Extraterrestial crystal Skull?
Although the shapes of crystal skulls vary, few have such elongated features as the ET crystal skull - an unusual smoky quartz crystal skull that was named "ET" because it was thought to resemble an extraterrestrial being.

The ancient crystal skull ET was discovered by a Mayan family near Guatemala while digging on their property in 1906. Joky van Dieten of Holland acquired this crystal skull in 1991, and brought it with her on her travels around the world. It was named ET because it was believed to resemble an extraterrestrial being.
In May 1999, during a major crystal healing symposium in Sedona, Arizona, E.T. was acknowledged as the lost Mayan skull that came from the Pleiades. The Mayan priests confirmed in a sunrise ceremony that Joky was the rightful guardian, and that they both still had a long journey ahead.
After becoming the caretaker of ET, Joky's adventures led her to become the caretaker of 9 other large crystal skulls. Along with ET, this crystal skull collection has been exhibited in a museum in Europe. (Read her extraordinary story in her fascinating book)
Adventures with the Ancient Crystal Skulls
Joky van Dieten & Jill Gurr
Pub. Date: 2013 |
Review Rating: ***** |
"astonishing inside look at the life of a crystal skull guardian" |
Best Buy |
The Van Dieten Crystal Skull Collection
For the first time, a group of crystal skulls has been specially selected to be energized with the ancient crystal skull ET and the entire crystal skull collection of Joky van Dieten, which includes the following:
One of the most extraordinary crystal skulls in the world-famous Joky Van Dieten Crystal Skull Collection is Janus, a 6.2 pound light smoky quartz skull from Montenegro (at one time part of the former Yugoslavia). An amazing legend about this crystal skull states that it has been handed down in Montenegro from king to king, and the image of King Mihailo with his crown and the skull are still found in the Church of St. Mihailo in Ston, a town in the Peljesac peninsula, in present day Croatia.

One of the skulls in Joky's collection is a very large rose quartz crystal skull named Baby Luv that weighs 16 pounds. This rose quartz skull has a flat head and is carved in a rather primitive manner. This is definitely the most powerful rose quartz crystal skull that we have ever encountered.

This is Joky’s account of Baby Luv: “This rose quartz skull was offered to Joky in March 1993 by a legally appointed executor of wills who had to divide up a Russian estate for underage heirs. The skull was found in the early nineteen hundreds in a burial mound in the region of the Ukraine by an old Russian monk. It dates back to the Scythian age (700 years B.C.). The skull was lying beside a row of gold objects of art for which these Russian steppe people are famous, created and made by the Scythians. The monks kept the rose quartz skull before it came into the hands of a Russian family. The monks themselves were convinced that the skull, although used by the Scythians, in reality belonged to the much older Cimmerians.”
In honor of the power of Baby Luv, several rose quartz crystal skulls were energized with the Ancient Crystal Skull “ET” and the entire Joky Van Dieten collection in a full size pyramid under the Blue Moon.
Oceana is a large Beryl crystal skull of the blue green variety called Aquamarine. The name beryl is derived from the Greek word beryllos which referred to a "precious blue-green color-of-sea-water stone". However, there are several varieties of Beryl that are determined by their color, such as Emerald (green beryl), Morganite (pink beryl), and of course, Aquamarine (blue beryl or blue/green beryl).

This is Joky’s account of Oceana : “This beryl skull has the green-blue color of the sea and was passed from one tribe to another, ranging from Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Brazil and others, before finally coming into the possession of an Indian from a simple village in the Brazilian Amazon rainforest. He offered it to Joky in 1997.”
Joky Van Dieten has led a truly extraordinary life, from being a female racecar driver in Europe in the early 1950’s, to traveling the world on numerous adventures. After the Ancient Crystal Skull “ET” came to her in 1991, her globetrotting escapades led her to find 9 other significant crystal skulls.
Another member of the world-famous Van Dieten Crystal Skull Collection is Magnificent Fire, a Red Jasper skull weighing 4.6 pounds. According to Joky, Magnificent Fire was “Found in Colombia in a cave near the border of Equador close to the Citadel Saphadana near Rio d'Oro. The tribe speaks an Aramaic language [Aramaic is the ancient language of the Dead Sea Scrolls, and is the foundation of Ancient Hebrew and Arabic]. Magnificent Fire came to Joky in 2002”.

In honor of Magnificent Fire, several Red Jasper crystal skulls were energized with the Ancient Crystal Skull “ET” and the entire Van Dieten Crystal Skull Collection in a 4-storey high pyramid under a blue moon. These Red Jasper Skulls range from mini skulls (starting at $15), to lemon size, to stunning larger than life-size Red Jasper skulls that are truly nature’s works of art.
Shaman often wore Jasper for protection as it deflects negativity, sending it back to the original sender. It is a powerful protector, especially from fears in the night. It was known as the ‘warrior stone’ as it gives strength, power and courage on all levels, and is a stone that promotes survival in all ways. |

These beautiful lapis lazuli skulls that were energized with the Ancient Crystal Skull ET, and with Mansur, a 4.4 pound Lapis Lazuli crystal skull that came to Joky from an Inka tribe in 2002.
According to Joky: “This lapis lazuli skull was discovered in 1995 in the area of the Amazon rain forest by a north Peruvian Inka tribe. Tuki, the spiritual leader of the tribe, told how they had placed the skull in a cave to cleanse it before handing it over. They were convinced that the skull would be of more benefit to them if they gave it to Joky.” |
Aside from ET, Joky Van Dieten travelled the globe collecting 9 other amazing crystal skulls from Guatemala, Ukraine, the Brazilian Amazon, Colombia, Montenegro, Mongolia, Germany, Nepal, Peru and North America. This collection is comprised of such extraordinary skulls that there is probably nothing that can compare with it in the world today.
These crystal skulls are all carved from different minerals, so each week we have been offering crystal skulls in stones that correspond to the skulls in the Van Dieten Collection. One of the most amazing skulls in this collection is called SHUI TING ER, a 10.8 pound amazonite crystalskull that originates from southwest Mongolia.

According to Joky:
“It was discovered there 140 years ago by a Chinese archeologist named Yeng Fo Huu. In the 1930's a Danish missionary, Pastor Utkielen, was able to buy this unique skull from the archeologist's family. Pastor Utkielen's family offered Joky the skull in 1992.” |
One of the amazing crystal skulls in this world famous collection is called “Clouds”, a 4.4 pound clear quartz crystal skull which is reported to have come from a monastery in Tibet.

We are offering some small traditional style quartz crystal skulls that were energized with the Ancient Crystal Skull ET and the entire crystal skull collection of Joky Van Dieten.
These quartz crystal skulls were energized in a special full moon ceremony in a 4-storey tall pyramid with the Ancient Crystal Skull ET, with Clouds, and with the entire Joky Van Dieten Crystal Skull Collection.
Aside from the world-renowned Ancient Crystal Skull ET, another well-known crystal skull in Joky Van Dieten’s extraordinary crystal skull collection is called “The Jesuit”. According to Joky: “This skull, made of clear quartz crystal, came into Joky's possession in August 1993. It is thought to have a connection with St. Francis of Assisi, who is well-known for his love of animals. It has been known since 1534. This crystal skull was offered to Joky by the abbot of an American monastery which urgently needed money.”

A few very clear high quality Brazilian quartz crystal skulls were energized directly around “The Jesuit”, in a special full moon ceremony within a full size pyramid with the Ancient Crystal Skull ET and the entire Van Dieten Crystal Skull Collection. These beautifully clear quartz skulls resemble “The Jesuit” in carving style. |
The Ancient Crystal Skull ET first came to Joky in 1991. Since that time, in her globetrotting adventures, she collected 9 other significant life-size crystal skulls carved from different stones, each with their own amazing story.
According to Joky, the only contemporary crystal skull in the collection is a Black Obsidian crystal skull nicknamed Darth Vader that was carved in 1926 in Idar Oberstein, Germany.

Although it is considered to be a contemporary crystal skull, the fact that it was carved in 1926 still makes it one of the world’s oldest known crystal skulls. In honor of this 5.6 pound Black Obsidian Crystal Skull, a group of medium sized and life-size Black Obsidian Crystal Skulls took part in a special activation ceremony with the Ancient Crystal Skull ET and the entire Van Dieten Crystal Skull Collection in a huge pyramid under a blue moon. |
By the Ancient Crystal Skull ET
For centuries, Ancient Crystal Skulls have served as powerful conduits for Shamanic Healing, Divination, Oracular Wisdom, Divine Guidance, and Higher Consciousness. They can transfer and infuse energy into newer crystal skulls, activating and awakening their potential, allowing you to tap into this extraordinary power and wisdom. An energized crystal skull acts like a supercomputer, granting you access to the infinite knowledge and energy of the Universe.
See them here:
ET Energized Crystal Skulls
and learn more about the
Ancient Crystal Skull ET

See them here:
ET Energized Crystal Skulls

I wanted to thank you SO much for my ET (and friends) energized brecciated red jasper skull! I've looked at ET's image many times and wondered just what that energy would feel like in person, and now I know - it is absolutely amazing. Not only is the skull incredibly beautiful to look at, it's also a total powerhouse of energy. From the moment I took him out of the box, I could feel him vibrating through my hand and into my body. I feel so fortunate!
I have a huge family of spectacular crystal skulls. Most were energized with Amar and Cana Ixim (amongst others). I also have several Synergy energized skulls, and now my gorgeous ET energized skull. And your site led me to every one of them.
Thank you so very much! My life would not be the same without these phenomenal companions. I tell everyone I know who is interested in crystals about your site! .
