CRYSTAL SKULL Protection and manifestation KIT
The Laws of Attraction and Protection:
how to attract what you want and repel what you don't

Crystal skulls are powerful tools that can serve us in many ways. For thousands of years – perhaps since the dawn of mankind – crystals have been used for healing, power and protection. Indigenous people and Shaman have recognized that when crystals or stones are carved into images, they become powerful totems and a talisman of protection. This is one of the many reasons that the ancients created the crystal skulls.
Crystals and crystal skulls receive energy, store energy and information, and also transmit energy. There are many ways to work with crystal skulls for different purposes. When crystal skulls are arranged in a particular grid matrix, it amplifies the power of intention. You can program that crystal skull grid to establish a field of protection around you, and around your home or workspace, that repels negative energies. You can also create a grid for attraction that holds the energy of what you desire to manifest.
The Crystal Skull Protection Kit has clear instructions for creating grids for both protection and attraction. It explains specific ways to place the crystal skulls to ensure that you protect yourself from what you do not want, and ways to work with the crystal skulls to attract what you really want.
The Crystal Skull Protection Kit comes with 4 genuine quartz crystal skulls that are hand-carved of B grade Brazilian quartz - they come in a velvet gift pouch with simple instructions for protecting yourself at home, at work, and even while you sleep. It also tells you how to work with crystal skull grids in various ways to manifest and attract what you desire.

Crystal Skull Protection Kit
Regular Price $79.80(S&H $9.95)
40% OFF Special Offer Price $48
Kit includes 4 genuine 'B' grade quartz crystal skulls (some may have imperfections) each about 1 inch, with instructions for creating grids for protection and attraction/manifestation, all in a velvet gift pouch
Energized by the Tibetan Crystal Skull AMAR & Mayan Jade Skull Cana Ixim
I received my order and am so satisfied. The energy is continuing to build in my room that I placed them in. The protection kits are working. I used one to help bring some abundance into my life and the other to bring a higher energy into the room. I also have a couple for friends that have birthdatys in April. I am sure they will love them like I do.
Thanks so much(read more testimonials) |
Crystal skulls can protect you in a number of ways. They can increase and enhance your own intuition, and allow your guides and higher consciousness to communicate with you, so you can receive higher guidance. In this way, the crystal skulls serve as a channel to guide you to the best, highest, and safest path for you. One of the major reasons that the crystal skulls are emerging all over the planet at this time is to help people through this period of major change and transition on Earth.
Crystal skulls can also serve as a talisman of protection, particularly when they form a grid or matrix that creates a protective field of energy (a type of forcefield). This energy grid can be programmed to hold a particular frequency of energy that protects everything within it, while repelling any outside energies that might be of a lower, denser or more negative frequency.

The Crystal Skull Protection Kit features four genuine quartz crystal skulls to create a powerful grid matrix wherever you desire to establish a field of protection - at home, at work, and while sleeping or traveling. These 4 crystal skulls are hand-carved of B grade Brazilian quartz. The Crystal Skull Protection Kit includes simple instructions and programming affirmations for specific places and precise uses, and how to work with the crystal skulls to create an optimal frequency for your wellbeing and protection wherever you are.
As the energies on Earth are now shifting and changing rapidly, it is more important than ever to maintain the highest frequency of energy around you to support you, guide you, and protect you at all times. When you are in an energy field that vibrates at the highest frequencies, it can assist you to receive the highest level of guidance to keep you safe, and to promote your happiness, balance and wellbeing on all levels.

Crystal Skull Protection Kit
Regular Price $79.80(S&H $9.95)
40% OFF Special Offer Price $48
Kit includes 4 genuine 'B' grade quartz crystal skulls (some may have imperfections) each about 1 inch, with instructions for creating grids for protection and attraction/manifestation, all in a velvet gift pouch
Energized by the Tibetan Crystal Skull AMAR & Mayan Jade Skull Cana Ixim |
Service was fantastic, really quick delivery. Things have defiantly changed around her since I received my crystal skull protection] set. Will continue to do business with you. (read more testimonials) |
Your Crystal Skull Protection Kit can also be used for attracting what you want into your life, as well as repelling what you do not want. Our thoughts, emotions and energies are constantly attracting everything that vibrates on the same frequency – like attracts like. Crystal Skulls are powerful amplifiers for intention, and can help raise your frequency to attract what you truly desire.

Everything in this Universe is energy, and everything responds to energy. All energy resonates or vibrates at different frequencies, and will attract everything that is on that same wavelength or vibration. Therefore, when you set an energy grid in place that is vibrating at the highest frequencies, it attracts everything that resonates on those higher frequencies, including love, joy, peace, wellbeing, vitality, and prosperity. An energy field vibrating on the highest frequencies can repel negative energies and protect you from negativity of all kinds.
The Crystal Skull Protection Kit can create an energy grid that can help raise your consciousness, increase your vitaity, enhance your intuition, elevate your moods, and support you to attract peace, joy, love and prosperity in all facets of your life. Simple instructions guide you to attune yourself and your space to attract and manifest your highest intentions. (You could even use this Crystal Skull Kit to attract the ideal buyers for your home!)

Crystal Skull Protection Kit
Regular Price $79.80(S&H $9.95)
40% OFF Special Offer Price $48
Kit includes 4 genuine 'B' grade quartz crystal skulls (some may have imperfections) each about 1 inch, with instructions for creating grids for protection and attraction/manifestation, all in a velvet gift pouch
Energized by the Tibetan Crystal Skull AMAR & Mayan Jade Skull Cana Ixim
The skulls arrived today and are completely beautiful...I already have the crystal grid activated and placed protecting my altar. The Sha Na Ra skull is a gift for my mentor. And the little obsidian skull is so cute! He's now our bookstore's protector! Thank you so much for the beautiful skulls you provide. I will certainly be buying more in the future!
(read more testimonials) |
Thank you so much for the Protection kit. I have just had 2 amazing "Ahaa!" moments. Maybe an OMG thrown in too!
1. I am very quiet and usually very calm but right now I am sooo excited. As you know I have 4 little crystal skulls and I have a "main" skull that seems to push his way forward all the time ( does this sound odd to you?) The first time I listened to the Accessing the Akashic Records meditation I held this skull and he gave me his name. I accepted that and I have just googled the meaning of this name and it means Security, Protection , Trust and Safety. He is the one that sits on the rail at the back of my bed and comes everywhere with me and now I know why!!
2. (Before you sent me the Protection Kit instructions) I had been asked to heal a piece of land that my friends father felt was very negative. To cut a long story short; I put the skulls around the address and formed a grid of platinum light over the vortex I found, and the land is now healed!! Fantastic!!
I want more skulls now LOL! but will have to save..... sorry to keep bothering you and I hate to say it but I will be back. My work load has also increased and have 4 full Soul readings and Clearings to do + 3 remote healings all over the world. I am putting this down to the network of the skulls helping me.
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Crystal Skull Meditations

Crystal Skull Meditations
For 'how to' guidance and visualization:
- Crystal Skull Activation
- Programming and Clearing Your Crystal Skull
- Self-Healing With Crystal Skulls
- Healing with Crystal Skulls
- Connecting with the Ancient Crystal Skulls
- Accessing the Akashic Record: Manifesting with Crystal Skulls
- Attuning to Crystal Skulls
available as mp3 instant downloads
Thanks so much for the skulls...they are so very powerful. I was blown away by the free gift of the tiny rose quartz skull, So powerful but still so small. (this little guy packs a punch). I am enjoying the house protection kit, I figure when the snow melts maybe will bury them at the edge of the property. When working with my other skulls and I mention the protection of the four; the skull I am working with, (seem...well are) aware and I usually get a stronger sensation. I am very impressed with all of the skulls I purchased. Thanks again.
(read more testimonials) |
Recently ordered your protection kit and it sure had made a different in my dreams. Yes, I still have them but not so twisted
Thanks for the informative site and what you enclosed in my shipment as well of the things that some of the various stones will work for.
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