The Light Labyrinth
The Power of Light, Sound and Crystals
The Ancient Crystal Skull Sha Na RA
in Victoria, BC - CANADA (also in Nanaimo)
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Events take place at: 1923 Fernwood Road, Victoria, BC
Saturday April 25, 2009
Introduction to Crystal Skulls and the Light Labyrinth
Exploring the history and mysteries of crystal skulls,
and exhibiting the life-size ancient crystal skull: Sha Na Ra
$20 pre-registered or $25 at the door (space is limited)
Read more or register to secure your spot
by appointment only
Thursday April 23 & Saturday April 25
A rare opportunity to spend one-on-one private time with an ancient crystal skull that you can actually touch and feel.
- and you can activate your own crystal skulls
with the power of this ancient crystal skull -
$50 per half hour
Read more or register to secure your spot
Sunday April 26th, 2009
Ancient & Modern Technology:
Explorations of Crystals, The Light Labyrinth & Crystal Skull Research, Featuring the Ancient Crystal Skull Sha Na Ra
Experience the power of light and sound through massive crystals, and the ancient crystal skull Sha Na Ra, on an Awakened Journey of profound healing and meditation with the magical Light Labyrinth.
$100 pre-registered or $125 at the door.
Read more or register to secure your spot
Saturday April 25, 7pm-9:30pm,
1923 Fernwood Road, Victoria, BC
$20 ($25 at the door, space is limited)
Experience an Awakened Journey with The Light Labyrinth and Sha Na Ra in this introductory evening. We will explore and discuss cutting edge mind technology combined with ancient shamanic tradition and the ancient crystal skull, Sha Na Ra.
There will be a unique opportunity to journey into liminal dreaming - the state between consciousness and unconsciousness that allows viewers to access profound inner healing and guidance.
Kirby Seid will share Sha Na Ra’s story as well as introduce the fascinating life work of F.R. Nick Nocerino, one of the original founders of crystal skull research.
Read more or register to secure your spot |
Thursday April 23 & Saturday April 25,
1923 Fernwood Road, Victoria, BC
$50 per 1/2 hour - register early!
Sha Na Ra, is the name of an ancient authentic quartz crystal skull discovered by the late FR. ‘Nick’ Nocerino. The Crystal Skull has been used and revered by ancient traditions throughout human history. As the symbol of the vessel for human consciousness, various native cultures have used carved stone skulls in ceremonies representing the passage and evolution of the human existence to higher planes. Many people have had deep visions, intuitions, past life recalls, and messages from the unseen through this cherished artifact.
This is your one-on-one time which you can also use to activate your own crystal skulls with the ancient crystal skull, Sha Na Ra.
Register to secure your spot |
Ancient & Modern Technology:
Explorations of Crystals, The Light Labyrinth & Crystal Skull Research, Featuring the Ancient Crystal Skull Sha Na Ra
Sunday April 26, 10am-4:30pm,
1923 Fernwood Road, Victoria, BC
$100 ($125 at the door, limited space)
Crystals, minerals, hypnotic flickering light and sound have been used throughout history to access shamanic visions and healing in ancient traditions.
The Light Labyrinth is an advanced light and sound visualizer system that projects dazzling light programs into natural quartz crystals to assist in achieving deep meditation and profound joy. The Light Labyrinth programs help calm the complex visual and auditory stimulation the mind is constantly receiving and help the viewer shift awareness, play, explore and journey.
Light and sound meditation is a safe and effective way to naturally relax and explore different states of consciousness. With The Light Labyrinth viewers have accessed profound meditation, deep peace, lucid dreaming, creative inspiration, inner spiritual guidance or simply enjoyed an inspiring experience. Featuring stunning giant crystals and the ancient crystal skull, Sha Na Ra.
Read more or register to secure your spot |
Mystical Experiences * Spiritual Healing *
Profound Peace * Deep Meditation |
Presented by Kirby Seid
For the past 25 years, Kirby Seid of Berkeley California has traveled the world for crystals, fossils and ancient artifacts with his mineral business. He teaches crystal and light workshops and designs visionary tools for spiritual and healing practices and teachers.
Kirby has a B.A. degree in psychology from UC Santa Cruz and teaches visionary Light Labyrinth workshops across the US, including seminars at Omega Institute in New York. He has been developing the Light Labyrinth Project
in collaboration with artists and scientists who have worked with the Exploratorium in San Francisco and Apple Computer.
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Event will take place at the venue used by Theatre Inconnu, which is a total black-out space that will fully highlight the beauty of the crystals and light - enhancing your experience and meditation.
Victoria Map - Local Map of Fernwood Area (for parking, etc)
Located in the heart of Fernwood, a quaint area that could be called the "Greenwich Village" of Victoria, where there are a few restaurants and cafes. The closest accomodations would be a Victorian B&B called Amethyst Inn (what a perfect name for a crystal event). Downtown Victoria is less than 5 minutes away by car and hosts an abundance of hotels in all price ranges - including the legendary Empress Hotel.
About Victoria, BC: Tourism - Travel - Closest Accomodations
Limited space - Register Early and Save!
Lecture |
Workshop |
Privates |
Package |
Sat Apr 25
7 - 9:30 pm |
Sun Apr 26
10am-4:30 pm |
Th Apr 23 or
Sat Apr 25 |
VIP priority |
$20 |
$100 |
$50 |
$170 |
savings $5 |
savings $25 |
savings $30 |
Sold Out |
Sorry |
*Prices for Victoria event are in Canadian Dollars
Call Millennium: (250) 370-7477
toll free 1 800 663-6463
or email
Victoria, BC :
Similar program offered in Nanaimo, BC : 250-591-5515

Crystal spheres and carvings have been known to be important in sacred ceremony. In particular, the Crystal Skull has been revered by ancient cultures throughout human history. As the symbol of the vessel for human consciousness, various native North American and South American Indian cultures have used carved stone skulls in ceremonies representing the passage and evolution of the human existence to higher planes. Some tribes use them as portals into specific realms of their spirit helpers and ancestors. They have been traditionally used as record keepers, witnesses to very important spiritual events in communities, or personal rituals of power. These special talismans have also been used as keepers of sacred dreams, knowledge and power.

Sha Na Ra, is the name of an authentic ancient crystal skull guardianed by the Nocerino family of the late F.R. ‘Nick’ Nocerino. Discovered on an archeological dig near Guerrero Mexico by Nick, many people have had deep visions, intuitions, past life recalls, and messages from the unseen through this cherished artifact. It is the Nocerino’s gift and wish to make Sha Na Ra available to persons sincerely seeking experience and council with this ancient artifact. When viewed with the The Light Labyrinth, the latest innovation in light, color and sound technology, the crystal skull Sha Na Ra is illuminated to realms of visioning possibilities.
The dance of the light and color within the crystal mirrors the dance of Creation. If you seek grace in the realm of light and crystal you will find it. Many worlds arise and dissolve again and again. All the entanglements and attachments of the mind are surrendered, until finally a new awareness stands in their place.

Ancient Wisdom enhanced by Modern Technology
Crystals, minerals, light and sound have been used throughout time to access shamanic visions and healing in ancient traditions. To the Druids, the real magic of crystal/glass lay in its ability to refract white light into the color spectrum as is well known by observing a rainbow phenomenon. Through such patterns the Druids believed that man was privileged with a rare opportunity to know something of Divinity. In the book, “The 21 Lessons of Merlin”, Douglas Monroe says that one of the underlying principles of all druidism is the secret of color in the long-standing mystery of the druid’s affiliation with both light and crystal stone in the practice of scrying [crystal gazing].
Kirby Seid developed The Light Labyrinth project in collaboration with artists from the Exploratorium in San Francisco, artists and software writers from Apple Computers, and electronic engineering designers. The Light Labyrinth, used in conjunction with massive quartz crystals, is designed to facilitate viewers to access mystical and visionary experiences. The Light Labyrinth incorporates over 250 super LED lights with several computer-generated programs of varying light cycles and stunning color effects which, when projected upward into a natural quartz crystal, illuminates the fractal planes and fissures and can produce profound shifts in consciousness for the viewer.
This technology has the ability to reveal liminal states - those states in between waking and sleeping, the conscious and unconscious. This creates the opportunity for experiencing the mystical, shamanic states the ancients spoke about; the light, color, and crystals becoming portals to other dimensions of awareness. The carefully selected programs are a combination of strobe and color effects designed to help the meditating viewer reach a gentle hypnogogic trance state and allow the viewer to break out of normal consciousness and access other states of awareness.

The latest new program for the Light Labyrinth is the Music Visualizer, which creates an experience of synethesia, allowing viewers to see what they are hearing and sense patterns in music and sound they would not normally perceive. This creates a multisensory experience of sound and music and helps viewers observe the deeper, often hidden, patterns of music. The seven brilliant LED colors of the Light Labyrinth are each assigned a range of sound frequencies. The colors blend and dance to the ranges of sound frequency when played with any form of music for spectacular results. The color and light sensitivity to the sound frequency can be adjusted. The music program also includes the ability to adjust the Sampling Rate, which is how often the sound is rendered into colored light. This enables the Light Labyrinth viewer to fine-tune the Music Visualizer to his or her specific musical sensitivity.
The Light Labyrinth includes a multitude of features that expand the viewer’s experience. There are several programs that play nine distinct “light forms”, individual strands of light composed together to create light streams that combine various modes such as beat frequencies, duty cycle, depth and intensity and complex color combining. The constant color (non-strobing) and strobing mode palettes provide the viewer with varied depths of hypnogogic experiences. To facilitate chakra meditations, a "single color mode" allows work with one color at a time. There are seven super bright LED light colors that can be at any brightness level, constant or strobing, and the viewer can cycle through the seven colors and multiple “light form” programs using the remote control. For those interested in working with brainwave entrainment, the strobing programs can be set to pulse at Alpha (10Hz) or Theta (5Hz) frequencies. These program features facilitate an interactive and mystical experience with the crystal and the light.
Among those working with The Light Labyrinth are spiritual teachers and practitioners, musicians, chiropractors, hypnotherapists, scientists, artists, shamanic healers, and leaders of rituals. One Reiki certified Holographic Repatterning practitioner recently said, “ While I worked with the light [Light Labyrinth] and a crystal sphere, I did different eye movements and gazes trying to access all the brain areas. As I worked it felt like my brain was synching up…and the synapses and neurotransmitters were waking up... when I relaxed the eyes and allowed them to follow the [light and color] tracers through the crystal, there were actually times when I know I was in an open eye REM state and could feel connections being hooked up in the brain. There were actually times when it felt like the sphere was mirroring what my brain was doing. [The next] night my vision was much clearer, I felt much lighter, more connected to myself, more optimistic. My body movements also improved and freed up dramatically…my attitude was upbeat and my head was clearer.”
One hypnotherapist incorporates the Light Labyrinth into her group and private practice. “The Light Labyrinth [and the crystal] enhances the group experience immeasurably. It enables people to read each other better. I turn it on for every session I have and, even when the group is not gazing at it, it makes the healing energy in the room glow! It absolutely glows!” Other healers and teachers have experiences of lucid dreaming, and angelic or spiritual guide appearances.
About Kirby Seid (Facilitator)
Kirby Seid has traveled the world for crystals, minerals, fossils and artifacts. He teaches crystal workshops and designs crystal tools for shamanic practices.
Dedicated to the union of the crystal/mineral kingdom and that of our spiritual human evolution, Kirby has found that human awareness, crystal consciousness and light consciousness can synergize into transcendent states of awareness.
Kirby has also been developing the Light Labyrinth Project in collaboration with Artists from the Exploratorium in San Francisco, Artists and software writers from Apple Computers, and local electronic engineering designers.
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Or Call Millennium: (250) 370-7477
or toll free 1 800 663-6463
or email
