. (read more testimonials)

I enjoyed the meditations that I purchased from you. In particular, I love the meditations on self-healing, connecting to ancient skulls, and opening the gateway.

I am an Akashic Records Reader and I am sensitive to energies. I could feel the energies coming in during these meditations. I am glad to open my eyes to this new world as a crystal skull guardian. I look forward to working with my crystal skulls more deeply.
(read more testimonials)

I am amazed at your meditations! I absolutely love all that I have purchased! Thank you again for all the wonderful insight and information i benefited from in regards to my skulls. The meditations helped me understand myself better and also to send healing energy to others (which WAS felt!) thank you again!
(read more testimonials)


Get the 5 Meditation Collection

ascension crystal skulls

- Crystal Skull Activation -
- Programing & Clearing your Crystal Skull -
- Self-Healing with Crystal Skulls -
- Healing with Crystal skulls -
- Connecting to the Ancient Crystal Skulls -

Get all 5 meditations instantly
in MP3 as an instant download (28 minutes)
Price: $22.20
Buy Now

Empower yourself right now to
Get the most out of working with your crystal skulls

I have absolutely loved each and every one of your meditations. I use them regularly!
(read more testimonials)


Crystal Skull Meditations for Empowerment

Connecting with the Ancient Crystal Skulls
(instant mp3 download - 6.5 mins)

Listen to this 6 minute guided meditation and link into the crystaline network so you can personally explore messages from the ancient crystal skulls.

Price: $8.88
Buy Now

Thank you so much for the crystal skulls meditations. So far I have done the Connecting with the Ancient Crystal Skulls one three times. Each time I got a wonderful tingling sensation in my head and shoulders when connected with the skulls, and during the third meditation I received some wonderful insights and visions from the skulls, along with a very strong image of hundreds of skulls connecting themselves to the crystal grid. The meditations are beautifully read by a soothing voice that is very pleasant to listen to. I look forward to the release of more MP3s!

(read more testimonials)

Thank you for the Meditation. Yes it is an awesome one.(read more testimonials)

It was really amazing. Before I had any crystal skull to take care of, I was visited by a skull in my meditations. I experienced then the power of the skulls. With this meditation I immediatly was visited by many old skulls and feeled their presence and guidance. I felt the pillar of light. My whole body was filling with light in to my DNA. Until I was overflowing in my aura and environment. Very powerfull, relaxing, joyfull and peacefull. And, for me, so easy to acces.(read more testimonials)

Connecting again was powerful. Loved her voice and cadence -don't usually like 'guided' meditations. The skull advised me when I was with 'it'
(read more testimonials)



Accessing the Akashic Record with Crystal Skulls

This guided meditation was originally presented at the 11.11.11. Crystal SKull Gathering in Los Angeles, where it received rave reviews. After many requests for it to be recorded, we have produced this extended version consisting of an 9 minute introduction that explains how to work with your crystal skull and the Akashic Record in order to glimpse, create and manifest your desired future. The nearly 15 minute guided meditation is on a separate track so you can play it anytime that you want to re-enter the "etheric" Akashic Temple to manifest whatever you desire with an array of crystal skulls as your command center.

Akashic Record Meditation

(CS-M6) Accessing the Akashic Record: Manifesting with Crystal Skulls
Guided Meditation MP3 Download
(8 min. introduction + 14 min. meditation)

The Akashic Record is the etheric realm in which all possibilities exist - it is the plane of pure potentiality where you can manifest anything you choose or desire. This is one of the highest levels of creation, and working at these levels gives you tremendous power. This guided meditation is an advanced technique for working with the Universal Laws of Attraction and Manifestation in the highest etheric realms. You will be working with the Akashic Record to manifest what you desire to create for yourself and for your world, for the present and for the future.

Price: $12
Buy Now

I very much enjoyed the Akashic Crystal Skull Meditation. The introduction was very clear and insightful. The meditation was quite powerful and something one can do again and again to reach deeper levels of experience with it. I would thoroughly recommend it to others.
(read more testimonials)

I found it immensely powerful...I am a visual person and could clearly work through the guided meditation. (read more testimonials)

I absolutely love the meditation - really resonate with it. While meditating - I actually saw my smaller skull - & was told his name. very good meditation. would thoroughly recommend to anyone. I am using this every other night...(read more testimonials)

yes I enjoyed the meditation. i have done it several times. would say it is a treat to go to temple-beautiful!- am going to share with my group of ladies The Temple is awesome! -I have done much work on th Akashic -x 1 year -i would go there every night to help with updating records-felt honored to be chosen for this task...
(read more testimonials)


Aloha! Thank you for your service. I have used my Akashic Meditation almost everynight. It puts me into a deep and relaxed state and the visualization I am led through are just what I needed to feel more connected to my skulls. I will use the meditation as much as I can and I recommend it to whoever feels the call to meditate and become ONE with all crystal skulls and the Infinite Universe. Much Love and Gratitude, (read more testimonials)


I very much enjoyed the meditation. Took me exactly where I expected and wanted to go. Felt the energy almost right away. (read more testimonials)


Tried the meditation today. Have been meditating for 20 years, using dozens of different systems, all proving unsatisfactory for one reason or another. On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the best, I would rate your meditation a 10!.

I believe that during the meditation I visualized the actual citrine skull you are sending to me. I was definitely receiving energy from the skull during the meditation. It was an extremely successful meditation, and after I become more familiar with it, it is going to produce some extraordinary results for me. Looking forward to receiving the citrine skull that I have already met.(read more testimonials)


Creating Balance in yourself and your world
with Crystal Skulls

This guided voice meditation was inspired by a crystal skull matrix that remained in place from the Solstice to the Equinox. The Tibetan Crystal Skull AMAR and its partner stayed in the center along with the Mayan Blue Jade Skull CANA IXIM, surrounded by the purest clear quartz crystal skulls (ascension and camera crystal skulls). A massive and powerful group of rare nuummite crystal skulls form an intense matrix like a vortex in the shape of an eye - virtually an eye of the universe.

Akashic Record Meditation

(CS-M9) Creating Balance In Yourself and Your World with Crystal Skulls
Guided Meditation MP3 Download
(12 min. meditation)

This meditation will virtually take you through the chakras of your body and balance them for optimum performance so that your mind, body and spirit are aligned with you and the universe - allowing you to see, feel, and think clearly.

Think of the brain as a computer - and your mind as its software. As we evolve, we are ready for new programs; we also need new programs to accomplish desired outcomes.

This guided visualization program also balances all of the systems of the physical body, balancing all dualities. It puts you in balance with your physical world, with your higher self, and aligns you with your soul's purpose.

Price: $8
Buy Now

I listened to the meditation. It was great. I had a better connections with all my crystal skulls and feel they supported me deeply. I was at peace. It was an amazing experience and I will definitively doing some meditations more regularly with them around me. (read more testimonials)

You have great meditations. I Love all of them The last meditation I purchased (on chakras) is incredible. (read more testimonials)

I truly am grateful for the changes I have felt since listening to these meditations.

I certainly needed and felt instant results from the Creating Balance meditation.

Lately my ego self and soul self have been battling it out...a real clash of the titans :) however since listening to the Akashic Manifestation meditation I am happy to say I am back on track.

Thank you and thanks to Grace for the beautiful way she explains everything in the introduction to the Akashic.

I will certainly be in touch as I have my eye on a Nuummite Crystal Skull.

(read more testimonials)


Thank you!  I feel beautifully clear, and so light!(read more testimonials)




I find this meditation the EPITOME of meditations. Absolutely all the elements are covered. It is inspiring and uplifting. I have been meditating for years and I will definitely include this meditation on a regular basis. I (also) appreciated programming, activating and attuning my skulls. It makes a difference. (read more testimonials)

Journey on a crystalline stairway, through the crystalline gateway to sit in the center of 12 crystal skulls where you become one with crystal skull consciousness, and connect to all crystal skulls that exist in all dimensions.

(Get your own Set of 12 Crystal Skulls)

(CS-M7) Crystal Skulls : Opening the Gateway
Mp3 Download Guided Meditation
(20 Minutes )

This guided visualization is a journey to become One with the crystal skulls and with the crystalline resonance so you can open the gateway to the highest frequencies, empowering you to create the reality that you choose for yourself and for your world. This meditation allows you to experience crystal skull consciousness for yourself, opening your third eye to receive clear guidance, wisdom and intuition. This visualization aligns you with with All That Is so you can fully embody your own power and greatness, raising your own vibration and that of the entire world.

Price: $12
Buy Now

I have found your 'Opening the Gateway' meditation one of the most powerful guided meditations I have encountered. It is amazing... I would like to listen to it often as it touches my centre deeply.(read more testimonials)

The Mayan Blue Jade Crystal Skull Cana Ixim has rare Mayan glyphs carved in relief on top of the skull that represent the alignment with the Galactic Rift and the return of the Solar hero. This provided the ideal inspiration for this meditation, along with the Tibetan Crystal Skull AMAR.

'Opening the Gateway' is the best meditation to date. If you want to raise and hold your vibration or frequency to manifest the Reality you Desire, this is THE meditation. (read more testimonials)


I have now done some of the meditations (Activation, Connecting with the Ancient Crystal Skulls and Opening the Gateway). I have to say the Opening the Gateway one was to me the most incredible - really powerful! The woman who does the meditations has the best voice I've experienced in any guided meditation - very clear and relaxing, and considering there is no music, very effective too.
(read more testimonials)



Well, I don't even know where to start. I know about Crystal Skulls even before I started meditating and were always fascinated by them but somehow it felt I couldn't own one at that time so I put it in the back of my mind. When I started acquiring crystals and singing mantras I didn't even remember that there were crystal skulls any more. A few weeks ago the idea came back to surface and I started to search around that's when I got hold of your website. This crystal skull is amazing! Meditation is so much easier and the whole helm of intuition, inner voice and visualization just went to another level! I'm so thankful for that! It's amazing!
(read more testimonials)



A Guided Meditation to Align and Raise your Frequency

(CS-M8) Attuning to Crystal Skulls
Mp3 Download Guided Meditation
(17 Minutes )

This meditation was recorded live within a full size pyramid under a rare blue moon and within a crystal skull grid with the Tibetan Crystal Skull AMAR while energizing crystal skulls (including the largest Nuummite crystal skulls in the world - the oldest and most powerful stone on Earth) to support transformation and ascension.

This guided visualization is designed to align your chakras and attune your energies to the higher frequencies of the crystal skulls so you can commune with higher consciousness and receive higher guidance. This meditation also connects you with the crystal skull grid, raising the vibration of the Earth and all living things, while raising your own vibration to the optimal level to support your greatest joy, prosperity and wellbeing.

Price: $12
Buy Now

Once again I am very happy with my guided visualization. Opening and balancing my chakras with the crystal skulls guided meditation is a very enlightening experience. My body feels light and love and I feel connected to all the skulls that are ancient or new. They are here to serve us! They enjoy serving us in whatever positive way that we can connect with.

Each experience is a different journey with the skulls and I am loving it! I can feel my body raising its frequency with every encounter I have with my skulls and meditations. Thank you for your service,(read more testimonials)


I am actually pleasantly surprised on how nice this meditation is.  The voice is beautiful and heart felt and it feels like somebody who understands people like me who believe that these crystal skulls have consciousness and can bond with us. Very lovely.  Thank you(read more testimonials)

crystal skulls
The rare Tibetan Crystal Skull AMAR at the center of a circle of 12 life-size crystal skulls



I was recently drawn to purchasing two new crystal skulls. Having never been in contact with crystal skulls before I wasn't sure what to do with them. They have already been programmed by a master skull so their energy is already very strong but I wanted a way to connect with them initially and your meditation was a great way for me to do that. It was a lovely meditation I enjoyed it very much and have developed a strong bond to my skulls. Thanks for your help:)
(read more testimonials)


Crystal Skull Meditations for Activating and Programming Your Crystal Skulls:

Crystal Skull Activation
(instant mp3 download - 4 mins)
Price: $2.22
Buy Now

Programming and Clearing Your Crystal Skull
(instant mp3 download - 3 mins)
Price: $2.22
Buy Now


As I am an anxious person, I downloaded the activation and clearing and programming meditations even though I haven't received my skull. Well, I thought I might as well begin to attune to my skull at the distance, though honestly I didn' t expect anything to happen. I must tell you also I have great difficulty at meditating, my mind tricks me every time , but I really am amazed and honestly wondering still at times if my experience was 100% real. I "saw" my skull and I heard him tell me his name. It really did not make sense to me, so I felt it had been my imagination, but then I searched the word on the web. Wow! It is a real name, and if this were not enough its roots are related to the Angels, and well, my intention was to have an aid to work more closely with the Angels. I really am finding it already powerful ! I need not say I am already saving to buy a second skull, hahaha. I am sure my healing therapies will be much benefitted by my skull's aid.! (read more testimonials)

Thank you so much for my Meditations, they were very calming and insightful. During the activation process my crystal skull gave me its name!Thank you again so much.(read more testimonials)

It was just what I needed to start working with the crystal skull. Thank you! (read more testimonials)


Crystal Skull Meditations for Healing

Self-Healing With Crystal Skulls
(instant mp3 download - 7.5 mins)

By simply sitting comfortably with your crystal skull facing you, this guided meditation allows the Light through your crystal skull to cleanse your body and raise your vibration to the highest optimal frequencies for your wellbeing on all levels.

Price: $4.44
Buy Now

I have never engaged in any crystal skull meditations, but I have to say when I tried the self healing meditation with my lemon- plus sized skull, I had a wonderful experience.
(read more testimonials)


Healing with Crystal Skulls:
Directing healing energy to others
with your Crystal Skull

(instant mp3 download - 6.5 mins)

By simply sitting comfortably with your crystal skull facing away from you, this guided meditation allows you to focus the Light through your crystal skull to direct healing energy to others, individually or collectively, in order to cleanse them and raise their vibration to the highest optimal frequencies for wellbeing on all levels.

Price: $4.44
Buy Now


I have just done both downloads with some amazing results on self healing. All the pain in my body is gone at this moment and I plan on doing this a couple of times a day for a bit.

The connection meditation was ever so wonderful and that too will be repeated as to really wipe away old messages that are not of light.

I feel quite elated and together at this time and plan on feeling this way for a long while to come...Thank you ever so much for this. (read more testimonials)


I have engaged with 4 of the meditations so far - and I love them!  I teach meditation (I am a trauma therapist and we often work with spiritual connection and identity).  I love meditation and still, so many of them seem to fall flat.  As I journey into connection with crystal skulls, these meditations have magnified with a true meditative experience should be and I am in awe.  Love them so far  - thank you!  . (read more testimonials)

Get the 5 Meditation Collection

ascension crystal skulls

- Crystal Skull Activation -
- Programing & Clearing your Crystal Skull -
- Self-Healing with Crystal Skulls -
- Healing with Crystal skulls -
- Connecting to the Ancient Crystal Skulls -

Get all 5 meditations instantly
in MP3 as an instant download (28 minutes)
Price: $22.20
Buy Now

Empower yourself right now to
Get the most out of working with your crystal skulls

I have absolutely loved each and every one of your meditations. I use them regularly!
(read more testimonials)


I've already bought all of them. Here my feedback. Last sunday I got a deep backpain. On tuesday I heard the connection with the ancient skulls meditation. In the meditation I got a completely clear picture, from where it was coming, so I could work with. So, thanks for your work.
(read more testimonials)


Homage to F.R. "Nick" Nocerino

F.R. "Nick" Nocerino, founder of the Crystal Skulls Society International, is one of the few people on Earth who has studied and examined most of the known ancient crystal skulls in the world. Using psychic archeology, he located his own crystal skull, Sha Na Ra, which has been scientifically tested, and recognized as being truly ancient.

A lifetime of devoted research made F.R. 'Nick' Nocerino one of the world's foremost experts on crystal skulls. He was a true pioneer who became the leading authority on the subject as the popularity of crystal skulls started to emerge in the mid 1980's. His methodical explorations were credited with unraveling many of the mysteries surrounding crystal skulls.

Since his passing, his research material has been safely protected in a private library. His daughter, Michele Nocerino (who is carrying on the work and guardianship of Sha Na Ra), is now beginning to release some of what may be the most valuable information yet archived on the topic of crystal skulls - and many other fascinating subjects...

Nocerino DVD Collection

Rare Crystal Skull Double DVD

by the pioneer researcher of Crystal Skulls
F.R. "Nick" Nocerino

Nocerino DVD

Volume 1:
Crystal Skulls: Dreams, Doorways, Dimensions
The Ancient crystal skulls hold a mystery

F.R.'Nick' Nocerino presents the keys to unlocking the secrets of the skulls. For more than 55 years, Nick has been actively researching the skulls and teaching in the metaphysical field.

Volume 2:
Skull Trek: The Journey of the Crystal Skulls
Over 20 skulls are presented in close-up photography

Featured are Sha-Na-Ra, ET, the Jesuit, the Rainbow, the Mystic Agate and Max, the Texas skull. Presented by the foremost crystal skull expert, Mr. F.R. 'Nick' Nocerino, this video is a must for your library. Included are elementary research phases such as x-ray, psychometry, light beam testing, and scrying session.

Nocerino & Crystal Skulls Double DVD
Price: $35
(S&H $7.95)



I DID enjoy watching the DVD of Nick and the skulls. I can tell I'm still processing the information - and will probably watch it again.

Specifically I can tell you that it gave me specific information that i didn't have before, and gave me ideas of how I can work with my crystal skull.
I actually starting seeing pictures inside him the day after I watched it, so I feel like I've jumped up a notch on my journey.

I want to watch again and pause and zoom up close and just feel the energy from each of the different skulls as he's working with them. I know I've just tapped into the tip of the iceberg, and I again thank you for all you do to help me, and all of us seekers, on our journeys.
(read more testimonials)


Nocerino Guided Crystal Meditation CD

Nocerino CD

Journey into the Crystal Skulls

A rare honor and privilege to be guided into meditation with your crystals or crystal skulls, listening to the voice of master teacher and researcher F.R. "Nick" Nocerino.

(CS-N-CD-1) Nocerino Guided Crystal Meditation
Price: $20(S&H $7.95)




My Reiki Healing Circle is working with the meditations at the present time and find them very helpful. Thank you. (read more testimonials)


I do like the meditation CD and will surely make use of it many times again (the images of the crystal skulls i get during the meditation are very clear and vivid: amazing!) .(read more testimonials)

Yes, I listened to the meditation to clear my crystal and I am sure it worked was quite pleasant and a nice length. (read more testimonials)


This was a very powerful experience.  I incorporated it into my spiritual practice. Blessings
(read more testimonials)


My wife and i did the meditation yesterday. For it's 6 minutes, it's a powerful meditation! We both experienced a deep going calmth. At a moment i saw also a little circle of 8 skulls, in various colors, with above them in the middle a big transparent skull. Not sure what it means.

it's a very inspiring meditation and i'm planning to do it soon again. Many thanks & best wishes!

(read more testimonials)


Aloha, I did receive the meditation downloads and they are very enjoyable. I have been working with my skulls and we are very happy. (read more testimonials)



The meditation I purchased is the most emotionally, spiritually, and morally powerful meditation i have experienced. Much Thanks to all that made it happen.I look forward to more meditations
(read more testimonials)


Downloading your Crystal Skull Meditations

Within minutes of purchasing your Crystal Skull Meditation you will receive an email with access instructions for instant download. 

Please secure them on your own device as the download link will expire in 48 hours. Downloading the file to your computer or device will allow you to listen to it at any time.

To download, simply right click and save the audio files to your computer. If you are on a Mac, hold CTRL and click the download link to save the file to your computer.

On Tablets and Phones, you can often press and hold the link to get the option to download the file. iPhones and iPads do not allow their users to download the .mp3 files, so download it on your computer and transfer the file to your iPhone or iPad.

(Alternatively, for IPhones & IPads, sometimes you can start letting it play and then select the Download button at the top right of the browser and there it will give you the option to "add to notes". If the delivery of the mp3 file is as an attachment, you could also 'touch/hoover' over it and it should give you a choice to save on NOTES - then to listen to it anytime just open NOTES in your dashboard)


See Crystal Skull Events for group crystal skull meditations.

13 Crystal Skulls


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Secrets of crystal skulls revealed, including ancient crystal skulls, 13 crystal skulls, mayan crystal skull. Featuring Crystal Skull Meditation Techniques and Crystal Skull Healing Meditation for Crystal Skull Empowerment.

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