BOOK : A Photographic JourNAL
Indiana Jones and
the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
by Photographer David James
Written by Diana Landau
with preface by Steven Spielberg
and foreward by Harrison Ford
Acclaimed still photographer David James was given carte blanche to capture all aspects of the Indy 4 production. In turn, he takes us backstage to experience the world of movie making up close and personal. Not only does David James invite us backstage, but also shares with us an artistic vision with his amazing photographs.

Now with his tenth project with Spielberg, David James has achieved a relationship with the director that shines through his photographs. Without such a relationship, David would never get some of the brilliant shots that are showcased on these pages. You can sense the respect and trust David is given, and without it we never would have some of these wonderful images.

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull: A Photographic Journal, is for fans of Indiana Jones, but also for those who love photography, films and film-making. This book is not just a collection of stills from the film, it is also art.

Courtesy of Library Journal & Barry Brecheisen
Indiana Jones Kingdom of the Crystal Skull: A photographic Journal
October 2008 Random House ISBN: 978-1-933784-64-9
