Alien ET Crystal Skull
Mahasamatman (the name of an Indian Prince) is one of the lesser known crystal skulls, yet it is one of the most activated crystal skulls. This is thanks in part to the present crystal skull caretaker, Kathleen, who actively uses the now nicknamed "Sammie Girl" Crystal Skull in meditations mainly in Europe - mostly in England and in her native Scotland.

The history of "Sammie Girl", the Mahasamatman Crystal Skull is described on the official website, and is highlighted here:
The story of its creation, that the skull gave me, was being created from light, light forming crystalline matter off planet and dropped into three dimensional reality through a vortex in Amazonia in Brazil. He said that there are indigenous people, guardians of the vortex, who are in full knowing of their purpose. They take these ET crystals down river and exchange them for goods, which is when they are logged into physical reality at crystal wholesalers. I was told by the man who brought Mahasamatman into the UK that he had come from a crystal wholesaler, originally to be purchased by someone in the UK who had requested a crystal skull. When it arrived here the person didn't want this skull, and it was offered to me, knowing I do healing and earth working with special crystals. |
It is a challenge to classify something as ancient when there is no definitive scientific test currently available. However, Kathleen took the crystal skull, Mahasamatman, to Damian Quinn, the leading expert of contemporary crystal skulls in Brazil, and reported as follows:
He invited me to go and meet the carvers. Perhaps I needed confirmation of what could be a completely 'off the wall' story. The carvers said that they didn't and couldn't carve skulls like this one. They couldn't make teeth that looked so roughly carved. Mahasamatman's teeth look as though they are individually carved, and the present way the carvers work is to use a rotary wheel to make beautiful very even teeth. They also said that they didn't know how to gouge out the nose markings, again because it looked so casually done - easy in a softer material than quartz, but not in quartz. |
Kathleen is a multifaceted person and her intuitive talents allow her to receive information from crystals and become aware of their consciousness. Her book Divine Spark of Creation: the Crystal Skull Speaks by Kathleen Murray is an extension of her soul's purpose - to release the information held in crystals.
I have always been a seeker, a musician and an artist, a journeyer. The psychic abilities that I was born with flourished when I began working with crystals. I was clairaudient, clairvoyant and clairsentient to a degree before I began working with crystals. Since, and especially when Mahasamatman, my first crystal skull, came into my life my abilities have developed, and are continuing to develop. |
Some people may consider obtaining information through a process called "channeling" to be very esoteric, but if crystal skulls have an extraterrestrial element to them, then perhaps we need to explore these methods of communication.
Mahasamatman |
Size: 4.41 lbs / 2.0 kgs |
Stone: Clear Quartz |
Origin: Brazil |
"Sammie Girl"
An esoteric channel for information on the creation of the human species.
Official Website |
Photo Credit |
