Featured Testimonials
We welcome your feedback. You can email it directly to:
I am VERY impressed with my order. I got the skulls earlier than expected and my life has already seen a dramatic improvement in theareas that matter most to me right now. |
I was very excited to see the package in the mailbox.
I opened the box and unwrapping it already connected with it. The beauty of the crystal skull and the high gentle energy coming from it was mesmerizing. I simply stood there taking it all in.
Next I introduced it to each of 20 or so crystal skulls I have and the energy just got higher and higher. Even after a week the energy of all my crystals is still very high.
Thank you for making these crystal skulls available. |
I love my skulls!! They are gorgeous! The power I felt from them was just incredible. I am amassing quite a little family, with your help, and I can't say enough about how happy it makes me every time I look at them!!! |
I received my 3 new skulls today and I just love them. I bought one of them for my husband for pain. He just put it in the drawer,so when he isn't looking I'm going to put it under his pillow. I came home from work with total body pain today, so I carried mine on me while I cooked dinner and found my pain was not as bad. after dinner I held 2 of them in my hands while I watched TV and could feel them tingle in my hands. Thank you Thank you Thank you. So glad I found your web site. I'm saving to buy a larger skull,not sure what kind but I will know it when I see it. |
Hi I just love and I'm so happy with the skulls the energy is amazing my goal is to own a real large skull I have a beautiful collection!!!! Thank u so much I'm enjoying working with the skulls!! |
I can't take my eyes of them. I have never seen anything so awesome. |
So thanks again for the topl evel craftsmanship,
both in matter as well as in spirit, for their presence is...well the more I work with skulls the less this can be completely captured into words; each one is an ongoing journey, figuratively speaking a fellow traveller/companion. The ametrine matching the set also perfectly as an extra, beaming out light as if it were the clearest see through crystal when I lifted it out of the box into the sun, happily joining. Jade/pyrite advisor beautiful: strong and ready to go, very 'willing'. |
My Pocket Crystal Skull arrived four days ago and it is already a very dear companion. When I leave the house it is in my pocket and when I'm home I'm holding it in my hands or it sits on the table in front of me. At night it sleeps under my pillow and I have vivid dreams. It is so light and love filled and I feel honoured to be its guardian. It is very special that it was energized by Amar and Cana Ixim. I alredy look forward to save up and adopt a bigger crystal skull from you, this small one feels wonderful so I can only imagine how lovely a lemon sized skull from you will feel. Many thanks and blessings to you, |
Each crystal skull is special in their own individual right, creating different feelings and contributions. Some are also more talkative than others and with different connections and strengths much like each individual human being. Two of them told me that they were here to help two different family members, although at the time of their selection and purchase this was not my initial intention.
I feel so privileged, humble and lucky to have them. I never thought such a concept was possible having the crystal skulls in contact with the ancient and old skulls such a rare and treasured artefact and available to everyone, everywhere. It is a great credit to you to give people the opportunity to become a guardian to a crystal skull that is programmed with such positive energetic intent, that you have developed meaningful connections and relationships with crystal miners, skilled carvers and the guardians of ancient crystal skulls blessings. I thank you all for making this possible.
You have made such an outstanding contribution to those who seek to make themselves and the world a better place. |
The jewelry is beautiful! I love both the necklace and bracelet and have worn them nearly every day since I received them, along with other pieces I have purchased in the past from you. I believe that they give me strength and peace of mind and I enjoy wearing them for that reason, and also because they are striking to look at! I've received many compliments and comments on these pieces. |
I've been looking for a way to balance the masculine and feminine energies in my life, along with the pure energy of spirit, so the two skulls I just received, along with the one I had, are helping me do just that. It was interesting to read that the skulls symbolize consciousness. Perhaps they are a mirror for our own consciousness. I'm sure I will learn from them. Seeds of consciousness... Blessings to all, |
I had already received the first order of the crystal skulls. They are very beautiful and I must say the craftsmanship is very good. I could feel the energy resonating within the skulls even while holding them on my left hand, especially the crystal quartz pendant.
I shall be ordering a few more to add to my collection. Meanwhile I await the arrival of the nuummite skull.
Thank you! |
Thank you. I love my crystal skull so much. It is filled with great energy and love I carry it with me always |
Hi, I love my collection. I have a pyrite, nuumite, rhodochrosite, jade, ascension crystal skull in addition to the purple sha ra na skull. They are on my bed as I sleep, and I feel wonderful. I dream all these fears that are in my subconscious. I also am seeing
a grid pattern radiate on the inside of my eyelids which interesting. I feel that I see my fears in dreams and in the morning I've released. They are a group now so distinct impression of the sha na ra skull I don't know. I'm going to try the meditations I purchased soon. |
I've always found your skulls to have a much higher vibration & love quotient, than other skulls I've encountered or purchased. I do find yours will bring others up to speed in a gracious manner. As I've
worked with them, my world is expanding, my meditations deepened, &many of my life spirit questions are very rapidly answered. They are personal friends & a gift to my soul. Also the whistle skull told me to use it to blow distance reiki healing through it, but also does something that
rearranges my brain when I make the whistle sound. The programming, energizing & ceremony you provide for us is a gift to earth & humanity. |
I received my order two days ago!! I'm so thrilled and the Skull is soo beautiful! I'm in the process of naming him/her :-) Thank you will place a new order soon later this month. |
Thank you I received my skulls and they are quite exquiste, beautiful and everything that goes with it. They are very powerfully charged, and they were acutally moving on the palm of my hands. Thank you again for wonderful workmanship. |
I looooove my pendants! Right away I could tell they were active, alive, and excited to go out into the world, so to speak. Wow!
I put on the Charoite, and immediately I felt my upper chakras clearing and activating, healing and energizing. And it was powerful to greet him by gazing into his eyes, getting to feel a deep
connection and resonance to his message (still tuning in to the exactness of that, heehee).
The next one, the Sunstone, was quieter, reserved; patiently waiting for me to quiet down and listen. What a great crystal skull she is, too! I felt a peaceful almost-equanimity of being calmly energized yet centered in my own needs and peace.
Thank you for these opportunities to make connections to AMAR and CANA IXIM through their direct helpers. Excitement about them inspires me to work with them and my other crystal skull more, and
become more fluent in their service and exercises. New goals and inspiration abounds!
Thank you again, I feel so blessed (or aware even more that I always was, ha!).
Brightest Blessings to you all. I look forward to further
purchases in the future as the skulls wish more friends. :). |
Thank you so much for my beautiful nuumite skull which I received yesterday. He's amazing. I also want to thank you for the updates since I placed my order, you provide a wonderful service. |
I am so thrilled to welcome my two newest friends! I have been drawn to the Nuummite skulls for so long, and "adopting" one just felt right. Along with the Aqua Aura skull, they are quite the "adopted"pair! You see, I'm adopted, too, so it seems only right that my newest additions are, as well. And from the moment I unwrapped them, the power I felt from them was phenomenal! I'm very excited to welcome them into my home, and look forward to a long friendship!
Thank you! |
Thanks, my english is so so, but is very happy my skull is perfect
I love love love my skulls they arrived today getting a beautiful collection of skulls!! Thank u so much! |
Thank you all at Millennium Products. I have already received my order. I like all the skulls I received. I will recommend your wonderful website to anyone who wants to buy crystal skulls. I could feel the energy when I unwrapped the ones I bought from you. Thanks to Amar charging them with energy.
Thank you so very much for amazing powerful Crystal Skulls! The Nummite crystal Skull is so POWERFUL LOVING and GORGEOUS. It is million times more beautiful than on the picture! The energy is so great
I could not put it down with my other friends for a vey long time. I felt two chakras were connected (heart and crown) while I was holding it. It is so wonderful. I noticed it is very much similar in coloration
with my first smaller nuummite skull you choose for me (which is always with me everywhere). I call him Nuvi. Now I have big Shiva.
My son is very happy with his pendant and new bracelet. Thank you very much. I gave him new bracelet you sent. The amethyst bracelet is so GORGEOUS, I can not describe how beautiful
it is. It has unbelievable color of violet and so much wonderful love energy.
The hypersthene crystal skull has beautiful colors. It is my first hypersthene carved stone ever. It gives comfort in solar plexus area. It gives feeling of comfort just holding it.
I have all my crystal skulls in circle now. At night I place them (except my Nuvi) by my son's bed.
Since I had Nuvi some questions were answered. Nuummite vibration pulled me out of dark night of the soul.
Thank you very much for such powerful Crystal Skulls ! I love them ALL!
The energy of whole house changed since they found home here.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you,
With Love,.
Thank you so very much for this shipment. They are wonderful skulls and so full of vibration. Thanks so much. That gift of the small rose quartz skull keeps me thinking big vibration from such a small skull.
You have a wonderful web site, very clear and full of lots of info about the skulls! Fantastic. |
I am absolutely mystified by the skulls, they are amazing. |
I have been happy with all the skulls I have received from you...I too get excited when I receive them ! I know that the perfect skulls are chosen , that I do trust ! I allow time with them of course as we are getting to know each other , to see what they are relaying , I just love what they have brought into my life ! |
Just to let you know the two skulls arrived safely yesterday.
What incredible skulls i am very pleased with them.
I have been collecting crystals for about 5 years. I dont know why but i am being drawn to crystal skulls big time.
I am sure i will be back soon. I cannot explain it but the two skulls i have purchased just feel powerful and full of energy.I feel i just want to look at them and hold them. |
I received my package and I really really really love my crystal skulls. In each package I received from you, the crystal skulls really do reflect their caretakers personality. I've even noticed some of their carvings reflect my facial expressions. It's quite profound when you realise it and makes you think of yourself and how you project yourself to others. Not to mention a lot of them are chatty.
All of the crystal skulls I've gotten have really positive and high vibrations and I'd always feel them buzzing on my hand when I first meet them. I still do a lot on our daily intreactions :). I also usually get teary eyed when I first meet them. They really are such warm, friendly and loving beings it's truly a blessing to have them. I feel the effects they have on my daily life and it's just great! They're really helping me become a better person and guiding me in the right direction.
The quartz starbeing I just got really surprised me. It is my first Starbeing and it's dimensions are quite big and the carving is really nice and detailed. The quartz is really clear as well. When I first held it eye-to-eye I literally saw a vision of bluish galaxies coming through my third eye. It's really surprising since I was just admiring my Starbeing skull and not thinking of anything else. I'm really looking forwaed to using it.
I also just got my Cana Ixim essence since I really like the Amar essence. The Amar essence has high vibrations And it feels very pure and exudes love. I use it on my crystal skulls and on myself sometimes. I usually take a drop under my tongue and it does help lift your vibration. I've also used it on my chakras like my solar plexus and after putting a drop, I can feel the energies shifting and my chakra becomes very clear and balanced.
I'd also like to mention the book I got from you guys before, the 'Crystal Skulls expanding your conciousness' by Jaap van eten. When I got it, the book was buzzing in my hands and I kept getting continuous goosebumps from it. It's probably coming from the loads of images of Ancient and old crystal skulls inside as well as the symbols e.g. The star nations. The book is really comprehensive and there is a wealth of information inside. I'm learning a lot more about crystal skulls and learning a lot more about meditation.
The things I've purchased from you are really changing my life - for the better! More purchases to come :) |
Just a note to say my order arrived this morning and I an in awe and in love with my skulls...I am on the road to a spiritual journey and I am grateful to you for supplying me with the necessary tools. Hope you have a great day and no doubt you'll be hearing from me again! |
Hallo Everybody,
First off all I wanted to tell you that I really love my little skull - he is quite amazing and sending out so much love... a Skull so small, but packed with wonderful energy!!
Thanks a lot for this meditation! I was sitting with my skull and then all of a sudden came this overwhelming outpour of LOVE. My heart felt too big for my body. Beautiful!
I also bought the crystal skull cards and they are beautifull and full of energy. In love & light, |
Hello Crystalskulls Team ,
Yes guys I really enjoyed the ebook , it was very interesting and thought provoking , i enjoy the mystery of it all , facinating. |
Hi, Thanks for your email and for the pleasure of being able to download the's really great and so well presented... a delight to read.i will most certainly check out the Indie Crystal Skull offer and get back to you .... Warm regards, |
Hi friend,
I was very excited to read the ebook. Enjoyed it immensely. we have a crystal scull. we now know more that we can do with it,thankyou.
we printed the 12 skulls and put ours in the centre,then slept with it under our pillow.
We have the meditation to do which we look forward to. It is great to have the opportunity to learn more about the skulls.
Thankyou for your efforts.
Yes I have received my Indie Crystal Skull, and Shy is beautiful an have a wonderful energy Shy have the name Amara, I ame wherry happy to have her.
Kind greetings
How are you? I am really enjoying my visits to your site (it's my online 'kingdom of the crystal skull').
thank you!
regards, raya |
I have ordered and received a skull. Only had it a couple of days. It is more skillfully carved than I had expected. I note that light focuses into the jaw area, highlighting the teeth. Most interesting, mine is very clear, having only minor inclusions. The vibe is very different from the Mitchell-Hedges Skull or from Synergy. Unique. I believe her name is Klare. or Klares.
GOT IT! Wow! That crystal skull is better than I imagined. Thanks so much.
Greetings Crystal Skull Team ,
I recieved my Awesome Crystal Skull today!! What a beautiful skull and with tremendous awesome "Energy" !! These seedlings are very important too this planet ! Thank You for sharing Amar ! and I named your seedling "Khan" he joins his many friends in my collection... Sincerely |
Thank You for my new "family members", little "alien skull" and two necklaces.
I love all of them. Little black one was strongly resonating with me right from
arrival and I feel both necklaces very caring and protecting.
Once again thank you for the wonderful light tools in the form of crystal skulls so beautifully prepared and charged by Amar (and Cana Ixim), as well as your personal touch and integrity. |
Just a quick note to let you know that the 12 + 1 set arrived today...they're fabulous!!!!!
Thanks again for a first class product and a perfectly conducted transaction. |
Dear Staff:
The Indie Crystal Skull just arrived today. Beautiful piece and very well crafted! Considering the extraordinary events that happened to me today,
I am sure it's working his way.
I appreciate your efforts and your follow-up.
Thank You. |
What a surprise I found today! The little beautiful Crystal Skull that had been charged and activated in the presence of "Amar" arrived in my mail and it is just beautiful! And it is just as described and perfect for a pocket pouch or purse pouch and for just holding. This one may not be a large Crystal Skull but the energy I feel is just immense and filled with positive energy and love! And the carving quality is wonderful too!
I am already enjoying it extremely.
Thank you very much. |
I think it's a good oppurtunity to order this skull, that's why I did it right away! I think I will be the first person in Namibia to take care of such a special skull(activated by the Tibetian skull!!) Thanks for all the up to date news.
Yes, I received it and very pleased with it.
Thank you.
Thank you, yes I did receive my skull last week and it is beautiful! When I meditated with my new skull he/she gave me the name of A-Ma-Ru meaning doorway or portal to higher consciousness (like the stone doorway Amaru Meru in Peru, near Lake Titicaca, known as the "Gate of the Gods" which is considered a possible portal between dimensions which the ancestors have traveled through in the past. In the present day natives still occasionally see blue colored beings coming through this ancient doorway and it is revered as a sacred place.)
My new skull said that it would assist me in my own spiritual development and attaining a greater understanding, awareness and connection to my higher/spirit self as we all move toward the path of ascendance. When I placed this skull with my other skulls they appeared to resonate together perfectly and within a couple of days I noticed many new inclusions being downloaded into A-Ma-Ru and vise versa with my other skulls.
My new skull couldn't have arrived in a more timely moment because as soon as I received it I needed to put it to work right away with my other three skulls. I received a phone call at 4 am. last Saturday morning that my oldest son living in Florida, had been out partying for his birthday and drank so much that he wound up in the emergency room with alcohol poisoning. He was in a coma for six hours. Upon receiving this phone call from his friends I took Marc's photograph and I placed all my skulls on top of it, I am a Reiki Master Teacher so I immediately began sending Reiki energy through my skulls and out to my son. I also had called several friends and asked them to begin praying and sending healing energy to my son as well. As I sent out distance healing Reiki I felt tremendous power surging through my hands and the skulls into Marc's photo. I wasn't even finished sending this distance healing when the phone rang and it was a call from the hospital emergency room in West Palm Beach, Florida to tell me that Marc had regained consciousness and that I could speak to him. The nurse that spoke to me was amazed that he had come to so suddenly because his blood/alchohol content was 4.4% (a very dangerous level) and they expected that he would be comatose for quite sometime.
I cried and rejoiced at this news and I was amazed at how quickly this healing had taken place, it was truly miraculous! I shared all this with my son Marc as well and he too realized that a blessing and miracle had taken place on his behalf.
I know the crystal skulls have come into my life to assist me on my own spiritual path as well as in helping others in my healing work. I work as a Reiki Master, Angel Intuitive and Shamanic Practitioner and have found many, many benefits in using my skulls in earth healing attunements, healing of clients in body, mind and spirit and connecting to the world of Spirit. They are wonderful teachers and healers and I feel truly blessed to be given these tools to work with and share with others in my life.
Please feel free to share this story with others and to post it on your website if you choose. I hope my experience will help to inspire others as they too learn the blessing of working with the crystal skulls. Blessings, Love & Light!
I received it Friday, very nice too! I am going too show my friends Monday.
Hi All,
My skull arrived today - it is beautiful! Thank you so much! I am surprised at the detail and I know we will work wonderfully together.
I have received the Indie skull today!!
Thank you its a wonderfull piece!
My crystal skulls have arrived! I just took them out of the box and they look great. Thanks! |
Funny, you would think that by now I would trust the connections I have with the Skulls that have come to me. This morning I received a message from [my new skull] "Jasper" that he was arriving today. So, when I noticed that the postman had dropped off the mail, I quickly went to retrieve my package. No Jasper. I was very confused, he said he was coming today ... Next, I go to checking my emails and I receive another message, this time from the fine folks at MD of Jasper's impending arrival and once again, Jasper assures me he is "on his way". Now, I was truly confused. However, true to his word, when I went to pick up my granddaughter from school, I open the door and there sits the box with Jasper in it!!! How is that for timing.
Yes, "our young lad" has arrived safe and more stunning than in the pictures. I cannot THANK YOU enough for bringing the two of us together. He is already starting "his thing". Just prior to opening the box containing this little beauty, I went through a rather intense sneezing fit. It felt like Jasper was "blowing out the pipes" in my sinus', third eye and crown chakra. Wow, he truly packs a punch, but in a good way.
I have taken the Crystal Skull eBooks the very first time and I have reader Quite often it is very enjoyable and very informative ! |
Hi, I have now recieved my crystal skull thankyou, I'm really pleased with it and feel quite honoured to own a skull charged in the presence of Amar, thankyou!
Thank you for the crystal skull - it is my favorite crystal now. It looks like the one in the movie but minny sized.
I have ordered and received a skull. Only had it a couple of days. It is more skillfully carved than I had expected. I note that light focuses into the jaw area, highlighting the teeth. Most interesting, mine is very clear, having only minor inclusions. The vibe is very different from the Mitchell-Hedges Skull or from Synergy. Unique. I believe her name is Klare. or Klares.
sir: i've already ordered an indie crystal skull. i wrote a share letter to dr.the little, but powerful crystal skull is very soft and loving.i'm amazed at the beauty and artistic skill of the crystal skull. i very much enjoyed the e-book info. i'm slowly getting started w/ "the skull speaks'. i very much appreciate your making the book available. i'm so impressed w/it, i'll be sharing it w/ my son and daughter.thank you. most sincerely
Hello! I received the ruby zoisite skull today. (on a full moon even!) It was like christmas I was so excited. She is very beautiful ...
Got the package Sat, what a beautiful little skull!! Funny, my mailman hates to deliver on Sat so he can get done earlier (don't blame him) so was a bit taken by surprise when Amar came into my head again so I knew this 'kid' was in the mailbox and went down immediately! The dvd I have listened to twice now, interesting and colorful, let the little family watch the second time because of the colors and the information
Thankyou for the book, it was most interesting.
Thank you! E-book received and very good reading...thanks so much!
Thank you, a very interesting read! |
How I use my Crystal Skull
By: Patrick McShane PhD
Since I have received my crystal skull I have discovered what I already expected to find; It Works! I had already been involved in trying to wean myself off of having to have several injections of morphine, several times a day. I found that if I went into a deep relaxing meditative rest and images my Pituitary Gland secreting Endorphins into my blood system I would, within 30 seconds, feel a warm, pain free sensation flood throughout my body. As long as I kept that image, I would feel great. I was able to allow distractions to enter in and the sensation would continue.
Not being satisfied with having to keep thinking about it I thought that if I used an activated Crystal Skull as a focal Point, I would be able to keep the process alive and maybe enhance it. Well…I was right. I am now about 3-5 hours pain free. I place my Crystal Skull in what I call the “fetal position” I place the skull in my right hand, index finger on the back. The remainder of the skull wraps around the top and front of the skull. It fits perfectly. As I start the skull is cold (see reference below), that’s what I want. I rest my hand on my solar plexus, another point of extreme pain. Resting in my easy chair I fall into my meditative state. Soon I am feeling the effects. I also take time to place the now warm Crystal Skull in the two acupressure points. Again, I feel the “endorphin rush.”
I can state equivocally, that I have increased my endorphin production and distribution by 60%.
Should the reader be a new comber to pain control I will put the description of how I initially put myself into the proper state. I hope that it may be of help to anyone interested.
I thank you for you kind consideration in reading this paper. I wish you the best of luck in whatever you desire.
Proof4: There are too many scientific reports on the Internet that describe the Acupressure Points that control the production and distribution of Endorphins. The two that I have found the best receptors are, 1: Inside, top of each ear, and 2: Inside palm web between thumb and index finger. Both sites are equally viable
The 2nd skull arrived today.
Thank you very much.
I do want to say thank you for the wonderful crystal skulls. They are wonderful. I have not really worked with them yet, As I am using them to charge my other Crystal skulls.
However, I will say that Holding them in my hands as I unpacked them felt wonderful. There something about them. I find myself constantly looking at them. I am looking forward to working with them.
I received the crystal skulls before i expected and that made me very happy. I did some meditation with them and their energy is precious and very valuable. I'm very happy with you and thanks a lot for your time and kindness. ! |
They just arrived and they are beautiful thank you do much | ascension skull arrived and as I unwrapped him he felt like a new born baby coming to me. He smiled at me with such joy and love...he said he had much to show me. I sat with him and I felt immense heat come over my body. I felt an increase in energy swirling inside my third eye ( 6th chakra) which houses clarity, insight and astral travel. He told me he was speaking to me now in a language of words so my conscious mind would understand but in a few moments he would speak to me in the ancient language of light to which all humanity is moving towards. In this new dimension we will experience universal awareness, " satchitananda it is called in sanskrit, " and be able to communicate with all beings such as animals, plants and minerals. He said that he was from another world and was brought to this vessel inside this quartz crystal. I felt a vibrational sound coming from him, "Hominey, hominey, hummmmmm, hominey, hominey, hummm." He said that I was chosen to receive this energy from him and that it was my life's mission to be a part of this awakening of the human species and that I was to be a spokes person for awakening people. He told me to be quiet and receive the energy." It was amazing and I know that I am to work with him in sessions with clients to change their consiousness. I am his guardian. Blessings!
(read more testimonials) |
Greetings! I already wrote and told you I received my order and how glorious everything is but I'm more than happy to tell you again! As per usual every item I received exceeded my already high expectations from prior purchases, and the jewellery is so unique, lovely and highly charged with positive vibes that I couldn't be happier. The beautiful gift you included met me with a glorious grin and has a happy vibrant energy that keeps me coming back to pick it up again and admire it.
I have noticed something interesting about a crystal skull I bought from you a while back that I thought I would share with you. It's getting bigger and heavier! It was 2 1/2's when I bought it, I don't know what it weighed, but it is now almost 3 inches and noticeablly heavier and taller. The crystal skulls are a never ending mysterious adventure and I am so proud to be the guardian of them.
Another interesting thing I have noticed, which actually happened by accident one night, is that when you sleep with one in your hand, profound dreams are sure to follow. I fell asleep one night with one tucked into my hand and had an amazing dream. Sometimes now I deliberately do the same and I've noticed that this is not a one time thing.
Thank you for bringing these crystal skulls into my life and all that you do to make this world better! In love and light, |
Got my crystal skull today and love the look of it . i came home feeling very tired and decided to go to bed for a nap , but first put my skull around my neck and lay there for 15mins and got back up again , strange to some BUT this crystal skull is radiating something through me i can actually feel it . remember the movie Believe it or Not , well believe it, I Love my new Crystal Skull , Thank You . God Bless |
