The Q'eros : Children of the Sun
the bloodline descendants of the High Priests of the Inka

Don Humberto with crystal skull AMAR at Mount Shasta
Don Humberto Soncco Quispe is a Paqo, a High Priest of the Q’eros of the Andes Mountains of Peru. Don Humberto is not a Shaman, he is one whom Shaman go to for their initiation. His last name means “heart of crystal”, and his energy is so pure and loving.
The Q'eros are the last bloodline descendants of the ancient Inca high priests of the Peruvian Andes (the Inca built Machu Picchu, among many other spiritual sites in the Sacred Valley of Peru). The Q'eros ended up retreating to the highest elevations of the Andes Mountains to avoid the invasion of the Spaniards. Living for centuries in villages at 18,000 feet of elevation, the Q'eros were thought to have disappeared until they descended from the mountains in the 1950s to share their wisdom and their prophecies with the “dense” people. They are known as weavers of the Light: they weave 5th dimensional symbols into their manta cloths, which emanate light and living energy. Experts have confirmed that their cloths have the same symbols woven into them as those of the ancient Inca. Their Quechua language is considered to be over 20,000 years old, and is believed to have seeded ancient Hebrew and Sanskrit, which are the languages of many of our holy texts.
The Q'ero are one of the few civilizations on Earth that still holds their ancient teachings and ancient codes intact as they have not been influenced or invaded by other cultures. Their history, which has been handed down from generation to generation perhaps for thousands of years, states that they are of the same lineage as the ancient Mayans, Hopi, Navajo and Tibetans, and their language and rituals share many similarities.
The Q'ero have lived for centuries in a world without money and cannot purchase basic necessities that most of us take for granted. The leading cause of death among the Q'ero is freezing as they have no windows - they live high above the tree line and burn fires for cooking but not for warmth. Countless children, infants and even unborn fetuses freeze to death. There are only about 2,000 Q'ero left in the world today (500-600 full blooded Q'ero), and they hold ancient keys to our past, present and future.
Solar Reunion Gathering of the
Mayan, Tibetan, Hopi, and Qero

The third annual historic gathering of the ancient lineages of the Q'eros, the Maya, the Tibetans, and Hopi took place at the foot of Mt Shasta and these crystal skulls were at the center absorbing and recording the energies throughout the weekend. These crystal skulls also received all the ancient Karpay light transmissions delivered by Don Humberto.
These soapstone crystal skulls are hand-carved in Peru. Soapstone helps to release old outdated patterns and habits, assisting to find a more constructive path. It is said to be the perfect stone to have around you during a process of change, emotionally or physically, to help smooth the way and retain a sense of calm. It is also thought to open the connection to other planes of existence and encourage a more broadminded and inspired approach to life.
Marbled Red
Solar Reunion Peruvian Crystal Skulls

SR-MR : Marbled Red
Solar Reunion Peruvian Crystal Skull
.3 oz (8 g)
each measures approx: .8" L x .5" W x .6" H
These hand-carved Peruvian soapstone crystal skulls have marbled red, gray and brown earth tones with a high gloss polish. They were specially energized at the Solar Reunion in Mount Shasta with the Q'ero of Peru, the Maya of Guatemala, the Hopi, the Tibetans, and the Solar Brotherhood from Samana Wasi, witnessing and recording all of the powerful information and ceremonies at this event, and they also received the ancient Karpay light transmissions delivered by Don Humberto.
Price $27 (S&H $ 7.95)
(Each is carved with similar features to the one pictured here)
Sand Tones
Solar Reunion Peruvian Crystal Skulls

SR-ST : Sand Tones
Solar Reunion Peruvian Crystal Skull
.3 oz (8 g)
each measures approx: .8" L x .5" W x .6" H
These sand colored hand-carved Peruvian soapstone crystal skulls have gray and tan sand tones with a high gloss polish. They were specially energized at the Solar Reunion in Mount Shasta with the Q'ero of Peru, the Maya of Guatemala, the Hopi, the Tibetans, and the Solar Brotherhood from Samana Wasi, witnessing and recording all of the powerful information and ceremonies at this event, and they also received the ancient Karpay light transmissions delivered by Don Humberto.
Price $27 (S&H $ 7.95)
(Each is carved with similar features to the one pictured here)
Red Veins
Solar Reunion Peruvian Crystal Skulls

SR-RV : Red Veins
Solar Reunion Peruvian Crystal Skull
.3 oz (8 g)
each measures approx: .8" L x .5" W x .6" H
These red veined hand-carved Peruvian soapstone crystal skulls have veins of red in a gray and brown matrix with a high gloss polish. They were specially energized at the Solar Reunion in Mount Shasta with the Q'ero of Peru, the Maya of Guatemala, the Hopi, the Tibetans, and the Solar Brotherhood from Samana Wasi, witnessing and recording all of the powerful information and ceremonies at this event, and they also received the ancient Karpay light transmissions delivered by Don Humberto.
Price $27 (S&H $ 7.95)
(Each is carved with similar features to the one pictured here)
Brick Red
Solar Reunion Peruvian Crystal Skulls

SR-BR : Brick Red
Solar Reunion Peruvian Crystal Skull
.3 oz (8 g)
each measures approx: .8" L x .5" W x .6" H
These hand-carved red Peruvian soapstone crystal skulls have a predominantly rich red color with a high gloss polish. They were specially energized at the Solar Reunion in Mount Shasta with the Q'ero of Peru, the Maya of Guatemala, the Hopi, the Tibetans, and the Solar Brotherhood from Samana Wasi, witnessing and recording all of the powerful information and ceremonies at this event, and they also received the ancient Karpay light transmissions delivered by Don Humberto.
Price $27 (S&H $ 7.95)
(Each is carved with similar features to the one pictured here)
Testimonial: "Within a spiritual group we travelled through Peru in June, 2017. Hereby personally I experienced many flashbacks in the Sacred Valley during ceremonies there. I always take with me various Crystal Skulls and Crystals as a token of gratitude to Pachamama [EARTH] and her dwellers. I have met Q'ero's before in Canada and The Netherlands as well along with some Q'ero skulls we wear when called for. So within the highest good was called to interact with the Light Infused Peruvian Crystal Skulls. The intensity already after ordering was nothing compared to the meditation we had with them when they arrived. It was like many veils were passed through together with the guidance of Don Humberto via these Crystal Skulls. A gentle breeze, scents and colors come through in a spectrum of Crystalline Rainbow Lights. The physical, emotional, mental and spiritual energy bell brings us on a daily basis much healing, uplifting in the DNA plus the initiations of the Ancient Karpay Light Transmission ceremonies. I have interacted with Crystal Skulls and Crystals for many years and shared this with many others in various countries now but nothing compares to what a Joy and Peace that is granted in such grace of Heart Pureness with these 3 Crystal Skulls. Munay - Gratitude Blessings"
Q'ero Light-Infused
Crystal Skull Pendants
Q’ero Elder Grandfather, Kuraq Allkueq, Don Humberto Soncco Quispe is a Paqo, a High Priest of the Q’eros of the Andes Mountains of Peru. Don Humberto is not a Shaman, he is one whom Shaman go to for their initiation. His last name means “heart of crystal”.
A Karpay is a transmission of energy and power from the Grand Central Sun, comprised of pure Sami, which is the most refined quality of Prana or Ether. It is an ancient ceremony and initiation in which there is a direct transmission of power, wisdom and energy that has been passed down for thousands of years.
In the Karpay transmissions, Don Humberto delivers ancient codes of light, infusing them into the crystal skulls. These crystal skulls received the following karpays:
Hatun: Direct transmission of the 4th level of consciousness and the 4th Sun, into the individual energy body/spirit/soul. This “Grand Initiation” can provide the impetus for one to transmute/transcend into the body of an Inka - a Direct One, in accordance with vision and prophecy. It is where we can explore our eternal potential, regaining our Direct nature.
Pampa Mesayoq: Direct transmission of the lineages of the Earth/PACHAMAMA; awakening of the lineages of Earth-based wisdom and consciousness. Resonating/harmonizing with the elemental beings, plant kingdoms, devic realms, mineral kingdom, PACHAMAMA, and the world of Form itself. Holds the resonance of the Earth Tribe and all the shamanic rites of the Earth.
Ayni: Karpay of and for Reciprocity on all levels of consciousness, for balance and reciprocity, including the energies of exchange and prosperity.
Mosoq: "The New Initiation", raises one to a fifth level of consciousness and the 5th Sun (2012 marked the doorway into the 5th world consciousness, and this Karpay supports the energies of transition and ascension into this new world vibration). Known as “the Rites of Time to Come”, it is an indication of our collective awakening. One aspect of this Karpay represents the end of one’s perception and relation to false frequencies of linear time expressed through the illusion of duality, polarity and separation.
Munay : Direct transmission of Unconditional love - to bring the resonance of Love into the receiver’s Auric Field. To balance and bring harmony. (NOT the "munay-ki")

J-Q-Q : Q'ero Light Infused
Quartz Crystal Skull Drilled Pendant
Approx. 10 g
L: .75 " W: .5 " H: .75 "
These Quartz crystal skulls have a hole drilled from side to side to wear as a pendant, or hang as a talisman in your car, altar, above your bed, etc.
Price $29.95(S&H $ 7.95)
Includes free cord & pouch
(Each will have similar features to the one pictured here)
Clear Quartz is a powerful all-purpose stone that amplifies thought, energy and intention. When carved into a crystal skull, Clear Quartz can raise a person’s vibration and consciousness. Clear Quartz also acts like a radio receiver to enhance intuition and clear guidance, opening the crown chakra to connect with divine guides.
more about the beneficial properties of Quartz

J-Q-SO : Q'ero Light Infused
Snowflake Obsidian Crystal Skull Drilled Pendant
Approx. 10 g
L: .75 " W: .5 " H: .75 "
These Snowflake Obsidian crystal skulls have a hole drilled from side to side to wear as a pendant, or hang as a talisman in your car, altar, above your bed, etc. Snowflake obsidian is black with varying patterns of white/gray "snowflake" formations.
Price $29.95(S&H $ 7.95)
Includes free cord & pouch
(Each will have similar features to the one pictured here)
Snowflake Obsidian is a “stone of purity,” bringing truth and balance to the mind, body, and spirit. It increases strength and willingness, inspires new ideas, and empowers one to facilitate positive change and transformation. It calms and soothes the system, helping to release patterns of negativity and emotional stress. Snowflake Obsidian supports one to see the Light in the darkness, opens new pathways of spiritual connection, increases psychic sensitivity and synchronicity. It supports achieving a meditative state, and can assist in connecting with lost loved ones. It is excellent for overcoming feelings of loneliness and isolation, and for increasing enthusiasm, especially regarding work. |

J-Q-BTE : Q'ero Light Infused
Blue Tiger Eye Crystal Skull Drilled Pendant
Approx. 10 g
L: .75 " W: .5 " H: .75 "
These Blue Tiger Eye crystal skulls have a hole drilled from side to side to wear as a pendant, or hang as a talisman in your car, altar, above your bed, etc. Blue Tiger Eye, also known as Hawk's Eye, has varying patterns of deep blue within the gold and black tiger eye.
Price $29.95(S&H $ 7.95)
Includes free cord & pouch
(Each will have similar features to the one pictured here)
Blue Tiger Eye or Hawk’s Eye is a soothing stone that reduces stress, eases anxiety, and increases calm and relaxation. It helps overcome fears, reduces anger, and alleviates worry. It boosts creativity, enhances mental clarity and focus, and deepens insight. Blue Tiger Eye enhances psychic abilities, including clairvoyance, astral travel and remote viewing.

J-Q-BS : Q'ero Light Infused
Bloodstone Crystal Skull Drilled Pendant
Approx. 10 g
L: .75 " W: .5 " H: .75 "
These Bloodstone crystal skulls have a hole drilled from side to side to wear as a pendant, or hang as a talisman in your car, altar, above your bed, etc. This bloodstone has varying patterns of red spots in a gray background.
Price $29.95(S&H $ 7.95)
Includes free cord & pouch
(Each will have similar features to the one pictured here)
For centuries, Buddhists have used bloodstone for healing. It increases life force energies, and activates the flow of kundalini. Bloodstone brings vitality to the mind and body, especially when feeling tired or run down. It is a stone that brings courage, strength, power and confidence. Ancient Greek and Roman warriors used to carry this stone to stop the flow of blood from their wounds. It is said to assist with all disorders of the blood, and to purify vital organs. It can also aid with pregnancy and childbirth. Legends claimed that wearing this stone could render one invisible.
more about the beneficial properties of Bloodstone

J-Q-MK : Q'ero Light Infused
Mookaite Crystal Skull Drilled Pendant
Approx. 10 g
L: .75 " W: .5 " H: .75 "
These Mookaite crystal skulls have a hole drilled from side to side to wear as a pendant, or hang as a talisman in your car, altar, above your bed, etc. Mookaite comes in a variety of colors and color combinations - these are predominantly shades of yellow and/or red (you can specify in the order comments if you have a preference and we will do our best to fulfill it).
Price $29.95(S&H $ 7.95)
Includes free cord & pouch
(Each will have similar features to the one pictured here)
Mookaite is an excellent all-over energizer that increases Life Force within the physical body, enhances strength and vitality, and is known to boost the immune system and counter the effects of aging. It promotes self-confidence and self-worth, increases your will and personal power, and supports you to take control of your destiny and realize your full potential. It sharpens intuition and helps you to know the right direction to take. |
Solar Set 1

J-Q-4-S1 : Q'ero Light Infused
Crystal Skull Drilled Pendant Set of 4
Aventurine / Rose Quartz / Chevron Amethyst / Sodalite
Each Approx. 10 g
L: .75 " W: .5 " H: .75 "
This set consists of 4 crystal skulls carved in these different stones: Aventurine, Rose Quartz, Chevron Amethyst, Sodalite. Each crystal skull has a hole drilled from side to side to wear as a pendant, or hang as a talisman in your car, altar, above your bed, etc.
Specially energized at the Solar Reunion in Mount Shasta with the Q'ero of Peru, the Maya of Guatemala, the Hopi, the Tibetans, and the Solar Brotherhood from Samana Wasi, these pendants witnessed and recorded all of the powerful information and ceremonies at this event, and also received all of the ancient Karpay Light transmissions delivered by Don Humberto.
Regular Price $120 for set of 4 (S&H $ 8.95)
*Sale 20% off Special Price $96
Includes one free cord & pouch
(Each will have similar features to the one pictured here)
Aventurine supports healing on all levels. Creates a sense of well-being and emotional calm, calms anger and irritation. Dissolves negative emotions, dispells negative thoughts and protects against negative energies. Promotes compassion, empathy, decisiveness and perseverance. Stimulates perception and enhances creativity. Positive stone of prosperity.
more about the beneficial properties of Green Aventurine
Rose Quartz is the stone of love. It emanates loving energy throughout its environment, creating peace and calm in the people and places that surround it. Rose Quartz can support and heal the heart, both physically and emotionally. It attracts love, enhances self-love, and promotes thoughts of loving-kindness.
more about the beneficial properties of Rose Quartz
Chevron Amethyst can help release stress, promote relaxation and enhance peace of mind. It can support inner strength, courage and self-discovery – and is believed to lessen one’s resistance to helping oneself. It can help diminish addictive tendencies and supports recovery from addictions.
more about the beneficial properties of chevron amethyst
Blue Sodalite supports you in expressing yourself and your truth clearly and directly. Opens you to receiving truth, understanding truth and recognizing truth. Unites logic with intuition, deepens meditation. Brings harmony, especially with groups. Calms the mind, encourages rational thought, emotional balance and calm (calms panic attacks). Blue Sodalite enhances self-trust and self-acceptance.
Solar Set 2

J-Q-4-S2 : Q'ero Light Infused
Crystal Skull Drilled Pendant Set of 4
Goldstone / Tiger Eye / Hematite / Purple Goldstone
Each Approx. 10 g
L: .75 " W: .5 " H: .75 "
This set consists of 4 crystal skulls carved in these different stones: Goldstone, Tiger Eye, Hematite, Purple Goldstone. Each crystal skull has a hole drilled from side to side to wear as a pendant, or hang as a talisman in your car, altar, above your bed, etc.
Specially energized at the Solar Reunion in Mount Shasta with the Q'ero of Peru, the Maya of Guatemala, the Hopi, the Tibetans, and the Solar Brotherhood from Samana Wasi, these pendants witnessed and recorded all of the powerful information and ceremonies at this event, and also received all of the ancient Karpay Light transmissions delivered by Don Humberto.
Regular Price $120 for set of 4 (S&H $ 8.95)
*Sale 20% off Special Price $96
Includes one free cord & pouch
(Each will have similar features to the one pictured here)
Goldstone is a man-made gemstone first created in the European Renaissance by alchemists trying to make gold, with glittering flecks of copper that make it sparkle all over. It is highly attractive, especially for children, and is one of the most popular gemstones in the world. Goldstone is said to be a Master Healer. It is a powerful transmitter and generator of energy that facilitates healing, especially at a distance. It supports one to achieve goals, encourages faith and confidence, renews strength and revitalizes energy.
more about the beneficial properties of Goldstone
Tiger Eye brings money, luck, confidence, courage, willpower, and psychic protection. It supports strength, confidence and focus to accomplish goals and manifest desires. It attracts helpful people and material things. Tiger Eye stimulates wealth and abundance, and enhances stability and clarity to maintain wealth. Tiger Eye also increases patience and determination.
more about the beneficial properties of Tiger Eye
Hematite is a protective stone known to deflect negativity, and provide a feeling of safety and security. It promotes courage, strength, endurance and vitality. Hematite can boost self-esteem, confidence, and willpower, and helps to overcome compulsions and addictions. It can help to alleviate anxiety, calm stress, overcome insomnia, and strengthen the heart. Legends say hematite protects vital energy and guarantees survival.
more about the beneficial properties of Hematite
Purple goldstone opens psychic awareness, enhances psychic abilities and increases telepathy. Purple Goldstone protects psychic and empathic sensitivities; deflects unwanted energies and helps repel entities. Purple goldstone is said to be a Master Healer - it increases healing energy in the hands and transmits healing energies, especially for distance healing. Excellent for healers as it revitalizes energy.
more about the beneficial properties of Purple Goldstone
Q'ero Energized
Third Eye Flat Crystal Skulls
These are the most highly energized Q'ero crystal skulls ever offered, having received karpays in Peru by 4 different Q'ero Pacos.
Because the Q’ero have never been invaded nor "discovered", their history, rituals and ceremonies remain pure and unadulterated, going back thousands of years. They trace their lineage to the Pleiades, and also to the Tibetans, and have found that they share some of the same ceremonies as the Hopi. Their Quechua language is considered to be over 20,000 years old, and is believed to have seeded ancient Hebrew and Sanskrit, which are the languages of many of the world's holy texts.
This select group of Flat Crystal Skulls travelled on a Peruvian Journey and took part in several Karpays by a number of Q'ero Pacos. A Karpay is a direct transmission of Light and energy from the Grand Central Sun, the center of our Universe. The Q'eros are Masters of the Living Energy, which has been ceremoniously infused in these Third Eye Flat Crystal Skulls.

These crystal skulls are carved in an unusual flat shape that allows them to be placed on the third eye during meditation to facilitate opening to higher levels of consciousness - after meditating with these skulls on the brow, the third eye remains more open to receive greater intuition and guidance.
The flatness of these crystal skulls also allows them to rest easily within the collar bone groove of the throat, opening the throat for clear communication, especially with the lapis and labradorite skulls. These flat crystal skulls have a small hole drilled from side to side, so they could also be worn as a necklace to open the throat, and to carry the energy close to your heart. You could also hang them on wire or fishing wire as a talisman of protection and healing for your altar or to create sacred protected space anywhere.

Besides being present at power centers of Peru (like at Tipon - the temple of water and a spiritual garden for the gods), these third-eye flat crystal skulls received the following Karpays that are direct transmissions of Light and energy from the Grand Central Sun:
Pampa Mesayoq Karpay: Direct transmission of the lineages of the Earth/PACHAMAMA; awakening of the lineages of Earth-based wisdom and consciousness, including but not limited to the plant/devic realms, animal, elemental and mineral kingdoms. Pachamama is the world of form itself - not just the Earth, it includes all form.
Alto Mesayoq Karpay: Direct transmission of the lineages of the HANAQPACHA or the "Upper Worlds" including the heavens, the stars, the galaxies, angelic realm, etc. Awakening of the lineages of wisdom and consciousness of the KAWSAYPACHA, or world of Living Energy. This Karpay gives the resonance of the Star Tribes, our ancestors from the stars, and transmits a cosmic level of consciousness.
Mosoq Karpay: Literally means "the New Initiation", which raises one to a fifth level of consciousness and the 5th Sun- This state of being and its initiation are a part of Andean Cosmology/Prophecy - Known as “the Rites of Time to Come”, it is an indication of our collective awakening. (It is believed by many that 2012 marked the doorway into the 5th world consciousness, and this Karpay supports the energies of transition and ascension into this new world vibration.) One aspect of this Karpay represents the end of one’s perception and relation to false frequencies of linear time expressed through the illusion of duality, polarity and separation.
Hatun: Karpay of the 4th level of consciousness, the 4th dimension, the 4th world and the 4th Sun - Hatun is the Totality of All That Is, the world of living energy
7 Nuesta Karpays: Karpay of the Divine Feminine aspect of the 5th level of consciousness, and the feminine aspect of the APUS (deities and spirits that dwell within the mountains). The Nuestas Karpays hold the resonance of elemental nature spirits and elemental life force, improving resonance with the elemental world.
These Karpays were delivered by 4 different Q'ero Pacos in the Andes Mountains of Peru, including two of the last three living Alto Mesayoqs: Don Humberto Soncco Quispe, and Don Mariano Quispe (an Alto Mesayoq bears the mark of having survived being struck by lightning).

There are only about 500-600 Q'eros left in the world today, and they hold ancient keys to our past, present and future.

These flat crystal skulls are available in several different stones (clockwise from 9 o'clock): Garnet, Goldstone, Tiger Eye, Lapis, Labradorite, Rose Quartz, Amethyst, Purple Fluorite, Golden Fluorite, Green Fluorite. Each has a hole drilled through it from side to side to they can be worn as a pendant or hung on an altar with string or fishing wire. They are carved in a very ROUGH AND PRIMITIVE STYLE, giving them an ancient feel.
Select Yours:

#Q-TEF-G : Q'ero Energized
Garnet Third Eye Flat Crystal Skull
Approx. 4 g (.1 oz)
L: .8" W: .4" D: .3"
Carved in an unusual flat shape that allows them to be placed on the third eye during meditation to facilitate opening to higher levels of consciousness. These flat crystal skulls have a small hole drilled from side to side, so they could also be worn as a necklace to open the throat, and to carry the energy close to your heart. You could also hang them on wire or fishing wire as a talisman of protection and healing for your altar or to create sacred protected space anywhere. These deep red garnet flat skulls are carved in a very ROUGH AND PRIMITIVE STYLE, giving them an ancient feel.
$24(S&H $7.95)
Includes free pouch
(Each will have similar features to the one pictured here)
Red garnet ignites and refuels the fires of passion and romance. It promotes self-confidence, creativity and reflection. Garnet can cool the temper and calm anxiety, and can enhance security, comfort and relaxation, especially in times of transition. It can heal and intensify relationships, bringing them to a higher, more spiritual level, and can inspire a more permanent level of devotion. Garnet is a jewel of life, love and purity, enhancing vitality and life force. On the physical level, garnet is associated with purification, regeneration and warmth. It promotes peak performance in life. Traditionally, garnet is considered to be a talisman for protection.
more about the beneficial properties of Garnet

#Q-TEF-GS : Q'ero Energized
Goldstone Third Eye Flat Crystal Skull
Approx. 4 g (.1 oz)
L: .8" W: .4" D: .3"
Carved in an unusual flat shape that allows them to be placed on the third eye during meditation to facilitate opening to higher levels of consciousness. These flat crystal skulls have a small hole drilled from side to side, so they could also be worn as a necklace to open the throat, and to carry the energy close to your heart. You could also hang them on wire or fishing wire as a talisman of protection and healing for your altar or to create sacred protected space anywhere. These shimmering copper-colored goldstone flat skulls are carved in a very PRIMITIVE STYLE, giving them an ancient feel.
$24(S&H $7.95)
Includes free pouch
(Each will have similar features to the one pictured here)
Goldstone is a man-made gemstone first created in the European Renaissance by alchemists trying to make gold, with glittering flecks of copper that make it sparkle all over. It is highly attractive, especially for children, and is one of the most popular gemstones in the world. Goldstone is said to be a Master Healer. It is a powerful transmitter and generator of energy that facilitates healing, especially at a distance. It supports one to achieve goals, encourages faith and confidence, renews strength and revitalizes energy.
more about the beneficial properties of Goldstone

#Q-TEF-RQ : Q'ero Energized
Rose Quartz Third Eye Flat Crystal Skull
Approx. 4 g (.1 oz)
L: .8" W: .4" D: .3"
Carved in an unusual flat shape that allows them to be placed on the third eye during meditation to facilitate opening to higher levels of consciousness. These flat crystal skulls have a small hole drilled from side to side, so they could also be worn as a necklace to open the throat, and to carry the energy close to your heart. You could also hang them on wire or fishing wire as a talisman of protection and healing for your altar or to create sacred protected space anywhere. These light rose quartz flat skulls are carved in a very ROUGH AND PRIMITIVE STYLE, giving them an ancient feel.
$24(S&H $7.95)
Includes free pouch
(Each will have similar features to the one pictured here)
Rose Quartz is the stone of love. It emanates loving energy throughout its environment, creating peace and calm in the people and places that surround it. Rose Quartz can support and heal the heart, both physically and emotionally. It attracts love, enhances self-love, and promotes thoughts of loving-kindness.
more about the beneficial properties of Rose Quartz

#Q-TEF-F-g : Q'ero Energized
Green Fluorite Third Eye Flat Crystal Skull
Approx. 4 g (.1 oz)
L: .8" W: .4" D: .3"
Carved in an unusual flat shape that allows them to be placed on the third eye during meditation to facilitate opening to higher levels of consciousness. These flat crystal skulls have a small hole drilled from side to side, so they could also be worn as a necklace to open the throat, and to carry the energy close to your heart. You could also hang them on wire or fishing wire as a talisman of protection and healing for your altar or to create sacred protected space anywhere. These flat skulls have varying shades of light green fluorite and are carved in a very ROUGH AND PRIMITIVE STYLE, giving them an ancient feel.
$24(S&H $7.95)
Includes free pouch
(Each will have similar features to the one pictured here)

#Q-TEF-GF : Q'ero Energized
Golden Fluorite Third Eye Flat Crystal Skull
Approx. 4 g (.1 oz)
L: .8" W: .4" D: .3"
Carved in an unusual flat shape that allows them to be placed on the third eye during meditation to facilitate opening to higher levels of consciousness. These flat crystal skulls have a small hole drilled from side to side, so they could also be worn as a necklace to open the throat, and to carry the energy close to your heart. You could also hang them on wire or fishing wire as a talisman of protection and healing for your altar or to create sacred protected space anywhere. These golden fluorite flat skulls have shades of yellow/green fluorite and are carved in a very ROUGH AND PRIMITIVE STYLE, giving them an ancient feel.
$24(S&H $6.95)
Includes free pouch
(Each will have similar features to the one pictured here)
Specially Acitvated
Ascension and Camera Quartz Crystal skulls
Mt. Shasta Solar Reunion
The prophecy of the Reunion of the Condor and the Eagle is retold by many Indigenous Nations. The Q'ero People, known as the Children of the Sun, have a prophecy that says that when the Eagle of the North and the Condor of the South fly together, the Peoples of Mother Earth will awaken. They say that the Eagles of the North (those who live in North America) cannot be free without the Condors of the South.
An historic gathering took place at Mt. Shasta (USA) when the Mayans, Tibetans, Hopi, and Qeros, came together to share wisdom and Light in a Reunion of the Sun.

While the events of this momentous occasion were not publicly recorded as per the wishes of the presenters, the weekend's teachings and ceremonies were witnessed by a select group of crystal skulls that served as recorders, amplifiers and magnifiers of energy and information. This group of crystal skulls that witnessed the events and ceremonies throughout the Solar Reunion in Mount Shasta have been imprinted with these frequencies of energetic memory, much as a computer stores and records information (in fact, the memory in computers is powered by quartz!). These powerfully imprinted crystal skulls can assist in your own personal ascension.

The Q'ero have lived for centuries in a world without money and cannot purchase basic necessities that most of us take for granted (they live in the harshest climates at 18,000 feet in the Andes mountains, and many freeze to death, especially infants). There are only about 500-600 full-blooded Q'ero left in the world today, and they hold ancient keys to our past, present and future.
Camera Crystal Skulls
Carved in Brazil from high quality A-Grade ultra-clear quartz that is so clear you can look through the back of the skull and see through eyes like a camera, with some wispy veils and internal planes. These crystal skulls glow with light!
Solar Reunion Energized
Camera Quartz Crystal Skulls

Solar Reunion Energized
Camera Quartz Crystal Skulls(S&H $9.95)
High Quality A-Grade ultra clear quartz with some wispy veils and internal planes
SR-CCS-Q-125 |
SR-CCS-Q-175 |
SR-CCS-Q-225 |
0.27 Lb / 125 g |
0.38 Lb / 175 g |
0.49 Lb / 225 g |
2.1" x 1.4" x 1.6" |
2.4" x 1.6" x 1.8" |
2.6" x 1.7" x 1.9" |
$125 |
$175 |
$225 |
Each is carved in Brazil with similar features to the ones pictured.
All weights & dimensions are approximate. |
Half-Pound+ Solar Reunion Energized
Camera Quartz Crystal Skulls

Solar Reunion Energized
Camera Quartz Crystal Skulls(S&H $12.95)
High Quality A-Grade ultra clear quartz with some wispy veils and internal planes
SR-CCS-Q-275 |
SR-CCS-Q-325 |
0.55 Lb / 250 g |
0.66 Lb / 300 g |
2.8" x 1.8" x 2.1" |
2.9" x 1.9" x 2.3" |
$275 |
$325 |
Each is carved in Brazil with similar features to the ones pictured.
All weights & dimensions are approximate. |
One Pound Solar Reunion Energized
Camera Quartz Crystal Skulls

Solar Reunion Energized
Camera Quartz Crystal Skulls(S&H $1.95)
High Quality A-Grade ultra clear quartz with some wispy veils and internal planes
SR-CCS-Q-425 |
SR-CCS-Q-450 |
0.93 Lb / 425 g |
1 Lb / 450 g |
3.3" x 2.1" x 2.4" |
3.4" x 2.2" x 2.5" |
$425 |
$450 |
Each is carved in Brazil with similar features to the ones pictured.
All weights & dimensions are approximate. |
1.75 Lb Solar Reunion Energized
Ascension Quartz Crystal Skull

SR-ACS-Q-808 : Solar Reunion Energized
Quartz Crystal Skull
Approx. 1.75 Lb (808 g)
L: 4" W: 2.5" H: 3.1"
This large 1.75-pound grapefruit-size crystal skull measures 4 inches. It is carved in Brazil of beautiful quartz that is ultra-clear ascension quality through the entire face, with wispy veils in the back half of the skull.
Price $ 750(S&H $29.95)
(These are photos of the actual crystal skull you will receive)

Solar Reunion Crystal Skull Jewelry
Benefit from the power of crystal skulls and the energies of the Solar Reunion of the Mayans, Tibetans, Hopi & Q'eros by wearing these pendants close to your heart at all times.
Solar Reunion Energized
Ascension Quartz Crystal Skull Pendants

Solar Reunion Energized
Ascension Quartz Crystal Skull Pendants
(S&H $8.95)
Top quality near flawless A-grade ultra clear quartz
with Sterling Silver bail
0.1 oz / 3 g |
0.2 oz / 5 g |
.6" x .4" x .4" |
.7" x .5" x .5" |
$27 |
Each is carved with similar features to the ones pictured.
Testimonial: "My mother and I were at a gathering in Marin county CA in 1997 to meet, learn from, and be blessed by the Q'ero Inka priests and it was one of the highlights of my life. At the time I didn't know what I was going to experience, but I knew I was supposed to be there and meet them."

A Karpay is an ancient ceremony and initiation in which there is a direct transmission of power, wisdom and energy. The Karpay transmissions are a bestowal of an ancient lineage that has been passed down for thousands of years.
In the Karpay transmissions, Don Humberto delivers ancient codes of light, infusing them into the DNA. (These light encodings have also been delivered directly into The Tibetan Crystal Skull Amar, and the Mayan Jade skull Cana Ixim.) A select group of crystal skulls were included in these special Karpay ceremonies and have been encoded with these unique and powerful energies of the Ancient Q'ero light transmissions.
Q'ero Karpay Light Infused
Peruvian Crystal Skulls
These unique crystal skulls have a primitive carving style that evokes the ancient energies of the native people of Peru. The Q’ero, known as the “Children of the Sun”, are the last bloodline descendants of the ancient Inca high priests of the Peruvian Andes (the Inca built Machu Picchu, among many other spiritual sites in the Sacred Valley of Peru). The Q'ero were thought to be extinct for hundreds of years until they descended from the mountains in the 1950s to share their wisdom and their prophecies with the “dense” people.

Don Humberto with crystal skull AMAR at Mount Shasta
Q’ero Elder Grandfather, Kuraq Allkueq, Don Humberto Soncco Quispe is a Paqo, a High Priest of the Q’eros of the Andes Mountains of Peru. Don Humberto is higher than a Shaman, he is one whom Shaman go to for their initiation. His last name means “heart of crystal”, and his energy is so pure, joyful and loving that it is akin to His Holiness, the Dalai Lama.
A Karpay is a transmission of energy and power from the Grand Central Sun, comprised of pure Sami, which is the most refined quality of Prana or Ether. It is an ancient ceremony and initiation in which there is a direct transmission of power, wisdom and energy that has been passed down for thousands of years.
In the Karpay transmissions, Don Humberto delivers ancient codes of Light, infusing them into the crystal skulls. These crystal skulls were hand-carved in Peru of different tones of Peruvian Soapstone, and they have received the codes of the Star Rites of the Alto Mesayoq Karpay, along with these Karpays (Direct Transmissions of the Grand Central Sun) :
Munay Karpay: Direct transmission of Unconditional love - to bring the resonance of Love into the receiver’s Auric Field. To balance and bring harmony. (NOT the "munay-ki")
Hatun: Direct transmission of the 4th level of consciousness and the 4th Sun, into the individual energy body/spirit/soul. This “Grand Initiation” can provide the impetus for one to transmute/transcend into the body of an Inka - a Direct One - in accordance with vision and prophecy. It is where we can explore our eternal potential, regaining our Direct nature.
Nuesta: Direct transmission of the Divine feminine of the 5th level of consciousness. The Nuesta Karpay holds the resonance of elemental nature spirits and elemental life force, improving resonance with the elemental world.
Ayni: Direct transmission of the clear and equal exchange of energies, for reciprocity in all dimensions and in all lifetimes.
Pampa Mesayoq: Direct transmission of the lineages of the Earth/PACHAMAMA; awakening of the lineages of Earth-based wisdom and consciousness. Resonating/harmonizing with the elemental beings, plant kingdoms, devic realms, mineral kingdom, PACHAMAMA, and the world of Form itself. Holds the resonance of the Earth Tribe and all the shamanic rites of the Earth.
Alto Mesayoq: Direct transmission of the lineages of the HANAQPACHA or the "Upper Worlds"; awakening of the lineages of wisdom and consciousness of the KAWSAYPACHA, or world of Living Energy. Represents the initiatory path of the soul's lineages of the APU(s), the Chaskas (star systems) and the Hanaq Pacha (upperworlds). This Karpay gives the resonance of the Star Tribes, our ancestors from the stars, and transmits a cosmic level of consciousness.
In the 1500's, the Q’ero escaped the Spaniards by going high up into the Andes mountains creating villages above the tree-line at an altitude of 17,000-18,000 ft. They remain there today, subsisting mainly on potatoes, trying to survive the freezing temperatures without windows, without heat, and with little firewood that is used for cooking but not for warmth… the major cause of death for the Q’ero is freezing, especially in infancy, and even in utero.
The Q'ero have lived for centuries in a world without money and cannot purchase basic necessities that most of us take for granted. There are only about 500-600 full-blooded Q'ero left in the world today, and they hold ancient keys to our past, present and future.
Q'ero LIGHT Infused Peruvian Crystal Skulls

Q-SS-S3-E : Set of 3 EARTH-Toned
Q'ero LIGHT Infused
Peruvian Soapstone Crystal Skulls
.88 oz (25 g) X 3 skulls
each measures approx: 1.25" L x .9" W x .9" H
This set includes 3 soapstone crystal skulls hand-carved in Peru with a very unique "primitive" carving style. These crystal skulls are in EARTH TONES with varying shades of brown and cream.
Soapstone helps to release old outdated patterns and habits, assisting to find a more constructive path. It is said to be the perfect stone to have around you during a process of change, emotionally or physically, to help smooth the way and retain a sense of calm. It is also thought to open the connection to other planes of existence and encourage a more broadminded and inspired approach to life.
Price $75 for set of 3 (S&H $ 8.95)
*20% OFF Sale Price 3 for $60
(Each is carved with similar features to the ones pictured here, colors vary)

Testimonial: "I have got to say, I wasn't sure what to expect when receiving my little Rose Quartz crystal skull that has been blessed with the Peruvian shamans' ceremonies (the ancient Karpay energy transmissions!) but woa- were my socks blown off by the power of this little crystal!
I'm still adjusting to its energies which are incredible, more powerful than any other crystal I have EVER connected with (only one that compares perhaps is Moldavite, but a completely different kind of experience).
This little crystal is already helping me- I can sense a deeper connection with my other crystals, and it gives me such a sense of contentment when I hold it and wear it close to my heart.
It's also helped me greatly with reducing stress.
I've also had two very vividly remembered dreams where I was swimming-which has NEVER happened before!!! :D I think my new little friend has had something to do with it, because I was wearing her when I was having these dreams! (She's also helped me get better sleep as well. Thanks so much for that!)
This crystal skull is an incredible healer. I look forward to doing much work with her as the days go by! I can't wait to see what more I discover through her and my other crystals and crystal skulls I have received before from you guys. (I have a Sha Na Ra Smokey Crystal whose energy is outstanding, and a little Quartz crystal skull that was my first ever Crystal Skull! Both were VERY happy to meet the new crystal skull from the Q'eros, and very pleased with introducing themselves to her! She was as well! :)
Thank you SO very much from the bottom of my heart! I feel SO very blessed (in more ways than one, what a blessing to have the opportunity to partake in the energies of these ancient people and their connection to the stars and beyond!)" (read more testimonials) |
Testimonial: "The moment i started to wear this pendant, a total remake of my crystal consciousness was set in motion. First I had some kind of headache because the skull vibrated at such a high level of energy. My astral body clearly needed some time to adjust to this skull's high frequency level. Then it suddenly felt like a magnificant purification process of my entire crystalline (or astral) being.
I immediately started to make some life changes - that could move me more into alignment with my purest self in all areas of my life - as I felt were necessary upon connecting with this obsidian skull. So i can really recommend working with a light infused skull. Cause the skull offers powerful, intense and transforming light work to guide you on the path to crystalline consciousness : your purest self. ."
Testimonial: "I have just received the Q'ero skull pendants and the Skull essence drops. Wow! I am wearing the Hematite skull and it is so powerful that I am having some body issues that I know stem from the power of the prayers that were performed for these skulls. I have been slightly shaky and have a light headache. I find their quality exceptional and am proud to be fortunate enough to have been blessed with so many Karpays. I have much gratitude for the blessings and what an honor to receive such powerful little skulls. The Skull gem Essence is like drinking liquid light, I felt inclined to offer drops to all my skull family and they loved it!. Thank you for your service and thank the Crystal Skulls for their Service to all of Humanity and Countless Souls on Earth and All Universes.
(read more testimonials) |
Please Note:
As these are energetic tools, returns may not be possible for certain crystal skulls that have been specially energized. In the unlikely event that a return is desired, please email for return authorization and procedures within 14 days of receiving your shipment. If a return is authorized, there could be a 20% re-stocking/return fee. |
