Get Your Own Individual Pocket Crystal Skull
Your Gateway to the kingdom of crystal skulls
Crystal skulls are said to choose their own guardians - if you are reading this page, you have begun the magnetic attraction to your own crystal skull which is inviting you to be its new caretaker.
What a surprise I found today! The little beautiful Crystal Skull that had been charged and activated in the presence of "Amar" arrived in my mail and it is just beautiful! And it is just as described and perfect for a pocket pouch or purse pouch and for just holding. This one may not be a large Crystal Skull but the energy I feel is just immense and filled with positive energy and love! And the carving quality is wonderful too!
You have the opportunity to have a real crystal skull of your own. These small crystal skulls have been individually hand-carved out of real high quality quartz crystal by skilled carvers in Brazil.
Pocket Size Quartz Crystal Skull
The most popular crystal skull is our pocket size Quartz Crystal Skull - each one has been in communion with the rare Tibetan Crystal Skull AMAR which may explain why we hear so much wonderful feedback on the energy of these small crystal skulls.
If you are new to crystal skulls you will admire its beauty - and if you are an avid crystal skull collector you will appreciate its power. Each is hand-carved in Brazil.

CS-1 : Quartz Pocket Crystal Skull
Approx.1 oz (28 g)
L: 1 " W: .75 " H: 1"
A genuine clear quartz crystal skull - hand carved in Brazil. Includes free carrying pouch.
Price $ 19.97(S&H $7.95)
(Each is hand-carved with similar features to the one shown here)
- this is not a toy and is not intended for young children under 3 - |
Ascension Quartz Pocket Crystal Skull

ACS-Q-028 : Ascension Quartz Pocket Crystal Skull
Approx. 1 oz (28 g)
L: 1 " W: .75 " H: 1"
Ultra clear quartz, nearly flawless. Raise your consciousness and vibration. Includes free carrying pouch.
Price $ 24.95(S&H $6.95)
Buy Now
(Each is hand-carved with similar features to the one shown here)
See other Ascension Crystal Skulls
The Indiana Jones Movie has sparked a world-wide interest in crystal skulls, but crystal skulls have been revered around the world for centuries - from the Mayans in Central America to the Tibetans high in the Himalayas. The ancients knew that crystal skulls transmit their power, energy and wisdom to others. In fact, it is said that ancient shamans would use crystal skulls to pass on their knowledge for generations to come. Your Pocket Crystal Skull has been activated and energized in the presence of one of the largest old crystal skulls known today: AMAR, The rare Tibetan Crystal Skull.
I recieved my Awesome Crystal Skull today!! What a beautiful skull and with tremendous awesome "Energy" !! These seedlings are very important too this planet ! Thank You for sharing Amar ! |
It is interesting to note that the first ancient crystal skulls to be authenticated were quite small, not taller than 1.5 inches. The earliest specimen seems to be a Mexican crystal skull in the British Museum that is about an inch high - the same size as your Pocket Crystal Skull. The ancients knew that even small crystal skulls can hold a great deal of power and mysticism.
Crystals store and generate information. A tiny crystal chip can hold a library of information - in fact it is a crystal chip that is powering your computer right now. Our customers tell us that our grape-sized crystal skulls are extremely powerful. Your genuine Quartz Pocket Crystal Skull will give you power to create peace and harmony, light and healing, for yourself, for humanity and for the world.
GOT IT! Wow! That crystal skull is better than I imagined. Thanks so much.
Thanks so much for the cyrstal skull. It was actually for my 11 yr. old son, who had saved his allowence to purchase it. He is very happy with it. I'm glad it's of a smaller size, as he carries it around in his pocket wherever he goes. He also uses it as a prop to go with all of his other Indy Jones play figures. Thanks again and making such a special product. |
The Indie Crystal Skull just arrived today. Beautiful piece and very well crafted! Considering the extraordinary events that happened to me today,
I am sure it's working his way.
I appreciate your efforts and your follow-up.
Thank You. |
Thanks for the great little Indie quartz and Lapis Lazuli skulls. I really love their energy, especially the Quartz crystal. I have them on my night stand and have had some very vivid dreams. The quartz skull has a very calming energy. Love it! Thanks! |
I am already enjoying it extremely.
Thank you very much. |
I think it's a good oppurtunity to order this skull, that's why I did it right away! I think I will be the first person in Namibia to take care of such a special skull(activated by the Tibetian skull!!) Thanks for all the up to date news.
Thank you, yes I did receive my skull last week and it is beautiful! When I meditated with my new skull he/she gave me the name of A-Ma-Ru meaning doorway or portal to higher consciousness (like the stone doorway Amaru Meru in Peru, near Lake Titicaca, known as the "Gate of the Gods" which is considered a possible portal between dimensions which the ancestors have traveled through in the past. In the present day natives still occasionally see blue colored beings coming through this ancient doorway and it is revered as a sacred place.)
My new skull said that it would assist me in my own spiritual development and attaining a greater understanding, awareness and connection to my higher/spirit self as we all move toward the path of ascendance. When I placed this skull with my other skulls they appeared to resonate together perfectly and within a couple of days I noticed many new inclusions being downloaded into A-Ma-Ru and vise versa with my other skulls.
My new skull couldn't have arrived in a more timely moment because as soon as I received it I needed to put it to work right away with my other three skulls. I received a phone call at 4 am. last Saturday morning that my oldest son living in Florida, had been out partying for his birthday and drank so much that he wound up in the emergency room with alcohol poisoning. He was in a coma for six hours. Upon receiving this phone call from his friends I took Marc's photograph and I placed all my skulls on top of it, I am a Reiki Master Teacher so I immediately began sending Reiki energy through my skulls and out to my son. I also had called several friends and asked them to begin praying and sending healing energy to my son as well. As I sent out distance healing Reiki I felt tremendous power surging through my hands and the skulls into Marc's photo. I wasn't even finished sending this distance healing when the phone rang and it was a call from the hospital emergency room in West Palm Beach, Florida to tell me that Marc had regained consciousness and that I could speak to him. The nurse that spoke to me was amazed that he had come to so suddenly because his blood/alchohol content was 4.4% (a very dangerous level) and they expected that he would be comatose for quite sometime.
I cried and rejoiced at this news and I was amazed at how quickly this healing had taken place, it was truly miraculous! I shared all this with my son Marc as well and he too realized that a blessing and miracle had taken place on his behalf.
I know the crystal skulls have come into my life to assist me on my own spiritual path as well as in helping others in my healing work. I work as a Reiki Master, Angel Intuitive and Shamanic Practitioner and have found many, many benefits in using my skulls in earth healing attunements, healing of clients in body, mind and spirit and connecting to the world of Spirit. They are wonderful teachers and healers and I feel truly blessed to be given these tools to work with and share with others in my life.
Please feel free to share this story with others and to post it on your website if you choose. I hope my experience will help to inspire others as they too learn the blessing of working with the crystal skulls. Blessings, Love & Light!
I have received the Indie skull today!!
Thank you its a wonderfull piece!
I am ordering an Indie skull for my husband because I like mine so much and want him to have one as well.
Thank you. I have one of your vrey nice under $20 crystal skulls. I recommend them .
I've already received my little crystal skull - I was so surprised to receive it after only 4 days! This is my first experience working with one and had no idea what to expect. On the first day of meditation with her in our prairie meadow garden in the backyard, she revealed so much more than I could have imagined - including her own song! I've read about how every living being, whether from the plant, mineral, animal, etc. kingdoms, has its own frequency and if you can hear their song, it's a precious gift. So I felt quite privileged that she shared her song with me - she sings to me all the time when I hold her. She also told me her name which is quite beautiful and very appropriate for her as she radiates such warm and joyful energy. I love her size too - I can easily discreetly carry her in in the palm of my closed hand, which I did yesterday when I went hiking, because she didn't want to be in her pouch! :)
Many thanks - I'm grateful I was guided to your website. I've been telling more people about you!
This pocket Indie crystal skull is really incredible...really.
Get Your Own Quartz Pocket Crystal Skull Now
