Documenting Crystal Skull "Communication"
Karin Tag opened the Seraphim Institute (ISR-Institute / Seraphim Institut) in 1996. Her personal mission and one of the institute's mandates is to use research to better understand the energy of the crystal skulls and how that energy interacts with the energy field of everything around them, including humans and other crystal skulls.
Since 2007 Karin Tag and the Seraphim Institute have been involved in international collaboration with many university hospitals while investigating human energy fields and the study of healing energy. Particular attention has been focused on naturopathic organizations and the fields of alternative diagnostic methods being used in veterinarian medicine, including the care of Olympic sports horses by means of photon diagnostics.

Photo courtesy of the Seraphim Institute
Employing a specialized photon camera to measure energy, and its movement, the Seraphim Institute initiated outstanding research into Crystal Skulls. At the core of its investigations is the Seraphim Institute's own crystal skull named Corazon de Luz (spanish: heart of light). The crystal skull Corazon de Luz had been sold to the Seraphim Institute (ISR-Institute) by a Brazilian intermediary acting on behalf of an old Brazilian family. The precise finding place of this crystal skull is unknown, although it seems to be traced back to the ancient Incan culture.
Owning its own crystal skull allows the Seraphim Institute to explore crystal skull phenomena in a very well documented fashion. Probably the most amazing finding, that is still a mystery to traditional science, is the visual and physical proof that the weight of a crystal skull can vary depending on its "activity".
It has been documented that the weight of the crystal skull, Corazon de Luz, can experience weight fluctuations anywhere from 5 grams to 800 grams (.01 to 1.76 lb) at any given time ( editor's note: this mysterious phenomenon of weight and size fluctuations has also been experienced with the Tibetan Crystal Skull, Amar, and with some other crystal skulls that have not been studied by the Seraphim Institute).
It is theorized that these weight fluctuations may be the result of a transfer of energy (information?) that occurs, which can flow in both directions - meaning that a crystal skull can absorb energies (like from sacred power places or other crystal skulls) and it can transmit energy (like to humans or other crystal skulls).
( editor's note: Although this is a real and documented phenomenon, it is still not fully explainable by our current means and level of scientific understanding. This is reminiscent of the era when electricity was still a mystery; when Thomas Edison was asked about electricity and how it works, he is reported to have said, "I don't know what it is, but it's there, let's use it.")
Further investigations that the Seraphim Institute carried out with the photon camera and other technical equipment have documented the electromagnetic resonance field as well as the photon activity of the crystal skull. This may provide a clue as to why people often receive images, visions and messeages in the presence of ancient, old and activated crystal skulls.
The Seraphim Institute research findings, that include interactivity with some of the most famous crystal skulls in the world, like the renowned Mitchell-Hedges and the Paris Skull, have been published in Karin Tag's book (May 2008) presently only available in German.
