Libyan Desert Glass Crystal Skulls • Libyan Gold Tektite Crystall Skulls • Ancient Crystal Skulls • Crystal Skull Sale • Libyan Desert Glass Metaphysical Properties • New Crystal Skulls

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Libyan Desert Glass Crystal Skulls

also known as Libyan Gold Tektite

These crystal skulls were specially made for us from ultra-clear top quality Libyan Gold Tektite/Libyan Desert Glass, and hold the highest frequencies of the Golden Ray.

Libyan Gold Tektite (also called Libyan Desert Glass) is found in one particularly inhospitable area of the Sahara Desert known as the Great Sand Sea, straddling the border of Egypt and Libya. Dated as being over 26 million years old, Libyan Gold Tektite was actually used to make tools during the Pleistocene (commonly referred to as the Ice Age, which ended about 11,700 years ago, coinciding with the end of the Paleolithic age).

The Egyptian Museum in Cairo found a scarab of Libyan Gold Tektite as the centerpiece of an amulet buried with King Tutankhamun - this sacred jewel that was designed to be kept closest to his heart was tested and found to be older than the earliest Egyptian civilization. The Egyptians believed that this ancient gemstone had magical or mystical energy that would give the Pharaoh greater powers in the afterlife, perhaps connected to the Sun God “Ra” because of its golden light and radiance. (The scarab symbolized the sun, and was also a symbol of immortality, resurrection, transformation and protection. “Heart scarabs” flanked with falcon’s wings were placed directly over the heart of mummies.)

Comparable in energy and power to Moldavite, this very pure silica-rich glass is the result of a meteorite falling to Earth millions of years ago. The extremely high vibration of these cosmic gems reportedly facilitates contact with extra-terrestrial beings, affirming their extra-terrestrial connection.

Ultra-clear Libyan Gold Tektites radiate the frequency of the Golden Ray, the Universal Life Force energy of the Great Central Sun. Their clear golden yellow color vibrates strongly within the solar plexus chakra, aligning the will with Divine Will, empowering you on all levels, and strengthening willpower to achieve any intention. They attract abundance and prosperity, enhance success and increase financial growth for your highest good. As powerful yet more gentle than Moldavite, they hold a very high spiritual energy and are mighty tools for manifestation and protection.


Egypt Energized
Libyan Gold Tektite Crystal Skulls


The Temple of Karnak near Luxor is a “fortified village” comprised of a vast mix of temples for approximately 20 gods and goddesses, including the Sun God AMUN and the Lion Goddess SEKHMET. To the ancient Egyptians, Karnak was known as Ipet-isut, meaning “most select of places”. It is considered to be the second most important ancient Egyptian site after the Sphinx and pyramids at the Giza plateau in Cairo.

The Temple of Karnak has the tallest surviving ancient obelisk on Earth, built by queen Hatshepsut, who was the second female Pharaoh (often depicted with a Pharaoh's beard!). A special group of Libyan Gold Tektite crystal skulls were custom-made for us for this journey. They were energized in the Sekhmet temple at the foot of the the sacred black statue of the standing Lion Goddess, with 7 chakra gates leading up to it. Sekhmet is the Egyptian goddess of the Sun, war, destruction, and healing. She is one of the oldest deities and one of the most powerful.

Sekhmet, along with her husband Ptah, the god of creation and wisdom, had a son Nefertum, the god of sunrise - which made it even more extraordinary to experience the awesome sunrise over the high altar at Karnak. Because we were there just before the Solstice, the Sun rose directly over the Sanctuary of the High Priest and shone precisely through the small window and directly onto the High Altar. The Libyan Gold Tektite crystal skulls were energized on this High Altar at the "Holy of Holies".

The temple of Karnak is built around the "foundation stone" from the lost continent of Atlantis. The Libyan Gold Tektite crystal skulls were powerfully energized directly upon this Atlantean stone following an exceptional near-Solstice sunrise with the "Black Sun" of the Great Central Sun.

Libyan Gold Tektite was considered so sacred to the ancient Egyptians that it was the central gemstone in the Breastplate of Tutankhamun found directly over his heart. This ancient cosmic gemstone was carved into a golden scarab for the funeral necklace of the young Egyptian Pharaoh to give him greater powers in the afterlife! It is surrounded by lapis, carnelian, and turquoise, which were precious stones to the Egyptians found in all the treasures of the Pharaohs.


Egypt Energized
Libyan Gold Tektite Crystal Skulls

Libyan Gold Tektite, also known as Libyan Desert Glass, is an extremely rare golden yellow tektite (comparable to Moldavite) that is the result of a meteorite falling to Earth over 26 million years ago. It is found in the Sahara Desert along the border between Libya and Egypt. Libyan Gold Tektite has powerful metaphysical properties for protection, and for manifesting abundance and prosperity.

A special group of Libyan Gold Tektite crystal skulls were custom-made for us for this journey. These Libyan Gold Tektite crystal skulls were energized at the Temple of Karnak, a UNESCO World Heritage Site that is one of the most awesome and powerful ancient temples remaining in the world today.

Ultra-Rare Libyan Gold Tektite Crystal Skull

These 3-Dimensional crystal skulls are carved by a master carver in gem quality ultra-clear Libyan Gold Tektite from the Sahara Desert. These Libyan Gold Tektite crystal skulls were specially energized at the ancient Egyptian Temple of Karnak during an extraordinary near-Solstice sunrise on top of the foundation stone from Atlantis, and on the High Altar at the "Holy of Holies", as well as at the foot of the Lion Goddess Sekhmet.

90 Carat Egypt Energized
Libyan Gold Tektite Crystal Skull

LGT-18-e :
Egypt Energized Libyan Gold Tektite Skull
Approx. 90 Carat (.64 oz / 18 g)
L: 1.2" W: .8" H: 1"

This very rare cosmic crystal skull is beautifully carved by a master carver from gem quality A-Grade Libyan Gold Tektite, also known as Libyan Desert Glass. It is extremely clear with some small sparkling "champagne bubbles", and a golden glow that holds an exceptionally high vibration of the Golden Ray. It has 3 tiny divots at the back from the natural raw formation of the tektite. It was specially energized at the ancient Egyptian Temple of Karnak during an extraordinary near-Solstice sunrise on top of the foundation stone from Atlantis, and on the High Altar at the "Holy of Holies", as well as at the foot of the Lion Goddess Sekhmet.

Special Price: $1795(S&H $19.95 - expedited)
Last One

Grade "A" Premium Top Quality

(These are photos of the actual crystal skull you will receive)

Radiating the frequency of the Golden Ray, Libyan Gold Tektite attracts abundance and prosperity, enhances success and increases financial growth for your highest good. It aligns the will with Divine Will, empowering you and strengthening willpower to achieve any intention. As powerful yet more gentle than Moldavite, it is a mighty tool for manifestation and protection. It guards against negative psychic energy (including negative extra-terrestrial energies). It raises one’s vibration and frequency, connects with other spiritual realms and dimensions (including extra-terrestrials), reveals ancient earthly and galactic knowledge, and accesses the Akashic Record and past lives (especially Egyptian lifetimes). It can free you from the past, and release karmic blocks. Helpful for Starchildren, it alleviates aloneness and gives a feeling of home. It brings peace to the heart and spirit, connects you to Source, to the Divine and to Cosmic realms. Powerful for ascension, transformation and enlightenment.

more about the beneficial properties of Libyan Gold Tektite





Using Your Libyan Desert Glass Crystal Skull

Libyan Gold Tektite works as a psychic shield, emanating a golden light of high vibration that guards against negative psychic energy of all kinds (including any negative extra-terrestrial energies). They raise one’s frequency and vibration to facilitate contact with other spiritual realms and dimensions, to reconnect to ancient earthly and galactic knowledge, and to access the Akashic Record and far memory from past lives (especially Egyptian lifetimes). Their mystical energy can be potent in ritual ceremonies and light body activations. They are a powerful tool for ascension, transformation and enlightenment during this pivotal time on Earth.

Some say that Libyan Gold Tektite can free you from the past, and can even free the soul from deep karmic issues that bind one to this plane. Used with Nuummite, they may aid you to release any strong karma that may be blocking you from your highest good, enabling you to break free from restrictions placed on you in a past life.

Like Moldavite and other tektites, this is a helpful stone for Starchildren who feel that they do not belong on this planet, and who feel they may originate from elsewhere in the Universe. It brings peace to the heart and spirit, connects you to Source, to the Divine and to Cosmic realms, and alleviates feelings of aloneness and the spiritual longing for home…


Testimonial: "My handsome Libyan Tektite Shaman skull still takes pride of place in my small circle of Tektite/Meteorite and Moldavite skulls"
(read more testimonials)


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These crystal skulls were specially activated in a ceremony with Amar, the rare Tibetan crystal skull that has been used in Tibet for healing and divination. They have also been activated in the presence of an authentic Mayan crystal skull that has been used in ceremonies for healing, fertility and prosperity.

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Libyan Desert Glass crystal skull

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