Is it really an Ancient Crystal Skull?
The most widely adopted crystal skull classifications are as follows:
Ancient Crystal Skulls: carved over 1500 years ago
Old Crystal Skulls: carved between 100 to 1500 years ago
Contemporary Crystal Skulls: carved within the past 100 years
However, there is much more than age when it comes to classfying and categorizing crystal skulls.
The Society of Crystal Skulls was formed in 1945 by Nick Nocerino, the leading crystal skull researcher of our time. (Since his passing in 2004, the society has not yet resumed operations.) The Society of Crystal Skulls International states the following regarding crystal skull classification and categorization:
What are the characteristics of those specified as Ancient? Without going into details about specific tests, it has to do with reactions to color, light and sound, in conjunction with physical factors such as tool marks, carving style and the stated origin of the artifact.
The research is broken down into three sections, scientific, metaphysical, and detective style leg work. The scientific portion consists of determining the approximate date the crystal was carved into the shape of a skull. Scientific information is augmented by leg work in tracing back the story of origin surrounding a crystal skull.
The metaphysical aspect comes into play when determining the amount of ritual curing a skull has received. The Ancients react differently than the contemporary. Centuries of ritual curing cannot be fabricated or induced. A skull is capable of giving you it's entire history if you know the techniques for accessing the information. |
A new way of categorizing crystal skulls is presented by crystal skull researcher Jaap van Etten, PhD. who bases their classification on the energy of the crystal skulls themselves. Therefore the activation level of the crystal skull can at times be more important than the actual date that the crystal skull was carved.
Just as with humans, the real question is not just one of age but of wisdom and experience. Just because a person is old does not make them wise, and just because a crystal skull is "young" does not mean it is not powerful. (Just look at the amazing kids on Oprah)
In summary, if the crystal skulls represent human consiousness - and can raise human consiousnessness - then the real point is to have as many people have as many crystal skulls as possible to raise human consiousness around the world. Perhaps the question of whether a crystal skull is actually "ancient" or simply "old" really becomes a valuation based on the old paradigm of the old consiousness, and may therefore be creating more of a distraction from the actual power of real crystal skulls of any age to help humanity.
