2012 Mayan Calendar
December 21, 2012
End of the Mayan Calendar ... Just a Matter of Time
The end of the Mayan Calendar is slated to occur on the Solstice of December 21, 2012… however, this is not the “Doomsday”
The Ancient Mayans were expert astronomers and mathematicians who calculated astronomical cycles and cycles of time over thousands of years. The Mayans believe that the world has begun and ended in the past, and we are now moving from the 4th world and entering the 5th world, or the Age of the 5th Sun (the Hopi and the Q'ero/Inca also refer to this time as the beginning of the 5th Sun ). The final period of 1618-2012 AD is the 13th baktun cycle, which is known both as "the triumph of materialism" and "the transformation of matter."
Many believe that the end of the Mayan Calendar coincides with a Galactic Alignment that only occurs every 26,000 years. This is not the end of the world, it is the beginning of a new world. The end of one cycle always precipitates the beginning of another… often with a great deal of change marking the transition, like the storms and economic shifts that are taking place all over the planet.
This shift may be marking the end of time as we know it, for the quickening has begun and most people are experiencing time flying by at an unprecedented rate. It is important to remember that there is no time like the present, and the present is indeed a gift. This is because the NOW is the only time that truly exists. Therefore, when you want to create something in your life, it is important for you to visualize yourself experiencing that reality now, as it is already done. However, what you focus your thoughts on is what you will energize and experience, so it is vitally important that you focus only on what you want to experience and not on what you fear.
There are multiple realities that co-exist in any given moment of time/space, so essentially, you must attune yourself to the frequency of the reality that you desire to experience, like adjusting the dial on a radio to a particular frequency in order to listen to your desired music or information. The crystal skulls can assist you to hold the frequency of what you desire to experience, and they can help you attract all that is on that wavelength into your life, like a tractor beam. All you need to do is imagine yourself experiencing that desired reality now, feel the joy and gratitude for that being your present reality, and then send that vision and image into your crystal skull as a telepathic imprint. Just imagine it in your mind, and send that image into your crystal skull – like a cosmic fax. Then let the crystal skull hold the frequency of that reality for you to attract and manifest that reality in your life.
More about 2012 and crystal skulls
