New / Modern Crystal Skulls

In the last hundred years there have been numerous new crystal skulls carved - these are classified as contemporary crystal skulls. These "modern crystal skulls" have been carved using modern tools like electric diamond rotary saws - which leave uniform miniscule grooves visible only through detail inspection with an apparatus like an electron scanning microscope.
There are a couple of well-known crystal carving centers in the world that create new crystal skulls. The carving techniques (ie. hand-carved vs. machine carved) as well as the consciousness of the carver and the energy of the environment in which it is carved can all have an impact of the energy of a crystal skull.
Brazilian Contemporary Crystal Skulls
The South American country of Brazil has always been known as a great source for pure rock crystal and other high quality minerals - in fact, carvings done in other countries often use minerals sourced from Brazil. Brazilian carved crystal skulls are considered some of the best in the world. See some new crystal skulls for sale here.
German Contemporary Crystal Skulls
There is a little area in Germany called Idar-Oberstein, renowned for crystal carvings since the 16th century. Contemporary crystal skull carvings is not their primary business, nevertheless when one is made by one of the master carvers, it is usually a stunning crystal skull - although very pricey as well.
Chinese Contemporary Crystal Skulls
China has a long history of carving crystals and gemstones - their skill in intricate jade carving goes back for centuries. As with many other industries, China has become quite dominant in the field of crystal carving, and has become a major supplier of crystal skulls as their popularity continues to increase. Crystal carvings from China can vary greatly in quality, particularly when they are factory made. However, we have been fortunate to find skilled artisans who produce high quality crystal skull carvings that rival those from Brazil.
