Modern Crystal Skull Explorer
with Partner Katrina Head
The name Joshua Shapiro (aka. Joshua "Illinois"
Shapiro or R. Joshua Shapiro) has become intrinsically associated with crystal skulls. He is currently one of the foremost "experts" in the field of crystal skulls, and his passion for them drives him to share the crystal skull phenomenon with people all over the world.
Although Shapiro is not a caretaker of an ancient crystal skull, his "Portal de Luz" crystal skull has the distinction of being a very activated crystal skull - it has been in the presence of numerous ancient and old crystal skulls as well as visited a number of sacred sites in the world.
Joshua Shapiro and his partner Katrina Head have eight other companion crystal skulls which travel with Portal de Luz ("Portal of Light") called Geronimo Golden Eagle-Eye (clear dark smoky quartz, about 1-2 lbs), Little Indian Princess (rose quartz, 1/3 of a lb), Purple Starbright / Zippy One-Eye (amethyst, about 2 lbs), The King / Laialani (1 lb amethyst Star Being Skull), The Guardian (rose quartz, less then 1 lb), Anton (clear quartz, 9-10 ounces), Atahualpa (clear quartz, 9-10 ounces) and T'chu'la (clear quartz with raspberry obsidian, a mongolian skull, 3 lbs).
Johsua Shapiro has evolved into one of the main personalities of the crystal skull phenomenon, often providing public presentations and working with other crystal skull teachers and caretakers as well as with his partner Katrina Head. Joshua "Illinois" Shapiro is an author, explorer, and researcher. With the assitance of Katrina Head and dedicated organizers in numerous countries, he facilitates crystal skull events and world-wide conferences.
At times, Shapiro may take a somewhat extreme esoteric viewpoint, however, he is merely presenting the range of crystal skull legends and theories. His websites are worth a visit and his books offer a weatlh of information.
Joshua Shapiro is generously providing a free crystal skull ebook called "Crystal Skull Explorers". Keep in mind that even though it is 50+ pages, it is really more of an introduction to his 600 page new crystal skull book "Journeys of the Crystal Skull Explorers", which has a fascinating chapter outline.
Joshua Shapiro is involved with several crystal skull websites:
Website :
Crystal Skull Festivals and Related Past Events:
Joshua Shapiro's main website for crystal skulls:
Members of the Crystal Skull Explorers new mailing list called "The Unfolding of the Crystal Skulls" receive a number of special gifts.
To signup go to:
Joshua Shapiro Free Crystal Skull Products and Services for You
There are 3 free e-books we are sharing at this time that we have discussed before: One is our 100+ page free crystal skull e-book (last updated in 2018). We also have a short free e-book on the special information I have uncovered related to the possibility that we might be living in a computer simulation (if you saw the movies, the Matrix trilogy or the 13th Floor - it is kind like that), so this e-book has various links to key on-line resources I uncovered which supports such a theory and discusses the Mandela Effect too. Then finally, within the third e-book, I wrote this one just before I appeared on the "Coast-to-Coast" radio show (July 2020) which explains two key experiences I have had over the years that have shown me with absolute certainty that by 2037-2040 our world will see total peace. This last e-book is called Messages from rJis (one I talked about before).
My Posts on my Personal Facebook page .. I have been using my facebook page as my main social media area to share all kinds of interesting posts. I believe if you don't have a FB account you can still go to my page via your browser to look around. First of all you will find all of the on-line interviews I have been doing recently (the url links) discussing crystal skulls, UFOs, the paranormal or spiritual insights of why events are happening in our world as they are (see the next listing for a few links to some of these interviews). Or, at other times I will share some of my most amazing adventures and stories linked to the crystal skulls as I have had over 38 years involved with being around them and these stories will also include some very interesting photos. And then I sometimes make posts around current events, careful not to be cancelled that is. Like for example for 7 days before my birthday on April 17th, I shared my most profound crystal skull experiences, so you just need to scroll down a bit on my facebook page to see all of this - enjoy - go to:
Free Online Interviews .. As I shared above, since July of 2020, I have been doing a ton of on-line interviews. Below are links how to listen to the most recent interviews (with a short description of each) and a few other key ones from the past including a link to my "Coast-to-Coast" appearance last July. These are blessings from God for me, as normally I like to do public talks when I can but due to the covid, this has restricted us from being able to travel or have public events (although now it's starting to change) with big groups. The interviews are my best way to continue to share key information, enjoy:
Crystal Skulls: They Key to Mankind.s Future w/ Joshua Shapiro
on the Dr. J. Live Show - May 17th, 2021 n Beer Podcast with host Christopher Jordan (now the proud owner of a Geronimo Jr.)
DnB Ep312:Crystal Skulls and Messages of Lost Civilizations, March 9th, 2021
(we spoke about a wide range of topics over one and three quarter hours)
(An older show, Crystal Skull interview with popular radio host, Jimmy Black - Jan. 23, 2015)
PS-=- again feel free to go to my Facebook Pages for more on-line shows which happened before March 9th, 2021
Free Crystal Skull and Peru Videos .. Under this topic, we share our personal videos we have taken and created about crystals skulls and Peru - so they are not so professional but they do contain some very interesting filming!
(We have only shared this documentary series so far with people who have joined our free on-line crystal skull newsletter but I have decided now to share these videos with everyone -- this was my first attempt to do my own documentary which happened when I lived in Holland (2001-2007), there were a few friends in Europe who helped me. It's a bit out of date but its still good - enjoy)
(Crystal Skull Explorers Youtube Channel Videos)
(Crystal Interdimensional Journeys and Exploration - Videos from our
Spiritual Tour to Peru in 2009, some amazing phenomena was captured)
Free Online Crystal Skull Class .. There is an on-line service called LearnitLive where people can offer on-line classes. Back in 2016 and 2017 I was able to offer 13 different classes on a number of topics including the crystal skulls and in some of them Katrina joined me. Below is the link to our teacher's page and then a direct link to the free class we offered. To take this class or the others (which have a small fee), you just join LearnitLive which is totally free - enjoy .... .. (all of our classes shown on this webpage)
(our free Introduction to the crystal skull class)
Free On-line Newsletter, "Unfolding of the Crystal Skulls" .. We have offered this newsletter for about 10+ years now. It is always the first place we use to share any news or updates linked with the crystal skulls. It is free to join and you have access to all the issues we have shared since day #1. We try not to send too many out so each issue will arrive irregularly but if some major happens, then we put out an issue. To read more about the newsletter go to:
Unfolding of the Crystal Skulls: The Newsletter & How to Sign Up!! (
